Chapter 12.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 12: The Necklace Is A Tracker?

"Drew! Are you almost done?" I whined, plopping down on the Lazy Boy. 

"Hold on!" He yelled, making me sigh in annoyance.
"I'm a girl and I was done before you!" I yelled back, rolling my eyes. 
"Well, that's why I look better than you. I didn't rush," he smirked, walking out of his room and standing in front of me. 
"Pssh, you look like shit," I lied. I got up and walked into the kitchen, checking my appearance in the microwave window.

My hair was naturally wavy, resting at my lower back. I was wearing red lipstick, making my lips look full and plump, while my eyes were coated with eye liner and mascara. I wasn't wearing much eyeliner, just a thin line on my water line, but my mascara was cake on. It didn't look messy or sloppy though, it made my eye lashes look thicker. 
I was wearing a black bodycon dress with my leather jacket over top. The dress made my body look amazingly thin, except my chest. There was only about an inch of cleavage showing, but it was still enough to catch a boy’s eye... or girls' I suppose. 
On my feet were my black wedges, as they were the only shoes I currently had, but they actually looked nice with the outfit. 
I was wearing feathered earrings, a two finger 'love' ring, and my fake diamond bracelets. 
Taking a step back and looking at myself, from what I could see through the tiny window, I was pleased. 

"You look sexy," Drew whispered in my ear. His arms wrapped around my waist making me jump from how close he was. 
"Thanks," I smiled; he smirked down at me and kissed my lips. 

Why do we keep doing this?
We continuously kiss each other like we're dating, and we're not. Of course I find Drew attractive, but I don't like him. It's only lust. 
And I know for a fact Drew doesn't like me other than lust also, I mean he's a player for God's sake.
Then why am I kissing him back right now?
Because you don't want it to stop. 

I knew my conscious was right. I did like it when Drew kissed me and touched me. It made me feel wanted. I didn't care that he was a player; I didn't want it to end. For an entire year now, I've felt unloved, uncared for, unwanted. I felt like I was nothing, worthless. So who cares if this is only lust, why can't I just pretend it's something more. It's not like I actually love him or want to date him. I just want to feel loved. 

"What's wrong?" Drew asked, pulling away from me and pulling me away from my thoughts. 
"Huh?" I asked, confused. 
"You stopped kissing me back," he stated. I furrowed my eyebrows together as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
"Oh sorry, I was just thinking about something. Are you ready to go?" I asked, trying to pull Drew away from asking me what I was thinking about. 
"Er, yea. Let me just get my jacket," he smiled. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was dying to ask what I was thinking about, I was just glad he didn't. I mean what would I say? You make me feel wanted and even though I know this is fake and we don't like each other, I don't care? Yea, that will definitely scare him away. 

Drew slammed his bedroom door open; his own leather jacket now covered his arms. Taking a look at Drew, I smirked. He was wearing dark jeans, that were hanging low enough I could see his plaid boxers showing. He was also wearing a white V-neck shirt, the signature bad-boy look, as the leather jacket clung to his body. 
My eyes traveled higher, staring at his face. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were piercing with anger. 

"Drew?" I asked, walking towards him. 
"I need you to do something," he whispered. 
"What is it?" I asked. He shook his head and put his finger to his mouth, telling me to be quiet. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. 
"I need you to wear this," he told me. He held out a round silver locket. It was beautiful and had sliver branches with flowers on the ends across the middle and a pattern of flowers around the piece. I looked up and Drew, confusion written on my face. 
"Please," he pleaded. I nodded my head and he clasped it around my neck. 

Drew looked back down into my eyes and pointed to the door. My eyebrows stayed furrowed as he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the flat building and down the hall. We entered and exited the elevator in complete silence and made our way to the car park. Drew opened my door for me and then slammed it closed, shaking the car slightly as he did the same on his side. 

"Can I talk now?" I whispered, scared he was going to turn his head and scream at me. Instead, he simply nodded his head as his eyes bored into the road we were driving on. 
"So um, are you aloud to talk?" I asked hesitantly. 
"Yes," he chuckled, rolling his eyes. 
"Well don't roll your eyes at me, how the hell was I supposed to know?" I pouted, looking ahead, instead of at Drew. 

