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Tyler's POV


The boys and I jumped into Sam's car and headed off to the mall, the whole car ride we were having to talk to Tom to make sure he wasn't going to go ballistic if Ethan decides to come.

After that long convo I started another one about what kind of pjs we should wear, I suggested onesies because they will be comfy and snug, they told me that theres actually a shop fully dedicated to onesies/jumpsuit/playsuit called All In One so we decided to go look there first.

We walked in and it was a massive store, a pair of onesies caught my eye straight away, it was leopard printed onesie with rawr on the front, the cringest thing I've seen in a while. I grabbed my size then walked over to where Jake and Tom were, Tom had picked out a Star Wars Darth Vader onesie and Jake had picked out a onesie with the print of a shirtless guy in their underwear; which I obviously thought was hilarious.
Zach and Sam come over and they've got a onesie set, Zach is a cowgirl and Sam is a horse, we all cracked up and then brought them. We jumped into the car with our fun onesies and headed back to Zach's to get changed, along the way we picked up some juices for everyone and I grabbed a muffin to eat along the way even though I got about 1/4 of it and Jake the big guts ate the rest. We got to the twins and we knocked and waited, all standing there in our funny onesies, their dad opens the door in his cute striped pjs and just smiled at us.

"Come in" He smiled

"Oh my god you guys look great" Their mum laughed

"I'm Tyler" I said while holding my hand out to shake

"I'm Callie and this is Xavier" She replied and shook my hand

"It's nice to meet you" I smiled "I think family day is such a good idea"

"We think so too" She said as she walked me to the living room

"Now kids we have to decide what game to play with the 9 of us" Xavier said

"Dad theres going to be 11" Ash says

"Oh the twins are coming?" Zach asked

"Yup they shouldn't be far away" He replied

"Great" Callie said "They are such nice boys"

Tom laughed "So what games do we have to choose from" I asked

"Well we have a whole cupboard full of board game or we could google some unless any of you guys had any up your sleeve" Xavier replied

"Theres always charades" Zach suggests

"When I was in school we played one where everyone writes likes and dislikes and everyone had to guess which applied to who but that got out of hand" I say

"How'd it get out of hand?" Sam asked

"It got kinky and the teachers were disgusted" I laughed, then everyone laughed.

"Well that sounds like it could be fun" Xavier laughed

"Ew dad no" Tate said

"We could play the who am I game" Jake suggests "Would be funny if we had each other and had to impersonate to guess each other"

"Oh that could be fun" Callie said

"Maybe we should wait for the boys to get here before we decide" Ash suggests

"Good idea son" Xavier said and patted him on the back

I walked over to Tom who was sitting on the chair, I slouched in next to him leaving absolutely no room for us to breathe.

"You ok" I whispered

"Yeah, I just don't know if I want to be here" He whispered back

"Because of Ethan?" I ask

"Yup, I don't want to start shit but I really don't like him right now" He says

"I know but theres going to be heaps of us here and you don't have to talk to him" I say "I want you to stay, it'll make me feel comfortable"

"Fine but I just can't be near him" He says

"Thats fine" I smiled

"Hey!" Xavier yelled "It's the boys"

"Oh look at your pjs, they're great, I think you guys need to get a photo together" Callie suggests

"Mom I really don't think we need to do that" Tate said

"I think we should" I called out

They all gave me the death stare

"Oh come on it's not like it's being posted online for the whole school to see" I smiled

"Oh yes we saw that video of you two jumping into the pool" Xavier said, Callie nudged him

"Did you guys show them?"I asked

"No they saw it themselves" Ash said

"Oh god that means Taylors definitely seen it too" I say "Well this could be my outing with friends so let's make it a goodie"

"I think your being dramatic, Taylor won't even care" Grayson says

"Let's just play the games" Tate suggests

"Great idea" Callie said

We played charades and a whole heap of other board games, it was so much fun, I have never had any experience like that ever. There was a part of the day where we laughed so hard that Tate had soda come out of her nose and Jake was choking on his own laugh.
Tom and I steered clear of Ethan and he done the same with us, I don't want things to be awkward anymore, it's too draining. I am a little terrified to go home, I know Taylor won't be there until tonight so do I bite the bullet and tell Daniel before he finds out or just leave it and pray to the Almighty God that they don't find out.

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