Chapter 20.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 20: Let The Games Begin.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body. Looking in the mirror I noticed two large hicky's on the side of my neck. Drew. Sighing, I grabbed my make-up bag and applied some cover-up. Actually, some would be an understatement. The large purple bruises took half of a bottle to cover completely. Once I was finished, I carefully threw my hair up in a messy bun, watching out for my stiches. I walked into my bedroom, closing the door, and picked out a pair of yoga pants and an 'I<3NY' t-shirt. I didn't bother with any make-up, other than on my neck, and just applied some deodorant before walking out of the room.
One by one I skipped down the stairs and appeared in the living room. Letting my eyes wander, I was met with Jake, Drew, and Alli.
"Hey Alli!" I smiled. She sent me a small wave, smiling as well. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
"We were trying to watch a movie, but Drew decided to interrupt," Jacob hissed. I suppressed my laughter as I looked over at Drew.
"I was bored. You take really long showers, ya know?" Drew complained. He stood up from the ground and walked over to me.
"Now I have a friend so you guys can go back to your make out sesh in peace," Drew winked. He grabbed my arm and pulled my up the stairs. "And we can continue ours," Drew smirked.

Drew walked into my bedroom, closing the door behind him, and threw me onto the bed. A small giggle left my lips when he hovered above me.
"Hello," I smiled up at him. I ran my fingers through his messy hair, causing a smile to appear on his face.
"Hey," he smirked. He lent down and placed his lips lightly on top of mine. It seemed like the minute they touched, they were gone. Drew pulled away, groaning, and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a sleek iPhone and placed it up to his ear.
"Hello?" He asked angrily. I waited a few seconds before I opened my mouth.
"Who's th-" I was silence by Drew shaking his head and putting a finger to his lips. I scrunched my eyebrows and waited for Drew.
"No, I don't," Drew hissed. He got off of my bed and walked into my bathroom. I waited patiently for him to hurry up, but after a few minutes I couldn't stand it.

Slowly, I got off of my bed and tip toed over to the bathroom door. Pressing my ear against the wooden piece, trying to listen.
"We'll meet in a week," I heard Drew speak.
"I don't want her brought into this. Me and you will meet at the mall across town and discuss it," Drew paused. "No one else but us two or I won't even talk," Drew ordered.
"Fine," Drew answered. "Ten thirty, no later or I'm leaving," Drew said. I heard him sigh and come closer to the door. Like a ninja I threw myself onto the bed and grabbed a magazine.

"You know that's upside down right?" Drew smirked, shaking his head as he sat next to me.
"Uh, I like reading it this way. It's uh, more interesting," I lied pathetically.
"Mhmm," Drew hummed. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.
"Was that your dad?" I asked, leaning back and resting my head on Drew's shoulder.
"Yep," he answered.
"What did he want?" I pushed.
"To talk," he said. I could tell that he didn't want to tell me and I respected that, sorta. "He's going to want to talk to you soon. He knows we're close and he'll hurt you as much as he can until I give him what he wants," Drew whispered. I pulled away from him to look into his eyes.
"Wh-what?" I asked. Drew sighed. He picked me up and softly put me next to him so he could stand up. He paced around the room for a few seconds before turning to me.
"He knows everything about us. Everything Nicole! We have no privacy. He knows where you are at all times," Drew yelled. My eyes widened at his words.
"Does he know where I am now?" I asked quietly, frightened to hear the answer.
"No. This is the only place you're safe. He doesn't know where you live, yet. But your mom works with him so I'm sure he can find out in a heartbeat," Drew sighed. He shook his head in annoyance and slammed his hand down on my desk.
"Drew, Jake will come up here. You have to be quiet," I told him. I got off the bed and stood next to him.
"I don't want you involved in this. It's too dangerous, I don't even know what I was thinking when I said you could," he told himself. I shook my head, placing a hand on his arm.
"Careful bad boy seems sounds like you're starting to fall for the good girl," I smirked at him. His eyes snapped to mine, a playful glare in his orbs.
"Please, I just don't want to have to worry about your dead body when this is over. I mean the whole mess and police will be a hassle," he explained. "Plus, I thought you weren't a good girl," Drew smirked. He stepped closer to me, pushing me up against the wall.
"I'm not, but it seems like I'm coming officially close to changing you. You're caring for someone," I smirked up at him. He rolled his eyes and looked back at me.
"Bad boys can't be changed. When will you girls realize that?" Drew asked. "I'm a badass and there's nothing you can do to change it," he spoke. His soft minty breath hitting my lips with every word.
"Whatever, I'll go dig my own grave to say you the trouble," I told him. I pushed Drew back and walked back to my bed.
"Now you're starting to sound a lot like me. Are you sure I'm not changing you?" Drew smirked.
"Positive," I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Mature," he laughed.

A comfortable silence fell over us. Both of us trying to think of what we could do to throw off his father.
"I got it!" I yelled. Drew's eyes snapped to mine. One eye brow raised in wonder.
"Well go on," he pushed.
"Right. Okay, well you said your dad knows I'm important to you right?" I asked, a small smirk appearing on my lips at the thought.
"Yes," Drew answered, ignoring the smile.
"Okay, well what if we got into a fight or something and we stop talking to each other for a while?" I asked. "I mean we need to make it believable so you can't be throwing yourself at me every chance you get," I told him seriously.
"Me?! That's all you baby," Drew winked. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the comment and waiting for him to answer my idea.
"I think it might work," Drew nodded.
"Really?!" I asked excitedly. "No one ever listens to me," I smiled.
"But what do we tell everyone. We can't tell anybody that this is a plan because it might get out," Drew asked.
"Okay, okay. We need a mutual disagreement then," I said. "How about, I didn't- no that's dumb," I thought to myself.
"How about I use the Tom story against you?" Drew asked quietly. I thought it over in my head.
"Then Lacey will think she won?" I asked. Drew nodded his head.
"Everyone at school knows I hate her. It will confuse everyone, no one will suspect a thing," he smiled.
"What about my brother though? He might start something with you," I told him.
"I'll have to deal with it," Drew shrugged.
"I don't want you getting in a fight with my brother Drew," I argued.
"Well it's gonna happen princess," Drew told me. I groaned in annoyance.
"This is either going to be perfect or a disaster," I told Drew.
"True, but this way you can get some info on my father," Drew smirked.
That's what we did. For the next two hours we sat in my bedroom planning our attack. Drew was going to meet with his father, while I lingered in the background listening in. I would pick up on little things and figure out if he was lying or not. I had to make sure he didn't play with his fingers under the table or kick his feet. Before Drew even met with his father I had to go to the Taylor's home. Break into Mr. Taylor's office and take any useful files.
Saying I was scared shitless, is an understatement.
Let's just say, let the games begin.
Short I know, but I thought it was time to lead up to some action and more drama!!

Picture of Alli on side(:
Trailer on side too(:

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