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Tyler's POV

"Ok everyone up!" Taylor yelled "I have decided to do assigned seats for a really good reason, it's not to upset any of you, it's really to put you with people you might not have talked to or you might be really good friends. It's just something fun"

Everyone moaned and none of us were impressed, back home our teachers would do assigned seats deliberately to fuck with us. If a teacher heard you were fighting with someone bam your beside them or if they you had a crush on someone boom you'd be beside them.

"But I have another surprise and this year I have decided that your art desks need to be glammed so you are allowed to design and paint your desk so everyone knows where they sit and it brightens the room too annnnnd it's even better because they are removable desk tops so you take them off before you leave class so the younger ones don't ruin them then at the end of the year you take them with you" She says "Any way so I know you guys want to sit down so the list of seating arrangements is on the board come up and have a look then find yourself a spot"

Im pissed because god knows who's she's put me with so I just go take a seat at the back where I have been over the last couple of weeks and whoever my partner is they know where to find me. I sat there starting to sketch out my desk with my pencil and low and behold who walks over is fucking Ethan Dolan.

"Is she fucking with me?" I ask

"Our names were beside each other" He says

"Great" I sigh

"Well I'm not happy about it either Tyler, I would rather leave you alone but she's done this on purpose" He says

"Yeah whatever" I scoff

"Problem?" Taylor asked, I ignored her.

"Nope everything's fine" He says, Tom starts to come our way.

"Miss Mayley I would've really loved to been put with anyone else rather then the weird kid" Tom says

"Same" I sigh, Tom smiled

"Look this is going to be trial and error so how about we put on a smily face and lets just give it a go" She says

"Why couldn't I have been sat next to Tom" I ask

"Because I thought you and Ethan were fine and friends" She says

"Why are you forcing this friendship down my throat?" I asked

"Im not forcing it Tyler, I genuinely believed you guys were all good" She says

"Yeah sure lets just say we are, can I be put with Tom" I reply

"So you guys aren't good?" She asked

"No we're fine" Ethan says

"No we are not" I reply

"Whats the issue?" She asked

"I would like to be partnered with Tom" I say

"Well we can't do that because how does that make the other person feel" She says

"The same way I'm feeling right now" I reply

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