He didn't answer me, which made me open my mouth to talk some more. 
"Drew, why couldn't we talk?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows one more as I realized how stupid I sounded. 
"Because," was his dull answer. 
"Wow, remind me never to play Taboo with you," I mumbled. 
"What the hell is Taboo?" Drew laughed. 
"Seriously? You London people are left in the dark. Alright so it's this game and you get partners. One partner picks up a card and it will have a word on it, such as 'cat'. The other partner has to guess what that card says while the partner with the card describes, such as 'furry, four legs, tail' etc. Get it?" I asked excitedly. 
"You are a terrible explainer," Drew laughed. 
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. 

We pulled into the drive way about two seconds after and I unbuckled my seatbelt. I could hear Tine Tempeh’s 'Frisky' blaring out of the speakers as we got out. There were people scattered all around the front yard, back yard, porch, drive way, even some people on top of the roof. You could clearly see people were already drunk by their swaying and laughing at absolutely nothing. 
"Come on," Drew laughed, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards the house. 
"It's only 11pm," I gaped. "You guys are such lightweights here," I laughed, causing Drew to frown. 
"I for one know for a fact that we are not lightweights, those are probably just freshmen out front," Drew corrected me. I rolled my eyes and walked along side Drew, up the four steps and into the house. 

Music was blasting; the smell of alcohol filled the air as sweaty teenagers filled the rooms. Most of them were in the large living room, grinding on each other or making out. I saw a couple head towards the stairs, hand and hand, tripping up the steps. 
Someone's going to be preggo tomorrow. 
I followed Drew towards the kitchen, watching him as he grabbed a beer. 
"Want something?" He asked, his head still stuck inside the fridge. 
"Not right now," I told him. I looked around the kitchen, trying to spot Amber or Jake. I looked towards the living room, continuing my search, when my eyes landed on a drunk Amber grinding on a completely sober Carlos. 
"I'm going over there," I laughed, pointing to our friends. Drew nodded his head and walked into another room as I walked into the living room. 
"Heeeeey, Nicki!" Amber shrieked, throwing her arms around me. I stumbled back, not expecting her entire weight to be thrown at me. I laugh and pulled my head back as the smell of alcohol hit my nose. 
"Hey hun, how much have you had to drink?" I asked, slightly concerned as the party has only just begun and she was completely wasted. 
"Well I think, maybe like 20 Jell-O shots, an then sum uh-der stuff," she slurred. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Carlos who was laughing at his girlfriend. 
"She's fine, I promise," he assured me as he calmed down. 
"She better be. Amber was my first friend, I don't want her dead yet," I laughed along with him. Our laugh started to die down when Amber's chimed in. She was laughing hysterically at God knows what. Carlos and I gave her a strange look before turning back to each other. 
"Anyways, have you seen my brother?" I asked him. He shook his head at me and shrugged his shoulders. 
"No. He told me he was coming closer to 11:30 though," Carlos told me. I nodded my head in understanding as I felt warm hands wrap around my waist. I automatically knew who's they were. 
Is that sad? I know they were his hands just by the touch...

"Let's dance," Drew spoke huskily in my ear. 
"Okay," I smiled, letting him pull me into the center of the room. 

He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, turning me around so my butt was against him. The song 'Get Low' by lil John started playing, making a smile grow on my face. 
"I love this song," I shouted over the music and making Drew smirk. 
"Then show me what you've got New York," he winked. I smirked at him, throwing my arms in the air as I grinded against his body, getting lower with each 'get low' that was sang. I could feel Drew's 'little friend' poking into the back of my dress making the smile on my face grow wider. He pulled me closer to him and turned me around. One of his knees slipped in between my legs, pressing against my opening, making a small moan escape my mouth and making me blush. Drew smirked at my reaction, pressing it harder against me. I smirked up at him and started to grind against his leg, practically dry humping it but making it look like dancing, I suppose. Drew's smirk grew as his hands slid further, resting on my bum and pulling me closer. My hands wrapped in his hair, bringing his face closer to mine. His hot breath was on my face, coming out in soft pants, along with my own. 

I heard a throat clear behind me, making Drew and I's head snap around. 
"Dude, that's my sister," Jacob frowned. 
"JAKE!" I yelled, ignoring his comment and wrapping him in a hug. 
"NICOLE!" He shouted back, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Not to put a damper on the party mood but, we really need to talk," Jake told me, pulling away. 
"I know," I sighed. 
"We can talk upstairs," Jake told me. I nodded my head and turned to Drew. 
"I'll be back in a couple minutes okay," I smiled at him. He nodded his head, returning the smile.
"I have to find Tye anyways," he told me, walking into the kitchen. I turned back to my brother and headed up the stairs.

