Chapter 23.

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~ Message below for my One Direction lovers(; ~


London's Bad Boy: Chapter 23: Finding Niall & Other Stuff.

"Did she say buttah sock?"
"Is that a sock?"
"Full of buttah?"

"I still don't understand why you like these boys," Drew commented again. I rolled my eyes, leaning my head back onto his shoulder, looking up at him. His arms wrapped around my waist as a smirk played on his lips. 
"They are gifts from heaven. What's not to like?" I answered seriously. Drew simply rolled his eyes, turning them back to the television. 
"Okay okay. What if you met him, right now?" He asked me. He ran a few of his fingers through my messy hair as he asked. I rolled my eyes once more, sitting up.
"I would ditch you in a heart beat," I smiled. I got off of Drew's lap and walked into the kitchen, dumping the staled popcorn into the garbage. 
"You would not ditch me," he whispered in my ear. I jumped when I felt his hot breath his my neck and his arms snake around my waist once again.
"Wanna bet?" I asked. I heard a sharp gasp and he spun me around. He removed his arms from my waist, placing the on either side of the counter I was now leaning on, and stared down at me.
"You wouldn't mind," he whispered. He leant down, lightly placing his soft lips on top of mine. "Giving this up?" He asked. He pressed down harder on my lips, pulling away fast like the tease he was. 
"I'd get it from him," I answered smoothly.  Drew smirked at me when he realized I was staring down at his lips, biting my own. 
"It wouldn't be as good and you know it," he spoke huskily. He slowly bent down, pressing his lips against mine. It was rough and ergant, making me smirk against his lips. I bit his lips roughly, pulling it towards me.  A low moan sounded from the back of his throat, no doubt turning me on more than I was. I brought my hands up to the collar of his t-shirt. Grabbing the fabric in my hands, I pulled him closer to me. Not even a magazine could be slid inbetween our bodies right now. My legs were inbetween his, our torsos pressed tightly together, and our hands touching each other some way. His hands grabbed my butt, squeezing it roughly as he lifted my onto the counter. My hands slid down to the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it up and over his head. The shirt landed somewhere on the tiled floor around us. I lightly trailed my fingers down his stomach, a shiver running through him. His hands slid up my own shirt, tracing the underwire of my bra. 

I heard something. 
Pulling my head back, recieving a small pout from Drew, I looked over towards the noise. I saw the knob of the front door start to move. I pushed Drew back, throwing his shirt at him and ran into the living room. Throwing myself onto the couch along with Drew. I heard soft click-clacking of heals on the kitchen floor, followed by a door slam. I groaned under my breath when I realized it was my mother walking in. 

"Yes Mr. Taylor, I promis you it is no trouble at all. My daughter's never home and my son has hockey everyday. We have a guest room and I'll be happy to let Nick stay, he's like an old family friend," my mother spoke. I scrunched my eyebrows together, looking over at Drew to see the same expression. I slowly got off of the couch and walked into the kitchen, Drew following behind me. 
"Oh sure! I'm so excited to see Nick again!" She squeeled. I rolled my eyes, stepping into the kitchen and placing my hands on my hips.
"No, no, he is welcome to stay as long as you too need," she paused. "Yes, goodbye Mr. Taylor," she finished. Her perfectly manicured finger slid across her phone and pressed 'end'. She turned around, finally noticing I was there. 
"Oh, hello Nicole," she said. I rolled my eyes at her annoyed tone and watched as her eyes flickered to Drew. "I didn't know you were here Andrew," my mother spoke. 
"It's Drew. Nice to see you again Ms. Andersini," Drew said in a monotone voice.
"Hmm. Well good news Nicole!" She clapped, completely ignoring Drew.
"What?" I asked.
"Nick Degrassi is going to be staying with us for a week or so," she clapped. My eyes buldged as I heard the sentence.
"W-why?" I asked, shock and anger clearly in my tone.
"Well, you know that he finished highschool and he is going to be working with Mr. Taylor. Isn't that great dear! Maybe you two could get back together! I always adored that boy," she smiled. I rolled my eyes at her clueless attitude. She knew that Nick cheated on me, but for some reason it was my fault.  Apparently I wasn't fufiling his needs.
"Um, no. That is most definetly not going to happen," I spat out. A frown appeared on her face as the words left my mouth.
"And why not?" She asked, placing her own hands on her hips.
"Well, for one he cheated on me, incase you forgot. Secondly I have a boyfriend I'm very happy with," I told her. Her eyebrows furrowed togerther in confusion. 
"Who may that be?" She asked.
"Drew," I smirked. I knew very well that my mother disliked him, making me like him even more.
"Well," she huphed. Annoyance and anger in her eyes. "Things can change," she shrugged. She turned away from me. I groaned obnoxiously, making my mother turn and face me like I was a spitting llama. 
"Do you need something?" She asked me.
"Nope. Drew and I are going out though," I told her, grabbing Drew's hand and heading towards the door. 
"When will you be home?" She called out.
"I don't know," I answered before slamming the door. 
"Stop the car! Stop! Stop! Stop!" I screamed, smacking my hand against the glove box.
"What the hell is wrong!" Drew screamed back, stopping the car in the middle of the road. I jumped out of the car and ran farther up the road than where we were currently stopped. Bending down, I ran my hand over fluffy brown, white, and black fur. 

