Chapter 27.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 27: And The Haylor Jokes Begin.

"Amber, do you want any help in there?" I called, dusting my hands off as I hung the last streamer. 

Tonight was New Years Eve and as Amber so polietly shared with Jake and I last night, she had a party celebrating it ever year. It was supposidly a tradition now and everyone who is anyone came. Multiple teenagers, wearing skimpy clothes or carrying packets of condoms, would get into a vehicle and make the long journey down to this cabin. Why, many would ask? Simply three things; Alcohol, music, and zero parental guidence. 
Amber imformed Jake and I that this party will be out of control. Never in the consecutive three years that they have done this, has there ever been a police, parent, or even a human over the age of 21, found present during the mist of this party.
The props of your parent's owning a cabin in the middle of no where. 
"Are you two done?" Amber called back. I heard banging around in the kitchen followed by Bridget's shreiking.
"Malorie if you do not put that phone down, I will shave you bald!"

"I'm done," Jake said. He tide the last balloon, tying a ribbon on the end before letting it loose. It flew up to the ceiling, bouncing around as well.
"Yeah!" I yelled back towards Amber, making my way into the kitchen with Jake in tow.

"Julia! I said no!" Amber yelled, smacking Julia on the head as she took the red cups away.
"I was playing Speed Stack!" Julia yelled, attempting to steal the cups back.
"Julia!" Amber yelled. Julia pouted, crossing her arms like a toddler as she backed away.
"So what do you need hel-"
"Malorie, so help me God!" Bridget screamed. Malorie yelped as she tumbled to the ground, a petite Bridget sitting on top of her.
"Alli! Get my phone!" Malorie yelled.  
"Where is it?" She screamed, spinning in circles with her head directed towards the ground. "I can't find it! Malorie, you're giving me anxiety!" She shrieked. "I'm dizzy!" She added. I rolled my eyes, bending down to pick up the phone that had dropped by my feet. 
"Is this the magical device?" I slowly asked, holding the phone up into the air.
"Give it to me!" All of the girls screamed out.
"Oh my goodness! Jake catch!" I yelled, tossing the phone in his direction.
"Why are we screaming about a phone?" Jake asked, catching the phone with ease.
"She won't stop texting Tye!" Amber and Bridget yelled. "It's her job to watch the food, two things have already burnt!" Amber yelled at Jake, Bridget's head nodding in agreement.
"So give her a new job?" He asked.
"No! Everyone has a job! Stop trying to control me!" Amber screamed at Jake. 
"I'm not! I was jus-"
"I can't be tamed!" Amber interupted. Stomping over towards the poor boy, breaking out into the Miley Cyrus song.

Drew's POV:
"So you love her?" Tye's voice rang out, a teasing sing-song in his tone.
"Hand me that keg," I ordered. He picked up the silver keg, putting it inside the cart and stepping in front of me. 
"Don't think you're getting out of this one mate," Tye smirked. I groaned in annoyance, knowing he would push it until I screamed it out.
"What else is on that list?" I asked, pointing at the white napkin that was filled with Amber's hand writing.
"Answer Tye's question," he pretended to read. I rolled my eyes, pushing the cart forwards.
"I don't think the sell those here, what else?" I asked as seriously as I could.  
"Guy's I'm bored!" Louis complained. He always was the kid in the group.. I think he suffers from ADHD. 
"Well, what would you like us to do about that?" I asked sarcastically as I picked up another bottle of alcohol.
"I think Nicole's sarcasm is rubbing off on you," Tye laughed. 
"Shut up," I muttered. I grabbed two bags of Lays Potato Chips and another bag of Cheetos.

"What did the ocean say to the other ocean?" Louis butt in. I shared an 'This-Kid' look with Tye while shaking my head.
"What?" Tye was brave enough to ask.
"Nothing, he just waved," Louis smirked.
"Oh?" Tye asked, confusion clearly on his face.
"Do you sea what I did there?" Louis asked.
"I'm shore you did."
"How do you have friends!" I yelled out, throwing my arms in the air.
"Don't be such a beach," Louis frowned. I watched as he scampered into the next isle, my eye brows permanetly scrunched in confusion.

"I definetly understand why Nicole and Louis are best friends," Tye chuckled.
"She's not that crazy," I rolled my eyes.
"Dude, I remember yesterday at dinner she said; "You know what's a weird word. Fork." Then she laughed about it for three minutes straight!" Tye exclaimed. 
"It was five in the morning, she was over tired!"
"She was eating cereal with a fork."
"She was trying to be Liam Payne!"
"Cause I know who that is!"
"I'm sorry I'm in love with a female Louis!"
"So you do love her," he smirked. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how Tyler Styles get's something out of you. 