On each step there was either a red plastic cup or a half asleep teenager. I continued to walk, stepping over a large red head. We finally got up the stairs and turned into the large hallway. There were still people up here, but the music was quieter meaning that there was only one reason why they were here. I brushed by a couple making out against the wall, practically ripping each other’s clothes off already. Jacob was in front, leading us down to the end of the hallway. He stopped in front of two doors and opened one. Inside the lights were off but you could see moving figures in the bed. 
"Ewww, next room!" I screamed, grabbing the door from my brother and slamming it shut. I opened the next door cautiously and peered inside. 
"The coast is clear," I said to my brother behind me. I stepped inside and held the door open for Jake. I flicked the light on and closed and locked the door behind me. Jacob walked over to the middle of the room, waiting for us. 
I looked around the room. It was definitely a boy’s bedroom as I noticed the furniture and posters. In the corner of the room was a large bed covered in dark blue and black sheets. The comforter was hanging off the side and the pillows were on the floor. Next to the bed was a dark brown, wooden night side table. It had a dark blue lamp, a phone charger, lotion and a box of tissues. Jacob's eyes followed my own as he burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and let them travel around the room. There were two posters of Victoria Secret models and the rest were of football players. 
"I'm guessing this is Jeremy's room," Jake informed me. 
"He really shouldn't have that on display," I laughed. 
"Who's Jeremy?" I asked, confusion covering my face.  
"He is Louis' younger brother, only by a year though. He plays football and he's actually pretty cool," Jacob said. I nodded my head and sat down on the bed. 

"So what are we going to talk about?" I asked Jake, already knowing the answer. 
"My wants you home tonight," he sighed. "Or she's kicking you out," Jake finished. My eyes bulged out of my head. 
"She can't kick me out!" I argued. 
"Yea she can. She could disown you and sent you to a foster home or something. I don't really know how it works," Jake said. "Please just come home," he pleaded. He stared into my eyes for a while before I nodded my head. 
"Fine," I muttered. Jake let a small smile slip onto his face as he hugged me.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. 
"It's not your fault," I told him. I pulled away from the hug and walked towards the door. "Come on, we have awhile until we have to go back to hell," I joked. A smiled appeared on Jake's face as he walked closer to me. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as his eyes traveled to my chest. 
"Where'd you get that?" He asked me. I let my eyes fall down, to look at the necklace. 
"Drew told me to wear it. I'm not really sure why though," I said, shrugging my shoulders. 
"It's really pretty," Jake muttered. 
"I know, it's really heavy too," I sighed, picking it up in-between my fingers. 
"Let me see," Jake said. He pulled it towards him slightly and examined it. 
"Isn't it a locket?" He asked me, his eye leaving the piece of jewelry for a second. 
"Yea, I think so," I nodded my head. Jake tried to open it bus frowned. 
"It won't open," he muttered, trying again. 
"Maybe it's not one then," I frowned. I took it from his hands and tried to open it myself, no such luck. 
"Wait, there is this little hole on the side," I said looking closer. 
"Do you have a safety pin or something?" He asked. 
"I think so," I trailed off, letting the necklace drop as I checked the pockets of my jacket.
"Here's a Bobby Pin," I said. Jake took it from me and stuck it in the hole. The necklace popped open as we peered inside. 
"What the hell is this, a tracking device?!" Jake yelled. I looked down in confusion, shrugging my shoulders. 
"I have no idea," I whispered. Looking down I saw a green computer chip, with red and blue wires attached to it. A small orange light was flickering on and off. 
"Why would Drew want to track me?" I asked confused. 
"I don't know. We've only known him for a week. He could be a creep for all we know," he shrugged. I took the necklace out of his grip and closed it. 
"Well let's go find out," I muttered, walking downstairs. 

I am sosososo sorry that this is what you guys get after waiting for a month. I'm not saying this is a reasonable excuse but I have been so swamped with school, I keep forgetting! I'm sorry! I tried to add in some Nicole and Drew time, along with some drama that will keep you interested. I'm sorry if this is super short! Forgive me!

-Picture of Jake on side
-Nicole's outfit in comment below
-Lil John: Get Low on side too. 

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