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Zach's POV

After Tyler's nightmare/panic attack last night I decided I should let Daniel know, I think it's for her safety that he knows she hasn't been sleeping unless medicated and having terrifying nightmares. Dan and I always go for runs, he's training me for the track team this year so for the last few months every weekend we go for a run through the track field. I told Sam and Tyler where I was heading and they were going into the mall anyway which is cool because even though I'm gay I'm not into shopping or fashion or any of that shit. I walked down to Daniels, it takes about 20 minutes, it's a good warm up before I start the run. I knock then walk into their house, Taylor and Dan are sitting in the kitchen and I take a seat next to them.

"So how was your night?" Taylor asked

"Yeah good, ordered pizza and watched movies" I reply

"Was Tyler ok?" She asked

"Yeah she was, took her a while to calm down but when she did she was good" I say

"That's good I guess" She says

"So you wanna get going?" I ask Daniel

"Yeah lets do it, ill just go grab my shoes" He says

"Did she talk much about the parent thing?" Taylor asks

"Nope she avoided the topic" I say

"Im sorry you had to find out that way" She says

"It's fine, if you weren't going to tell her as if you'd tell me" I say

"It's just complicated" She says

"I get it" I reply

"K lets go" Daniel called out from the front door

"Ill see you later Taylor" I smiled

"Have fun" She says

We ran through the track a few times then we took a break, we grabbed a water and sat in the middle of the field on the grass.

"So Taylor didn't know that I already knew about you guys being her parents" I say

"Nope" He says

"So why didn't you tell her?" I ask

"Because I honestly just wanted to avoid the fight, Cameron knew because she was hanging around us at the time of Tyler's birth but then they also told the boys when we found out Tyler was going to be living with us" He says

"Oh weird, I'm family and I didn't even know" I say

"I know and I didn't want it to be that way, you know if it was my choice we would've kept her and not given her to her parents" He says

"No I know" I reply

"So Tyler was actually ok last night?" Daniel asked

"Yeah well I wanted to talk to you about that but it has to stay between us and you have to like promise not to say anything to Taylor and certainly not Tyler because I want to be someone she can trust but I think you deserve to know whats going on" I say

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