"I got some chocolate!" Louis cried, running back into the isle and dropping them into the cart.
"Lou," I stated calmly.
"There are over thirty Hershey chocolate bars in here," Tye stated.
"We are throwing a New Year's party," I added.
"I know."
"Who the hell is going to eat a chocolate bar during a party!" Tye and I screamed. 
"Me!" Louis screamed back. We simply rolled our eyes, ignoring the poor boy, and making our way out of the isle.

"Hey look! Free samples!" I smiled as my hungry stomach growled.
"Step aside, bitches!" Louis called.
"Lord please help us now," Tye whispered.
"Wanna hear a funny joke?" I heard Nicole's voice scream from the kitchen. There was the sound of a blender going off, followed by a bang. "Malorie!"
"What!" Amber screamed. I placed the bags down, walking further into the kitchen.
"Excuse me?" Malorie asked, the blender stopping as well. "What is a Haylor?"
"Taylor Swift and Harry Styles!" I heard Amber yell.
"Oh! What about it? What's so funny?" Malorie asked. 
"It's over," I heard Nicole snort. I gave Tye a strange look, which was returned with his finger pointed towards Louis. He was sitting on the couch, eating his eighth chocolate bar.
"Wanna know what her next single is going to be?" Nicole asked, her voice getting clearer as I neared the kitchen door.
"What?" I heard Alli ask eagerly.
"I Went In The Wrong Direction!" Nicole burst out. Her laughter was followed by other laughter, making me smirk as I lent against the door frame. Were girls always this... stupid?
"That's good!" Bridget laughed.
"What about-what about, The Ship That Never Sailed!" Alli cried out. The 'joke' was followed by a loud smack, which I realized was a high five and not a cat fight about to begin. Disapointing.

"We're back!" Tye sang, clapping his hand down on my shoulder. I felt something vibrate against my pocket. I looked down to see my phone flashing up obnoxiously. I pulled the black iPhone out, my father's name spread across the screen. 
"I gotta take this," I muttered. I backed away from Tye, heading up the stairs as I answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked, annoyance already in my tone. 
"We have a problem here Andrew," he paused. 
"What's that?"
"We're demanding our things back now." 
"Right now?" I asked, ammusment in my tone.
"Drew, as soon as we you return home we're getting our things back."
"Awe but daddy," I whinned. I heard him sigh in annoyance, I could already imagine his hands running over his wrinkled face. 
"Andrew Michael listen to my words. This has gone on for far to long. You know who I am. You know who I work for and you know what we are capable of. From this moment on you are no longer my son." A humorless laugh escaped my lips as I heard this. 
"You stopped being my father long before this moment." I stated, the humor and amusment gone and a threatening tone in my words. I heard a long sigh before he decided to speak again. 
"I know you saw the pictures, the notes, we had on you and Nicole," he paused. "We know everything there is to know, even more than that. We know so much we could even predict when you two are going to go to the bathroom next. Listen, I know you've told Nicole that her father was in a business, died in the business. Do you want her to end up like him? Do you want to end up like him?" He finished. 
"You will not touch her," I spat. 
"We won't? I know that you think you can win but you can't Andrew! You need to corroperate! Give us the God damn chip!" My father screamed down the reciever. 
"No." There was a short scilence before his next words contiuned to race through my mind.
"Fine. Victor and I will be seeing you soon." 

The next thing I heard was the dial tone in my ears. I ended my own call and slipped my phone back into my pocket. 
I moved over towards the bed, sitting down and resting my elbows on my knees. I repeatedly ran my hands through my hair and down my face. I groaned in annoyance before quickly standing up and walking over towards the door. 
"Alright, come in," I chuckled. I opened the door, my eyes darting towards the floor to see none other than Tye and Carlos, red plastic cups held against their ears. 
"Save it," I smirked. "Come on, we need to talk," I laughed. The boys listened, jumping to their feet before walking  into the bedroom. Tye closed the door behind him and walked over towards Carlos, sitting next to him on the bed. 
"What's up?" Carlos asked. 
"This is it," I shrugged. Both boys scrunched their eyebrows in confusion. "He said, as soon as we get home that they're demanding their things. He said that they'll do anything that needs to be done."
"He's going to get her mate," Carlos whispered.
"I know," I sighed. "I don't know what to do."
"Let him."

