Chapter 6.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 6: You've just Been Played.

"WAKE UP!" I heard someone scream as a pillow came smashing into the side of my face.
"Oof!" I grumbled. 
"UP, UP, UP!" They screamed again, the pillow hitting me once more. 
"I'm up!" I screamed, sitting up in my bed. 
"Yay! Go shower, you smell," Amber told me. 
"What time is it?" I asked as I looked out the window and realized that is was still pitch black outside still.
"It's five O'clock in the morning! Conversation got boring!" She sang. I groaned, flopping back down on my bed. 
"No, up!" She ordered, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the floor. 
"Fine," I grumbled, walking into my bathroom and getting into the shower. 

About fifteen minutes later I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me and walking back to my bedroom. Amber was sat on my bed dressed already in a pair of tight light blue skinny jeans and a light blue blouse. She had on a cute pair of black ankle boots and was wearing some jewelry. 
"Glad you raided my closet," I laughed as I walked over to my bed, picking up the clothes that Amber laid out. 
"Yea whatever, you're the one that made me stay, it was only fair," she smirked, looking up from her phone. 
"Who are you texting?" I asked her, slipping on my undergarments underneath the towel. 
"Carlos. I was congratulating him for getting on the hockey team," she told me, looking back down at her phone. 
"Oh. Tell him I said congrats too," I said, slipping on the skirt and tucking in the red shirt. 

I put my hair up in the towel as I walked over to my dresser and slipped on the jewelry. 
"Makeup?" I asked Amber. She smiled at me, throwing her phone behind her and walking over to me. 
"Sit," she ordered, pushing me down on my desk chair and wheeling me towards my makeup. 
After applying my makeup and curling certain pieces of my hair that weren't as curly as the rest were when I took them out of the towel, Amber was done. 
"Tada!" She smiled. I got off of the chair and walked over to the mirror. 
"Wait!" Amber yelled, before I could even look. 
"What?" I asked, turning around to look at her. 
"Put these on," she told me, throwing me the leather jacket and my shoes. 
"Heels! Ow!" I screamed, trying to dodge them. I put them on and slipped on the jacket turning around to face the mirror. My jaw almost hit the floor at the image I was staring at. 

Now, I don't want to sound completely cliché and say that I looked like a brand new person and amazingly hot but, oh my gosh I looked like a brand new person and amazingly hot. 
My hair fell in curls down my back and my eyes literally popped. They were dark and mysterious, yet it wasn't too much makeup where it looked as if a Crayloa crayon raped my face. My body looked fierce as the skirt stopped mid-thigh making my legs show and the heels made them look long and thin. My chest was slightly pushed up more, but not in a slutty 'Becca Bimbo way and the jacket made it look like I was ready to beat anyone that stood in my way. 

"I am the female Drew Taylor," I muttered making Amber burst out laughing. I laughed along with her and walked over to my bed. I put my iPod and some pens into my flowered backpack, grabbing my phone and walking towards the door. 
"The backpack really pulls then badass look together." Amber laughed behind me as she followed me down stair. 

"Damn!" I heard someone say, followed by a wolf whistle. 

I looked up, my eyes landing on Carlos, James, and Jacob seated at my kitchen table. 
"Carlos!" Amber squealed, walking over to her boyfriend and gave him a kiss before sitting on his lap. 
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, grabbing an apple. 
"We are driving your sexy ass to school!" James said, receiving a smack from Jake. 
"Dude, sister!" He said, giving him a disapproving look. 
"Yea, yea. Why are you so dressed up?" James asked. 
"She's going to piss off Drew," Amber answered for me. 
"Yea, not a good idea," Carlos said, shaking his head. 
"Why not?" I frowned. 
"Drew is, persistent and manipulative. He'll take something and twist it. So this," he said gesturing towards my outfit, "Is very tempting, Drew will make sure it turns around and bites you in the backside." Carlos explained. I looked over at Amber and she just rolled her eyes. 
"Oh well, Drew is a bellend and someone has to teach him he can't get everything thing he wants," Amber said, standing up and walking to the door. 
"C'mon we're going to be late," she said. 
"Remember, you are the female Drew," Amber whispered in my ear as we got out of the car. I felt the attention slowly turn on me. Keep in mind it's the second day of school and now I'm some sudden bad ass. All eyes were bound to be on me. 

"That's her?"
"She was played by Drew?
"Wow, I feel like Drew should have been played by her."

That last one made me smile. 
Amber and I walked into the school with the boys following behind us. There was no doubt in my mind that we looked like a posse, or a gang, the way we were walking inside. 

"Hey, we're going to talk to Drew," Carlos told Amber and I. He gave Amber a light peck and walked across the hallway towards Drew's locker. 

"Hey, I have to go to form. You know what to do though," she told me, giving me a wink and walking away. 

I walked over to my locker and started to put my things inside. I hung my backpack on the hook and took out my phone putting it in my jacket pocket. I was planning on taking the jacket off but Amber screamed that it would ruin the affect. 
Since it was only the second day of school, we were still talking about what we’re doing this year and all of my teachers told me that we wouldn't be starting lessons until next week. With that being said, I grabbed a folder with some paper inside and a pen, making my way to registration. 
I walked into top set English Literature and was thankful that nothing like the movies happened. Everyone continued to talk as I walked inside the classroom. There were a few gasps and whispers, but that was given when you change so drastically, I guess. 
I made my way to the back of the room where I sat yesterday, in front of James and diagonal from Drew. 
James was already in his seat and he smiled up at me when I sat down. 

"How's your plan going?" He whispered to me. 
"Nothing has happened yet, I haven't seen Drew," I told him. He nodded his head and his eyes darted to the door. 
"Showtime," He told me.

My eyes traveled towards the door and saw none other than Drew Taylor walking inside the classroom like he owned the place. He walked, or strutted, over to his new seat in the back of the classroom and sat down.

He didn't even look at me!

This was not working like I thought it would. 
Well, honestly what did I expect? Did I expect his jaw to drop and for me to instantly win? 
Of course not, he's more badass than I am, this is his own game. He already knew the rules. I'm just a player in his eyes. Nothing more, nothing less. 

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