Laying on the hard road was a puppy, eyes half open and blood around the paws.
"Drew!" I cried out. Seconds later he was crouched down next to me, staring at the barely breathing animal.
"We need to get him in the car," Drew told me. He pushed his hands under the puppy, a small wimper leaving it's mouth as Drew did.
"Where are we taking it?" I asked.
"Tye should be home from work, he'll know what to do," he told me.
"How does he know?" I asked, getting into my own seat with the puppy on my lap.
"His mom's a Vet," Drew answered.
"Ohh," I answered. Drew nodded his head, starting the car once again. I looked down at the puppy, petting his fur sofly as it closed it's eyes.
"Tye!" Drew and I screamed when we walked through the door. I felt the puppy flinch at our loudness, making me automatically quiet down.
"What?" Tye asked, walking out of the bedroom with Malorie in tow. I'm glad they're fully clothed.
"Drew said you could help us," I said quietly. I raised my arms slightly higher, gesturing towards the puppy. Malorie gasped when she spotted the bloody paws, instantly running towards me and sending a pleading look at Tye.
"Alright, um. Bring him in the bathroom," he said. I followed behind Tye to to the bathroom, waiting for my next instruction. "In the tub," he ordered. I nodded my head, putting the puppy inside the tub. The puppy was now more aware of it's surroundings and struggling to stand up.
"Someone should get in there with it," Tye said. 
"I volenteer as tribute," I laughed. I'm hilarious. I got into the tub with the puppy, spreading my legs in front of my with the puppy inbetween. I took off my shoes and socks, rolling up my pant legs as well. Which was very complicated considering they were Hollister skinny jeans.
"I'm going to need you to hold the puppy down while I wash his paws," Tye said. I nodded my head, grabbing the puppy softly between my hands. 
Tye turned the faucet on low, grabbing a washcloth, and started to wash the puppy's paws. The puppy started to shake and whimper as he did so, making a frown form onto my face.
"Tye, it's scared," I whined. Tye nodded his head, continuing what he was doing. "Is it a boy or girl?" I asked quietly, watching Tye's move. 
"He," Tye smile a second later. My own smile covered my face as I pet his head.
"I'm gonna keep him," I told Tye.  
"What about your mom?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, "She's never home as it is. She'd barley notice," I shrugged. Tye nodded his head, shuting off the water and getting up to grab what I assumed to be a towel.
"So, you and Drew huh?" He asked me, his head inside the closet.
"How'd you know?" I asked. Tye came out of the closet, I should really be a comidian, a big towel in his hand. 
"I'm not sure. I had a feeling, I guess," he shrugged. "I warned you about him Nicole," he whispered. My eyes darted up to his own and back to the puppy.
"I know," I answered.
"You're going to be brought into more than you can handle. He's not what you expect," he sighed. He grabbed the puppy from my hands, allowing me to stand up and get out of the tub. He walked over to the counter, placing the puppy down and continuing to dry him. 
"What do you mean? I know what I'm getting into," I defended Drew.
"I just don't want you getting hurt," Tye told me. He threw the towel in the hamper and  handed the puppy to me. "I just want you to be happy," he added.
"Well thank you Tye. It actaully means a lot that you care, but I think I'll be okay," I smiled. He gave me a small one in return. I walked towards the door, waiting for him to open it, and then walked into the living room. 
"Is the puppy all better?" Malorie asked, rushing up to us. I nodded my head, staring down at the puppy. 
"He is going to be just fine. I have no idea how he got so hurt, but he just had a few scrapes on his paws," Tye smiled. He walked over to Malorie, dragging her into the kitchen.
"Well, how come he was just laying there?" Drew asked.
"He's a puppy, he didn't know what to do," Tye shrugged. Drew shrugged as well, grabbing the puppy from me.
"Can he walk?" Drew asked. Tye walked closer to us, along with Malorie.
"He should be able too. Put him down," Tye ordered. Drew did as he was told, placing the puppy on all fours. At first he just sat there, staring at each of us, but then he started to wobble around. He wobbled towards the kitchen, barking when he was seated in the middle of the room.
"I think he's hungry," Malorie said. I nodded my head looking over towards the boys for their opinions.
"Probably. I have to drive Malorie to work, so I'll pick up some food on the way. Feed him some chicken until then," Tye shrugged. He stuck his head into the fridge, pulling out a container with chicken nuggets and handing it to me.
"Can we feed him this?" I asked skeptically.
"Sure, why not?" Drew shrugged, taking the container out of my hands and opening it up.
"Well heat it up first!" I complained, yanking the container out of his hands and throwing it into the microwave for a two minutes.
"Let me just get changed," Malorie laughed, walking into Tye's bedroom.