Carlos and I both looked in Tye's direction as we heard the words leave his mouth.
"Excuse me!" I yelled.
"No, no listen."
"Listening," I stated. I crossed my arms over my chest, patiently waiting for his idiotic idea.
"You're going to train her. Take her to work with you when we get back. You'll help her get ready. Let him think he's taking her," he ended. 
"How do you supposed we do that? He can predict the next time I'm going to pee, I'm sure he can figure out if we're faking it?" I asked. 
"We'll be completely fake. We'll be one step ahead of him each time. He's planning on kidnapping her at midnight on tuesday, we'll be waiting at eleven on Monday." 
"I see what you're saying. It's not a bad idea," Carlos nodded. 
"I'm not willing to put her in that sort of danger," I frowned. 
"You'll be there the whole time mate. She won't be out of your sight more than a minute," Tye argued. 
"Yea, but in that minute she can have a bullet in her head!" I yelled at him. 
"Okay, okay. We'll talk about it after we get home. All three of us have been up here for about an hour and the girls are either wondering were we are or killing each other," Carlos chuckled. 

I stiffly nodded my head, walking over towards the door with the boys in tow. Flinging the door open, the three of us walked down the stairs in scilence. 

"I'm not saying I'm smarter than Steve Jobs! I'm just saying that I would have made the iPhone chargers a few feet longer!" Nicole screamed. 
"Well he's dead now! There's nothing you can do about it!" Alli screamed in response. 

The three of us turned to one another, giving questioning glances at each other before turning back towards the screaming. 
"So, I'm guessing it's the second one?" I asked. 
"Killing each other?" Carlos asked. 

"AH! It's a cockaroach!" I heard Amber shriek. 
"Calm down! It's just a bug," Malorie laughed. 
"It just opened it's wings!" Alli yelled. 
"Run bitch! Run!" I heard Julia scream. 

One by one the girls ran out of the kitchen, their arms in the air as the screamed. 
"What's going on?" I laughed at the girls. 
"There is a bug, this big, in there!" Amber screamed at me. Showing me that the bug was about three feet big, yes feet, while pointing towards the kitchen. 
"Um, where's Nicole?" Alli asked. 

Seconds later the devil herself walked out of the kitchen, a look of proudness on her face. 
"I killed it."
"You got close enough to that demon to kill it?" Julia shrieked. 
"Yep! I didn't clean it up though. I left it there as a reminder to the other bugs," she smiled. 

"She's all yours mate," Tye snickered in my ear. I smirked, lightly shoving him away from me as I walked over towards her. 

"We're going out for a bit!" I called over my shoulder. I grabbed Nicole's hand, her small delicate fingers slipping into my own as we walked out the door. 
Nicole's POV:
"Drew!" I giggled. I whipped the chocolate milkshake off of my nose, throwing a fry at his face. His smile grew as I laughed, his warm arms wrapping around my waist. 

We were currently walking through the mall, sharing a large milkshake and a large fry. Healthy, I know. Drew thought it would be a good idea to come here and help me pick out a dress for tonight. As I said earlier, Amber just mentioned the party last night, I only had jeans and sweat pants in my bag. Not suitable for a party, a rager, in my opinion. 

"That looks like it sells dresses," Drew told me. His slender finger pointing towards an unknown store. 
"I don't think we're aloud to have these in there though," I gestured towards the items in our hands while pointing at the sign. It had bright bold letters that read "No food or drinks!!!!" 
"Well," Drew smirked. He picked up the last couple fries, shoving them in his mouth. "I guess we'll just have to finish this now," he smirked. He moved the two staws apart from one another, pointing it in each of our directions. "Ready?" He smirked. 
"Go!" We cried out. 
Both of our lips connected with our own straws, racing to finish the drink. Standing in the middle of the walk way, strangers stopping to stare or give us dirty looks. I even heard a few people chanting, "Chug, chug, chug!" Finally, the two of us pulled away, holding our heads in agony. 
"Brain freeze!" We cried out in synch. 

"I'm good, I'm good," I stated calmly. 
"Me too, let's go," he smiled at me. His warm hand took mine once more, leading me into the store. 
"How about this one?" Drew asked seriously, picking up the sixth ugliest thing I have ever seen. 
"First of all, that's a skirt. Second, ew!" I laughed out. 
"This is why I didn't buy you clothes!" Drew laughed. I rolled my eyes at the average boy, my fingers brushing over the dresses, searching for the one I'd like. 
"You like this one?" I asked. My hands pulled out a little black dress. It was strapless and some parts held a sparkly look. It was beyond cute and the back had a criss-cross idea with a zipper down it. The criss-crossing showed a lot of skin and ended right above my butt. 
"Go try it on," Drew smirked. I watched his eyes, travel over the dress, nodding his head in approval. 

