Chapter 14.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 14: The Buisness (Continued)

"Why," was the only thing that was able to register through my brain. 
"What is is?" Jacob added.
"This is a family piece, specifically Drew's grandmothers necklace. The more important part of it are these," Tye paused, pointing to the colored wires that were welded to the green computer chip. A orange light was flickering on and off, no sign of stopping. 
"So what is it?" Jake asked.
"We're not sure," Drew sighed, making a frown appear on Jake and I's face.
"What do you mean? Why don't you just give it back then?" I asked, completely confused with this whole coversation.
"Because, th-I- it's complicated," Drew sighed, pushing a hand through his hair in fustration.
"I've got time," I told him, folding my arms across my chest and leaning back into the booth.
"Fine," Drew sighed. "It started back when the Mafia was still around, the Andersini's" Drew paused, looking up at Jacob and I's widened eyes.
"The who?" Jake and I asked simotainiously. Twin power...
"That's right, Andersini. Your great grandfather was the leader to be exact, while my step-grandfather, Joseph Denero, was his enemy you could say," Drew told us. 
"Step-grandfather?" I inturupted. 
"Yea, my great grandmother remarried, even though my grandfather wasn't his biological son, he was excepted as the 'next in role' for the mafia," Drew explained. I nodded my head, waiting for him to continue. 
"Well anyway, they did Mafia stuff. You know the stuff you see in The Godfather? Yeah, that," Tye explained, taking over for Drew. "Fast-forwarding to present day," Tye laughed, "The Mafia has obviously died out and it has turned into a huge buisness," Tye concluded, Drew now picking up where he had left off. 
"That's where you two come in," Drew said, "Even if you didn't know it, you two have been in this sense you were born. When my father asked to speak to me privately, that is what he told me. He said that your father didn't want you guys to learn about this, didn't want you two in it. Your father wanted out," Drew paused. He looked up to my brother and then to me, pausing to stare into my eyes as he spoke next. 

"Your father didn't die completely from what you were told. I mean, yes he was slowly dying from the disease it's self but, there was something that made him die faster than expected," Tye paused.  Your father was shot," Drew said, his eyes boaring into mine. 

Shockingly I had no emotion. I didn't cry or scream, I just sat there and listened. 

"Why?" I asked. 
"He knew to much and he wanted to be out. My father said he actually did get out, but no longer than a year before he was found again," Tye answered. 
"Does anyone in our family know about this?" Jake asked. 
"Not that I know of, beside of your grandparents. I know for a fact your mother knows absolutley nothing," Tye said. 
"So, I don't understand. What's the big deal with this necklace, why am I wearing it?" I asked. 
"Your father was trying to get this piece before he died. I remeber him coming over one day to speak to my father, as my father is currently the leader. When my father walked into his office for a minute, your father handed it to me. He said absolutely nothing except for three works; "Keep this safe"," Drew told me. His eye never left mine as he told the story, making goosebumps rise from my skin. 

"For some reason I trusted him though. So I kept it. I've kept it hidden in a box under my bed for three years now. When my father called me over, he asked me about it. I'm not sure how, but someway he knows I have the piece. I think the computer chip has some form of code that is linked with the goverment, or family past. I told Tye about all of this last year, hoping he could crack the code," Drew explained.

"Could you?" Jacob asked, leaning onto the table with is head in his hands, listening to this story like his life depended on it. For some reason, I felt like it did, as I was in the same position. 

"No, there is a password," Tye frowned. 
"So why am I wearing it," I demanded this time. 
"As I said before, you've been in this from the begining. My father doesn't think that I know about your family but I do. I needed you to wear it because my father has been looking for it. He came into my house this morning and wired it, he can hear everything we say. I needed somewhere safe to keep it and you were my only option. The chain is long enough you can hide it in your shirt and it won't get lost or stolen without you noticing," Drew explained. 

"So you dragged me into your mess?" I asked him, shocked. 
"Well-no-not really," Drew trailed off. 
"You would have been brought into it even if we hadn't. If we hadn't talked to you, Mr. Taylor would have. With him talking to you he would have lied and screwed you over," Tye explained. I looked over at my brother to see a blank expression on his face. 
"So you two are in like a gang... by yourselves?" My brother laughed. 
"No, Carlos, Tye, Amber, Bridget, Logan, James, and I all know about it," Drew told us. I nodded my head. 
"I'm in," Jake said. 

My head snapped in his direction, eyes widened, "You're what?" I asked him. 
"I'm in. You're obviously in whether you like it or not, and I want to support what ever dad tried to acomplish," Jake told me. 
"Dad died trying to acomplish this," I frowned. 
"Then I'll finish," Jake told me. Jake was like me, mind set equals no backing out. 
"Fine, if Jake's in, I'm in," I told the two boys across from me. 
"It's not that easy," Tye frowned. 
"What do you mean," I asked. 
"If you guys are serious about this, there is no backing out. There is a lot of sneeking around, lying, and it is life threatening," Tye frowned. 
"I'll learn," Jake nodded his head. 
"Me too," I said. 
"Fine, I'll teach Jake everything he needs to know, guns and all. You are going to teach Nicole. She is going to be our distracter," Tye said. 
"A who?" I asked. 
"You're going to be the one who gets information and hides it, distracting others. You'll continue wearing the necklace and we'll work with you to help. We need that password," Drew spoke. 
"Alright," I nodded my head. 
"Hey guys, where are our milkshakes?" Jacob asked, making the whole table burst out laughing. 

-Hey guys, okay this is my first time ever writing a story like this, so I'm not sure if it's good or if it even makes sense. But there it is, sorry it's not long for ya, I will try for you next chapter!! I know there isn't a lot of Drew-Nicole action, but it'll come don't worry. 

-Picture of Drew and Nicole on side(: 

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