Tye turned around to face Drew and I the momenet his bedroom door closed.
"Has anything happened? Did the plan work?" Tye asked. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, looking over at Drew.
"Yep. Nicole here did a wonderful job," he chuckled. He wrapped a strong arm around my neck, pulling me closer and messing up my hair. 
"Hey," I whined, pulling away. The boys let out a low chuckle as I attempted to fix my hair.
"The files are in her room right now, but we have a diffrent problem," Drew paused. "Nick Degrassi is going to be living with her for a week or so," Drew frowned. 
"Who's he?" Tye asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We used to date," I told him.
"Yea, but he's also working for my dad," Drew pointed out. Tye's face was now filled with a frown as he heard the sentence. 
"Well you need to get those files out," he said.
"And put them where? He know's they'd be here and now they arn't safe there?" Drew asked. Moving his hands while he was talking as if trying to map it out himself to prove his point.
"Put them in her locker," Tye shrugged.
"At school?" Drew and I both asked. We heard Tye's bedroom door open, followed by Malorie's soft foot steps into the bathroom. The timer on the microwave beeped, letting me know the chicken was finally heated. I took out the food and placed it onto the ground. The puppy automatically walked, well wobbled, over to it and started to eat. I grabbed another bowl, filling it with water and placed it next to his food. 
"Sure," Tye continued. "No one would expect it to be there," he shrugged. "And about this Nick guy?" He asked, his eyes darting towards the bathroom door and back to Drew and I. "I think Nicole should stay there and gather as much information as she can. You know, listen in to phone calls, check emails if his computer is up," Tye explained. I groaned when I realized that I would have to stay in the same house as that lying, cheating, backstab-
"Fine, but I'm staying with her then," Drew told Tye, who simply shook his head.
"Stay with her the first few days if you must, but not the whole time mate," he said. "She will seem more vonorable without you there and he won't expect her to do anything," he explained. We heard the bathroom door open once more as Malorie stepped into the kitchen.
"I'm ready to go babe," she smiled.
"Where do you work?" I asked.
"At the new Top Shop that opened down the street," she told me. I nodded my head in understandment.
"Well have fun," I laughed. She rolled her eyes, sending me a small smile.
"Half of the costomers that come in are so annoying. I swear one of these days I am just going to lose it," she joked. Tye grabbed his keys and held open the door.
"Bye, I'll get the food. I'll probably be home in an hour or two," Tye said. He closed the door, leaving Drew and I alone with the puppy who was currently eating like a starved child.
"What are you naming him?" Drew asked.
"Niall," I smiled.
"Of course you are," he shook his head.
"No, no! I actually have a reason," I smiled broadly, proud of myself for thinking of it. 
"And what's that?" He smirked, leaning his back against the counter top and crossing his legs infront of him.
"Okay get this," I started. I pulled out my iPhone and scrolled to a picture of Niall. "This puppy has blue eyes just like Niall," I started. "Also he's hungry, like Niall, and lovable, like Niall, and cute, like Niall, and-"
"I get it!" Drew laughed, inturupting my rant on how it was the perfect name. "This is the puppy version of Niall," he smiled. I nodded my head in agreement.
"And Niall means champion," I pointed out. Drew scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.
"How is this dog a campion?" He asked. I thought for a minute, not coming up with an answer.
"He's uh, well. Um, he. He's a champion because he didn't die in the middle of the road?" I guessed, followed by a loud laughter erupting from Drew.
"You're ridiculous," he smiled at me. I gave him a wide grin back, walking towards him. I placed my legs on each side of his crossed ones, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Thank you," I breathed against his lips. He straightened up, wrapping his own arms around my waist, a smirk appearing on his lips. I unwrapped my arms, grabbing his hand and dragged him towards the living room. I layed down on the couch and pulled him down with me. 