I walked over towards the dressing rooms asking for one by the young adult standing behind the desk. She smiled up at me, nodding her head before asking me how many. 
"Uh, one," I smiled at her. She stood up, walking over towards the rooms. She knocked on a door, entering it a second later when there was no response. 
"All yours love," she smiled. I responded with a quiet 'thank you' before walking inside and locking it behind me. 

Stripping down, I slipped the dress on. It was sexy, no doubt, hugging every curve as I looked in the mirror. 

"How's it look, love?" I heard Drew call out. I opened the door, just a crack, peeking my head out. 
"You tell me," I winked. Drew smirked at my cheekiness, walking into the changing room. I watched as his jaw clenched and his eyes darken. "Do you like it?" I asked, suddenly nervous on why he wasn't responding. 
"Yeah," he whispered. I smiled at him, checking myself out in the mirror one last time before reaching for the zipper. 
"Uh, Drew?" I asked. 
"C-can you help me with the zipper?" I asked nervously. 

He slowly walked over to me, standing behind me as I watched him through the mirror. I felt his warm arms wrap around my waist as his lips kissed my neck. 
"You look so sexy," he growled. His grip tightened around my waist as he pulled me into his chest. I felt his hardened member poking into my butt as he did, a small gasp escaping my lips. He continued to kiss my neck, sucking on the delicate skin, while his hands traveled over my body. 
He pulled away, taking my chin in between his fingers and pulling my lips to his. 
The kiss was lustful, just like the one that we shared when I was laying on his couch that one day. I instantly knew that it was going to be some sort of repeat if I didn't stop Drew soon. 
I pulled away from Drew's lips as his fingers found the zipper. He pulled it down, the dress falling to the floor as he did. His fingers made their way across my stomach, moving up to my chest, and back to my waist. Drew quickly spun me around, pushing my back against the cold mirror. 
He left kisses down my neck, scattering them over my chest. His rough fingers grabbed my upper thighs tightly. I got the hint, jumping up and wrapping them around his waist. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling roughly at the ends. 
Drew pulled away again, bringing his lips back to the sweet spot on my neck as he squeezed my butt. 
"D-Drew," I whimpered. 
"Mm," he moaned against my neck. He ground his lower half into mine, an unmistakeable moan escaping my lips. I felt him smirk at my reaction, doing it again. 
"Drew," I moaned. "W-we gotta stop," I told him. I tried to sound demanding, but it came out more as a moan as his hands traveled my body. 
"It doesn't sound like you want to," he chuckled against my skin. 
"I-I don't," I whimpered. I pulled him closer to my body, grinding harder into his lower half. 

He brought his lips back to mine. His plump lips sucking on my bottom one, trying to keep the moan from getting us into trouble. Isn't this illegal or something? Frowned upon maybe? Are there diffrent laws here than in New York?
I bit down on Drew's lip, digging my nails into his shoulders as another moan escaped my body. 
"We really need to stop," I told him. My voice coming out in gasps and moans instead of anger and demands. 
"We need to finish what we started," he moaned against my lips. He pushed me harder against the mirror, grinding harder against my body. 

His rhythm now moving in a pattern, faster as he rubbed his jeans against my thin underwear. 
"Nicole," he whispered into my neck, biting down lightly as he tried to suppres a moan. A low whimper escapped my lips as I pulled his head closer, a new feeling that I've only experienced once with Drew, exploding in my body. He rubbed against me one last time, letting out one more grunt, before releasing me. 

My feet gave way as soon as they touched the ground, Drew's strong arms wrapped around me as he laughed at my clumbsiness.
"It's not funny," I muttered.
"Yeah it is."

I hurridly slipped my clothes back on, walking out of the changing room and over to the check out desk.
"All set?" The lady asked me. I nodded my head shyly, still embarressed of what just happened.
"I got it," Drew smirked. He knew full well the effect he had on me, it was cruel really.
"Here you go hun," the woman smiled. She handed Drew the bag and said a quiet goodbye before we left.
"I cannot believe we just dry-hummped!" I yelled out once we were safely in the car. 
"Come on! It was amazing and you know it," Drew laughed. "I got the nail marks to prove it."
"Pull your shirt down bad boy," I laughed. "I just can't believe we did it in a public place!" I cried out, shaking my head.
"Well believe it shortcake, cause it happened," Drew winked.
SORRY! I'm so so sorry this is an awful chapter, hopefully I can update tonight or tomorrow and give you something better(:



London's Bad Boy.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें