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Tyler's POV


I had to spend a week in hospital before I was allowed to go home, Daniel set me up In my room with way too many pillows, he brought in the big tv from the family room and set up the smart tv with all the streaming sites so I had unlimited tv shows and movies.

Before and after school Sam would be there helping me and keep me in a happy mood which was nice. Tate brought me notes home from every class even the ones I didn't have with her she would go to the teachers and get them.

I haven't seen or heard from Taylor since I was first out of surgery, we had to report it to the police but after the trauma my body went through I can't even remember when she attacked me I just know she did. I'm so annoyed that I'm missing out on so much school and Daniel has taken so much time off work, I feel bad that i've been such a burden on his life.

The doctor told me I should walk a little everyday and gradually step it up but I'm not allowed to bend or doing anything like biking or any fun really. I am glad I'm past the stage where every food I ate made me what to throw up so I'm back to enjoying smoothies that Daniel makes me.

I feel like I need to stretch my legs, my whole side of my stomach is still is so sore so I slowly get up and open my door to head downstairs. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to the bottom of the stairs before Daniel sees me and I see him rushing towards me.

"Tyler I thought we agreed that if you were to walk you need someone by your side" He says

"I thought I was ready to try on my own and I did pretty well" I say

"What are you doing down here?" He asks

"I was bored, I have finished all my homework and assignments and I don't want to watch tv, I'm sick of being stuck here" I reply

"What do you want to do?" He asks

"Can we go outside?" I ask

"I don't know if that's a good idea, you are so prone so infection right now" He says

"I feel totally isolated here, all my friends are at school and I'm stuck here at no fault of my own" I say "Please just like 10 minutes, it's so nice out there"

"Fine lets go for a walk around the block" He sighs

"Yay can you please go grab my shoes, they're upstairs" I ask

"Ok" He said before running upstairs

We slowly walked around the block it definitely look a lot longer then 10 minutes to even walk to the end of our street. We stopped at the end of the street so I could catch my breath and while we were waiting a car pulls up to us and the window rolls down.

"I thought you were suppose to be resting" Zach says with Sam and Spencer in the car with them

"A walk isn't going to kill me" I smiled

"Maybe not but you shouldn't push yourself" Sam says

"Im not, you guys are lucky enough to go to school, parties and go to the beach and hang out, I'm missing out on everything" I say

New LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