His smirk widened as he hovered over me inbetween my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck once more, giving him a small peck on the lips before pulling away, moving down to kiss his jaw line. He growled, grinding his lower half against mine, sliding his fingers under my top, leaving goosebumps everywhere. My arms left his neck, trailing down his back to the bottom of his top. Slowly I pulled it up and over, throwing it somewhere onto the ground by us.
I smirked, kissing his chest, making my way back to his lips. He gently bit my lower lip, asking for entrance. I gladly gave it, grinding my hips against his when I felt his tongue touch mine. His hands quickly went to work, grabbing the end of my top and throwing it off to the side, only breaking the kiss for a second. I groaned, moving my hands from his silky hair to the waist band of his jeans. He moaned against my mouth, making my heart beat speed up. 
"You're driving me insane," he growled. His hands found my waist again, pulling me closer to his hips. I arched my back, grinding into his lower half and smirking when he moaned against my mouth. He moved slightly against me, making a quiet moan escape my mouth. I felt him smirk against my lips as he heard his, his fingers traveling over my covered breasts as he move his lips to them. His hands traveled lower, resting on my waistline. I felt him work with the botton, unzipping the zipper and sliding my jeanst down. I grabbed his head, bringing it up to mine and kissing his lips once more. His hand immidiatly inbetween my legs, an involentary moan escaped my mouth once more as he did. My hands absentmindly ran through his hair, pulling at the ends. His fingers never stopped moving, and before I knew it, they were slipped inside the only fabric covering me, continuing the teasing. He moved over slightly, his mouth glued to my neck. His new position making it easy to feel his erection, as it was pressed against my bare leg. 
"Drew, I think we should take it slow," I mummbled in between moans.
"What can I say, I'm a bad boy," he whispered huskily against my neck.
I realized it was getting harder to breath as his hands continued to work, never moving as close as I wanted them too.
I opened my eyes to see his own staring lustfully at mine. They traveled down to his hand, my own eyes following, watching every move. He started to move faster, my eyes instantly closing as he did. 

Of course then, right at that moment, there was a knock at the door. I went to move his arm away from me and get up, but he wouldn't let it happen. As I did, I felt his other hand grab mine, moving it to rest over my head. He intertwined his fingers with mine as he stretched my arm out, resting it onto the cushion behind us. Besides that one move, his position hadn't changed. He had his legs over mine, leaning against the side of me, and his arm stretched up. My one hand remained locked in his hair as my other on was intertwined with his.
"Drew, the do-" I started, only to be stopped when his lips were placed ontop of mine. There was a knock at the door once more, but I knew better than to tell Drew something he already knew. The look in his eyes told me he wasn't going to stop and the animal part of me didn't want him to either. 
A low moan left my lips as he continued, placing small kisses down my neck and shoulder. I felt his hand moving faster and faster, the pressure building as he did so. I was struggling to stay still, not to squirm and fall off the couch like I knew I would. My eyes fluttered close once more as he continued, my back arching as well.
"Keep them open. I want you to see what I can do to you," Drew whispered. I heard the knock once more, again, and again. My eyes snapped open, darting towards the door. 
"Eyes on me Nicole," he spoke strongly. "Only me," he added. My eyes darted towards his and down to his hands. It was the hardest thing to keep them open and it was getting even harder as time continued. I could feel myself on the edge and knew I was going to be loud. Not wanting the person behind the door to hear me, I turned my head towards Drew's. I pressed my mouth to his shoulder, biting down as the plessure came. 
Before I knew it, I had exploaded at his hand. My teeth sunk into his flesh as I tried to hold back the scream. My body shaking as I did so. His hand had stopped, moving away from my underwear. He removed his hand from my wrist, as well as the one between me. Gently gliding it up my bare stomach and across my cheek. I pulled my teeth away from his shoulder, opening my eyes to stare into his. 
Holy shit. 
My breathing returned as I ran my fingers shakily though his hair. I pressed my lips against his for less than a second before he got up. 
"Go into my room," he smirked as he headed towards the door. I did as was told, picking up my clothing and walking into his room, just in time for him to open the door.

