Chapter 30.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 30: Please Don't Leave Me.
Part II.

"I just had to pick today to wear the tightest skinny jeans ever invented," I muttered to myself. Kicking my legs out in front of me, attempting to get the stupid fabric off. "Just let go!" I yelled at the faded blue jeans. "Thank you." I pulled the silky red shorts over my hips, tying the white strings around my waist, tighting the shorts. I took off my hoodie, dropping it to the floor next to my jeans. 
I was left standing there, Nike sports bra and red shorts, looking around. My eyes flickered over the walls. The red lockers covered the white walls, some open but most closed.  There was a long bench along the walls, resting right under the lockers. 
"Where the hell am I?" I asked myself.
"The Real Fight Club," I heard a chuckle.
Spinning on my heal, I turned around to see a devilishly handsom man. He was wearing dark brown rimmed glasses that covered his gorgeous blue eyes. Light blonde stubble covered his face and messy blonde hair covered his head. He had a long nose and held a smirk on his lips as he looked at me, an eyebrow raised as he looked me over. 
"What is is?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. I only liked when Drew looked me over, with this man I felt uncomfortable.
"It's a training center. There are boxing matches held in the ring every Friday and Saturday night. Everyone comes too, there are bets held and everything. Your little boyfriend is a trainer," he smirked. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as the words left his lips. 
"How do you know Drew?" He paused, his eyes looking at the ceiling and then back to mine. 
"Family friends." I nodded my head in understanding, feeling a form of uneasiness from this man. 
"What's your name again?" I asked.
"Victor Parmero." 
"Well Victor Parmero, I should probably get out there," I smiled. I pointed towards the large black door that lead into the hallway. Opening the heavy door, I stared down the hall. Do I go left or right?
"Turn to your left. It's the first opening you see." I turned my head around, shocked at how close he was to me.
"Um, thanks."
"No problem," he smiled. I nodded, turning left and making my way down the hall.

"See you around Nicole!" I heard Victor call from behind. My eyes widened in shock, spinning around on my heel, I saw no one.
"How did y-"

"Nicole! What did you get lost?" I heard Drew chuckle. His warm arms snaked around my waist, spinning me around. "Love?" 
"I-I think I just saw my first ghost?" I scratched my forehead in confusion, shaking my head before looking up at Drew. "I'm insane," I smiled. 
Drew laughed, bending his head down and placing his lips onto mine. 
"You ready?" He asked me, pulling away and looking into my eyes. 
"Yep," I smiled. He let go of my waist, grabbing my hand and pulling me into another area. The place was what you expected. There was a large room and smack dab in the middle was a large ring. There were a few long tables off to the side, a snack bar that was currently closed, and boxing gloves, punching bags, tape, etc, was scattered around the room. "So what are you?" I asked, following Drew over to one of the long tables. 
"I-am a boxing trainer," he smiled. 
"Really?" I laughed. "I was expecting you of all people, to be working at a daycare!" I laughed, bumping shoulders with Drew as he helped me with the red gloves he was currently velcrowing onto my wrists. 
"Hardy-Har-Har," he rolled his eyes. 
"I'm not even surprised. It was either this or a drug dealer. I'm glad it's this," I smiled. 
"Why? I could have hooked you up! We could have been crack buddies," Drew laughed. He pulled apart the ropes, letting me climb in as he did the same. 
"Twas my dream to be a crack whore. Why do you you have to ruin everything!" I yelled, punching Drew in the stomach. 
"Hey!" He yelled at me. "You're not supposed to be able to hit like that yet!" I just giggled at his astonished expression. 
"What?" I laughed. 
"How the hell did you learn to hit?" He asked me, completely serious as he placed black pads on his hands. 
"What can I say? I'm a daddy's girl," I winked. 
"That you are," he laughed. 
"Do you fight?" I asked quietly. His eyes flickered towards the ground and then back to mine. "Drew?" I asked when he had remained silent.
"Yeah-Yeah, I do," he whispered.

