Chapter 17.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 17: October 31st, 'Nuff Said (Continued)

"Alright, let me just pee and we can leave," Amber said. She quickly scampered into the bathroom, slamming the door. 
"I have a few questions about your costume," I heard a deep English accented voice whisper into my ear. My body whipped around, my hand resting on my chest. 
"Holy shit Drew," I laughed. 
"Wow, if I scared you already..." Drew trailed off laughing. 
"Shut up," I hit him, laughing as well. 
"So when have I worn a bandanna?" Drew asked, flicking a piece that was tied up. 
"You don't, but I needed something to put my hair up. It looks cute," I pouted. I bent down in front of the microwave fixing my poof. "Don't 'cha think?" I asked. 
"It's very cute," Drew laughed. 
"Wanna see the picture it was based on?" I asked him. Drew nodded his head and I pulled out my phone. 
"This one," I smiled. I looked up at Drew to see his reaction. The picture was of Drew sitting on a blue table. He was wearing a pair of acid wash jeans, classic whit V-neck, and a black jacket. His mouth was open, like he was screaming, and he was holding up a 'rock' sign with his hands. His hair was slightly messy, but not styled as it usually was. 
"Where did you get this?" Drew burst out laughing. 
"I sent it to her," Tye piped into the conversation. 
"Yea, I asked him for a picture of you, this is what I got," I smiled. "I took this picture and your everyday bad boy look," I explained. 
"Stand back," the two boys ordered. 
"She's got the pants down, the shirt," Drew started. 
"The boots, the jacket, and the hair is pretty good," Tye finished. 
"The glasses that you always have on you," Carlos laughed. 
"Where are they now?" Jake asked. 
"Right here," Drew smirked. He pulled out the exact same pair of red Raybans out of his leather jacket. 
"Damn, she is definitely the girl version of you," Alli laughed, everyone else joining in. 

"Alright let's go!" Amber called out, coming out of the bathroom and grabbing Carlos' hand. 
"Yes! I'm so pumped!" Jake and I shouted at the same time. 
"Twins these days," Louis shook his head. I laughed at him and walked towards the door, everyone following behind. 

We walked out of the apartment building and towards the parking lot. 
"We're taking two cars," Amber told everyone. 
"So who's going with whom?" James asked. 
"Well I'm with Tye because we still have to pick up Julia and Malorie," Louis told us. 
"Julia is coming?" Bridget asked excited.
"Who's Julia?" I asked. 
"Julia is my girlfriend, Malorie's sister," Louis answered, smiling at the ground as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. 
"Awee Lou," I cooed.
"Shut up," he chuckled. "Alright so Tye and I, who else is coming with us?" Louis changed the subject. 
"I'll come with you, I guess," I said. I stepped towards the two boys. Tye wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 
"I'm coming too," Drew smirked. 
"So, Drew, Nicole, Tye and I in Tye's car," Louis counted. "Plus Malorie and Julia," he adds. 
"That's 6, all we can fit," I told him. "So then, Jake, Bridget, Amber, Carols, James, and Alli are in the other car. Hey, that works perfect," I smiled. 
"We have to pick up the girls, do you guy want to go there get the tickets and then wait, maybe?" Tye asked. 
"Sure, give Alli your money," Jake told us. We all fish out our money, well accept for the girls with dates, making me feel like a loser. We hand our money to Alli and head to the car. 
I take out my money, handing towards Alli, when it was snatched away.
"Hey!" I whined, turning my head to see a smirking Drew. He handed Alli his own money and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, steering me towards the car. 
"I could have paid for myself, ya know," I pouted. 
"No, that would be rude," he smiled down at me. 
"Why?" I asked confused. 
"Because the guy always pays for his date," he told me as we reached the car. 
"Well, I could have pai-date?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows together. 
"Yep, tonight you're my date," Drew smirked. 
"Love," he smiled. He opened the car door for me and gesture for me to get in with his hands. I gave him a strange look, resulting in a soft chuckled to come out of his mouth. 
"Just get in," he smiled, shaking his head. 

I did as I was told, slipping into the black van. 
"I feel like this is the type of car that you just stop on the side of the road to kidnap people," I murmured as I climbed all the way to the back. 
"Thanks," Tye chuckled from the front seat. 
"No problem," I smiled. 

I sat down in the back seat, Louis directly in front of me, and crossed my legs. I pulled out my phone as it vibrated and opened the text message. 

From: AaaaAmber:
Drew paid for you awwwwwwe!!
Sent at 9:38pm

Shut up you losKSDOIidkf
Sent at 9:39pm 

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