I threw on my shirt, grabbing a pair of Drew's sweatpants and leant my ear against the door.
"What do you want?" I heard Drew asked, suddenly much angrier than he was three seconds ago.
"I just wanted to let you know that you have one week," I heard a muffled voice.
"One week for what?" Drew scuffed.
"One week to give me my things back or I'm taking action," the man said again. 
"What do you mean, 'taking action'?" I heard Drew scuff. I could just picture him rolling his eyes and crossing his arms right now. 
"People will get hurt Drew. She will get hurt. Do you want that?" The man asked. I felt goosebumps rise as I heard the authority in his voice.
"You will not touch a hair on her body," Drake hissed. This threat was followed by a booming laugh.
"I will never get over how much you fancy this slapper," the man laughed. "She's no good for you my boy. She's disracting you too much," the man added. I heard annoyed sigh before Drew spoke. 
"There is nothing distracting me, ecspecially not her. So leave me alone. You're a sorry excuse for a man," Drew said. I gasped absentmindely as I heard the sentence. Harsh. The man didn't care though because Drew's statement was followed by another laugh. 
"Alright son, remember what I said and there will be no harm done. To you or the slapper," he said. Son? Does that mean..?
"Arse," I heard Drew mutter, followed by a door slam. Was thar Mr. Taylor? What does he mean she'll get hurt? Me? Or someone else?
"OW!" I shrieked, holding my head in pain.
"What are you doing?" Drew laughed. He stood in the doorway with the door swinging back towards him from smacking me in the head.
"Listening obviously," I answered annoyed. Drew let out another chuckle as he walked towards me, placing his hands on my hips. He moved my hands away from the side of my forehead, placing his lips softy onto the forming bruise. 
"Well you shouldn't have been listening. Hasn't your mother ever told you that it's inpolite?" He asked sarcastically. I glared up at Drew a smirk appearing on my face.
"Maybe your bad-assey self is rubbing off on me?" I asked. He let out a low chuckle, placing his lips on mine.
"Maybe," he smirked.
I'm so so so so so so sorry that I made you guys wait so long! I didn't mean to really! I just COULD NOT think of what to write to save my life. This chapter isn't my best, I know, but it took me forever to just get something down because I felt so bad! I just sort of winged it, wung it, wang it?? I don't know what the past tense of wing is haha. I hope you liked it and it wasn't to boring! AHHH I'm sorry again!


-Picture of 'Niall' (the puppy) on side(;

Okie Dokie, One Direction readers. I have asked this question before but I've narrowed it down.
I am completely possitive I am writing a Niall Horan story next, as you can tell I love him as he is mentioned in almost every chapter, including this one (;
So here's the question. If you want to inbox me or just comment below, answer this:
What do you like better from these choices?
- The main character is related to a member in the band and goes on tour with them (leaning towards this one, I have already thought of the first chapter)
-The main character is a contestant on X Factor (the best show in the world)

OMG HARRY STYLES IS DATING TAYLOR SWIFT!! AWWWE! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SHE WRITES A SONG ABOUT HIM(; I will laugh so hard because it's Harry Styles. He's so cute(:  

(Than rhymed(;) 

Some parts in this story are from the story Illegal My Ass by MakeAndOffer. 
-All rights in certain parts belong to her, not me.

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