I frowned when I heard that. In all honesty I wasn't shocked. I mean, he is Drew Taylor, London's Bad Boy. He's known for his good looks and his bad boy attitude. So, why was I so angry? 
"When is your next fight?" I asked. He stared into my eyes, confusion clearly in the mist of them as he searched my own. 
"When is your next fight?" I repeated.
"It-it's tomorrow night?" He asked more than stated.
"The guy from the hockey game, remember?" Drew asked. His hand reached up to scratch the back of his neck as he looked up at me through his long lashes. 
"I'm doing it whether you like it or not," he smirked.
"I feel as though you are using my own words against me," I mummbled to myself.
"Yeah well, the wanger wanted a real fight so I gave him a time and place."
"What time?" I asked seriously.
"Great," I smirked.
"This is a simple defence, you need to nail this if you want to help. It's quite easy actually. Bring your forearms up like this to deflect my punch." I did as Drew instructed, pulling my forearms up as Drew lightly punched towards my stomach. "Good. That's called a block." I nodded my head and waited for the next instructions. "Alright next, you're going to do the Slip. What that means is moving your head out of the way," he told me. "Ready?" I nodded my head. "No you're not, look at your feet," he pointed towards the floor, my eyes following. "Fix them," he ordered. I did as instructed, waiting for the punch. His arm flew out, flying towards my face. It all seemed in slow motion, that was until I realised I should probablly move my head unless I wanted to get hit. Quickly ducking to the side, easily avoiding the hit.  
"I did it!" I shrieked, jumping up and wrapping my legs around Drew's waist. His laughter vibrated through my body, his hands tightly grasping my hips.
"Yeah, you did," he laughed. I nodded my head, pecking his lips quickly before hopping down.
"What's next?" I asked eagerly.
"We're gonna fight," he smirked.
"No we ain't!"
"Yep, I taught you what I needed to. C'mon New York. Hit me!"
"Drew," I whinned.
"Hit me!" He repeated.
"I don-"
"Hit me!"
My arm swung out, sending a right hook towards his stomach, but it was easily blocked by Drew. He tried a left hook with me, my forearms blocking him easily as I moved my feet. 
"That's not fair! You haven't taught me that yet!" I yelled at Drew as I layed under him, his hands pinning my arms above my head.
"I won," he smirked.
"You cheated! You-you-you cheater!" I yelled at him. Drew's laughter filled the room as he stared into my angry eyes. I used all my strength to push him over. He layed on his back and continued to laugh. My body stradling his waist as I continuously punched his bare chest.
"O-O-Okay! Okay!" He laughed, grabbing my wrists firmly. "You win."
"Promise?" I asked.
"Yes, yes! You won! Nicole Andersini has beat the great Drew Taylor!" Drew screamed. I laughed, bending my head down to place my lips onto his.
"I love you," I whispered. His arms released my wrists, moving down to my hips as he held me close.
"I love you too," he smiled. His lips found mine once more, butterflies erupting in my stomach like they always did when I felt his soft lips on mine.
I quickly zipped up my boots and threw on my leather vest before making my way down stairs. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket to text my brother. 

To: Jacob
I'm ready come get me.
Sent at 9:48pm

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of ICE before walking over to the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" I heard my mother's shrill voice ask.
"I'm going to hang out with my friends for a little bit."
"Where?" That's a good question...
"Amber's house," I lied.
"Don't lie to your mother Nicole, it's rude." My head snapped to my left, only to see Nick smirking in my direction.
"Nicole," my mother hissed. I sent Nick a hard glare before turning back towards my mother. "Where are you going?" My mother asked once again. 
"Don't lie this time," Nick smirked.

There was a loud car horn, beeping away in the driveway. Which only told me Louis was the one driving as I slightly reconized Jingle Bells with the rythm he was smacking the horn.
"I'm just going out with some friends, I'll be home later," I hissed. I walked out of the door, slamming it behind me before hopping into the back seat.

