Chapter 15.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 14: Playground Fun

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked nobody in particular, sliding my finished chocolate milkshake away from me. 
"Well, it's like 1AM and I'm beat so I'm going home," Tye said. He threw a ten on the table and go up. 
"Deuces," he muttered, yawning as he threw up a peace sign and walked out of the restaurant. 
"We have to get home soon anyways, mom said no later than 2 or she's locking the door," Jake complained, a frown appearing on his face. 
"I have a key if you don't want to go back yet, this milkshake actually made me a little hyper anyways," I laughed. 
"Seriously! Can we go back to the party please, there was this really cute girl there name Alli and we left before I got her number," Jake pleaded, his eyes lighting up as he clapped his hands together. 
"I don't care," I laughed. 
"Okay, I'm going to go there now. You'll come later to get me right?" Jake asked, getting out of the booth and giving me a 'you-better-not-ditch-me' look. I laughed and nodded my head. 
"I'll come and get you. I have to make sure Amber is still alive anyways," I smiled. Jake's grin grew as he practically ran out of the diner. 
"And then there were too," I heard Drew's English accent say. 
"Are you going to finish that?" I asked him, looking down at his half full glass. 
"Why did you want it?" Drew smirked. My eyes grew wide as I watched him pick it up and bring the straw to his lips. 
"Yes," I pouted, watching his every move. Drew simply shrugged his shoulders, slowing drinking the rest. My frown turned into a smirk as I picked up my own straw and put it in his glass. Drinking as fast as I could. Drew realized what I was doing and started to drink faster too, pulling his glass back as he did so. I was now standing and leaning over the table, drinking from a practically empty glass. 
"Ow. Ow. Brain freeze!" I pulled away, holding my head in pain. 
"And Drew wins again," Drew chuckled. 
"This is the first time you've won anything moron," I rolled my eyes. 
"Awe, don't pout because you lost," Drew smirked. I rolled my eyes once again and got out of the booth. 
"Hey where are you going love?" Drew asked, following behind me. 
"Love?" I laughed. 
"I'm English," Drew rolled his eyes. 
"I'm not," I laughed. "What's your point?" I asked, opening the door and walking into the night. 
"Why are you so cranky all of a sudden?" Drew asked. 
"I'm not cranky?" I laughed. 
"Are too," he frowned. 
"Okay Drew, I'm cranky," I sighed giving in. 
"I know what will cheer you up!" Drew exclaimed. Catching me by surprise, he grabbed my hand and dragged me down the opposite way that we came.
"Drew where are you taking me?" I asked him, following without a choice. 
"You'll see," he smirked.

"We're here," Drew smiled like a little kid on Christmas morning. I looked over Drew's shoulder, standing on my tippy toes and scrunching my eyebrows together. 
"We're at a playground?" I asked. 
"Yea! Come on!" Drew yelled, grabbing my hand once more and pulling me to the swings. 
"Sit," he ordered. I did as I was told and put my but on the cold rubber material. I pulled my dress down slightly; this was not the right outfit for swings. 
"Push me," I said after I realized I was just sitting there, unmoving. I felt warm hands on my waist for only a second before they were gone and I was in the air. I laughed like a little child and kicked my legs. 
"Higher!" I cried through my laughter. I heard Drew's laugh echo mine as he pushed me harder. I gripped onto the chains for dear life as Drew pushed me higher into the air. 
"Jump!" Drew laughed as I reached the top. 
"Nooo!" I yelled back at him. The ground seeming to far from up here, me being a klutz didn't help. 
"I'll catch you," Drew laughed. 
"Lies," I smirked at him. He moved in front of the swings and opened his arms open wide. 
"Would I lie to you?" He asked sincerely.
"I don't know. Would you?" I asked him. 
"No," he answered seriously. 
"Fine. 1-2-3," I counted. I pushed off the swing, closing my eyes tightly and screaming as I fell down. I waited for the impact of the ground, but instead I felt the impact of a body. I opened my eyes to see Drew laughing at me, his arms wrapped tightly around my body as he spun me around. He placed me down on the ground, keeping his arms around me as he looked into my eyes. 
"I told you I'd catch you," he smirked. 
"You told the truth," I smiled at him. 
"Of course I did," he laughed. We fell silent for a second before I ruined it. 

"Hey Drew," I said. 
"Hey Nicole," he smirked. I rolled my eyes at his comeback. 
"Thanks," I said. 
"For what?" He asked me, his eyebrows furrowed together. 
"If I hadn't met you then I would be miserable at home right now probably on twitter and tumblr," I chuckled. 
"So you're saying that you are totally in love with me and you'd be dead without me?" Drew asked. 
"I, what? I didn't even- how?" I asked confused, laughter escaping my mouth. 
"You're welcome," he answered, leaning down and kissing my forehead. 
"I still hate you though," I told him. 
"I know," he smirked at me. "That'll change soon though love, you can't resist my British charm," he told me seriously. 
"Or maybe you just won't be able to resist my New York charm," I smirked at him. 
"Nobody says that," he laughed at me. 
"I'm starting a new saying," I laughed with him, pushing him back. 
"Whoa! You wanna go little girl?" Drew asked me. 
"Whatcha gonna do boy?" I asked Drew, as seriously as I can, pushing him back again. 
"That's it," he smirked. A scream left my mouth as I saw him coming towards me. I started to run away, towards the slides. I climbed up one slide, Drew hot on my trail as I ran down the stairs. I ran over to the swings, running through them and making them swing back and forth, stalling Drew. I then ran into the parking lot that was right next door, completely abandoned, and ran around back. I looked behind me and didn't see Drew at all. I laughed quietly to myself and turned back around. 
It was pitch black behind this shop, nothing but trees and tall grass was back here. I heard a noise from next to me and jumped in surprise. I turned my head slowly, expecting to see Drew, but saw no one. My heart started to beat faster as I went closer to the noise. This would be the part in the movie that I would scream 'you're an idiot, turn around!' but of course, I did the opposite. I went closer to the trees, taking out my phone as a light.
"Nicole," I heard someone whisper.
"D-Drew," I stuttered, as I walked forward. Nothing came as a response. I heard the noise again, making me jump in the air and dropping my phone. I bent down to pick it up, grabbing it tightly in my hand as I stood back up. 
An ear piercing scream left my throat as I saw a man standing in front of me. 
"Boo," he spoke. 
"DREW!" I screamed, turning around and running out of the area. I got into the parking lot, seeing Drew standing in the middle looking at me like I was insane. 
"Where the hell did you go?" Drew laughed at me. His laughter died down as I got closer to him. 
"Whoa, why are you crying? What's wrong?" He asked me. I ran into his arms and clung onto him. 
"Th-ere was a m-an back the-re," I sobbed. 
"Shh, you're fine," Drew tried to sooth me. 
"He knew my name," I told him, pulling away to look at his face. 
"Shit," was all he told me. 

I really hope this is a little longer than the other two have been, I only had an hour to write it and I tried my hardest, I don't think it is though aha oh well, next chapter maybe(: . Any ways. Hope you guys like it and sorry for the wait! Um just so you know, I haven’t planned what I going to happen with this story, the only chapters I had planned were one and two ha-ha, I am making this all up as I go. So, if this doesn't make any sense to you guys I am truly sorry ha-ha, I should probably plan ahead like most writers...


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