"Christmas is over you nut," I laughed at Louis.
"So, Jingle Bells is sang year round," he smiled at me.
"What-No it's not?" Jake asked.
"It get's the people going!" Louis screamed.
"Nicole!" I heard my name screamed. My eyes scanned the area, looking for anyone that I new. "Nicole!" Someone screamed again. Turning towards my left I saw Tye running up to me.
"Yes?" I asked polietly.
"Drew wants to talk to you. He's down that hall towards your left," he panted. I nodded my head, following the instructions before seeing Drew sitting down on a bench in front of the red lockers.

"Hey babe," I smiled. He picked up his head from his hands to look at me, a small smile holding onto his lips. "What's wrong? Are you nervous?" I asked, sitting down next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.  
"I didn't know you were comming," he whispered. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion, something I realized I did a lot.
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked him. There was a long silence before he picked his head up. 

"I lied to you." 

"What?" I asked slowly, not sure if I heard the words correctly. 
"I'm not fighting Brandon from the hockey team," he told me. He turned his head, his eyes staring into my angry ones. 
"Who are you fighting?" I demanded. Drew reached out to grab my hand and I yanked it away, standing up on my own feet to stare down at him. "Who?" I yelled. Drew flinched at my volume, his eyes boring into mine. 
"Excuse me?" I asked, hoping that I heard him wrong. 
"I'm fighting Nick," he spat. My jaw clenched as he stood up to face me. I walked over to him, his eyes watching my every move. "Nicole?" He asked, confusion holding his own eyes. I shook my head, ignoring his statement as I lifted my arm. In one swift movement, I smacked him straight across the cheek. His head turning to the side, shock clearly covering his face. 
"Never lie to me again," I spat. I turned on my heal, ready to walk out of the room. 

"Nicole wait!" I heard Drew scream. I continued to walk, reaching the opening before I was yanked  back. "I said wait." 
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," I lied. He rolled his eyes, pulling my arm and pulling the two of us into the locker room once again. 
"Nicole let me explain! I-" 
"No! You don't get it! I've been lied to my entire life!" I screamed at him. I lifted my hands, pushing him away from me with each sentence. "The one person that I thought would never lie to me did. I don't care if it was a silly lie to keep me from coming, or because you thought that I would try to stop you. I don't f*cking care! I trusted you!" I screamed, my hands smacking against his skin as I yelled. 
"Nicole, baby please let me explain," Drew whispered. He grabbed my arms, holding them firmly to his chest. "You can't! You lied!" I screamed. Drew shook his head, bringing me closer to his body. 
"No. I did it for you Nicole," he whispered. His thumb wiping away the tears that I didn't even know fell. 
"How?" I whimpered. 
"It's part of his plan." 

"Andrew's plan. He's starting it now. Nick came up to me yesterday, demanding a fight. He told me that he wasn't going to let me take you away from him-or some bull like that. Tye told me earlier that Andrew was starting him plan, he knew that if I told you Nick was who I was fighting against that you would try to stop me and we'd get into a fight. He was planning on taking you tonight, here."

My eyes widened as I looked up at Drew, searching his eyes for any lie that could possibly be held in his words. 
"So you were trying to get me to stay home?" I asked quietly. 
"Please," he whispered. "Tye told me he'd take you somewhere, our house or your house, just please leave," he asked sincerly. 
"Drew," I whispered. "What if he hurts you, pulls out a gun or knife or something like that?" I asked. 
"No-no. Nick isn't going to do that. It's going to be a real fight, there are to many people here for him to pull something like that. The key to this fight was getting you, the more we put it off the more they're going to try and the more we'll know. So please, go with Tye okay?" He asked, checking my eyes to make sure I understood. I nodded my head, showing him what he was looking for. 
"Please be safe okay?" I asked. Drew nodded his head, bending down to kiss my lips softly before pulling away. 
"You too." 

I walked out of the locker room, Tye already waiting for me. 
"Ready love?" He asked. I nodded my head, wiping whatever was left of the tears away.

We made our way out of the building and into the busy parking lot. 
"My car's over there," Tye motioned over towards the red Comaro. 
"I don't understand how Drew and you own fantastic cars?" I laughed, running over to the car. "It's a beaut," I smirked up at Tye. 
"Thanks," he chuckled. 

We got inside and pulled out of the driveway. I continued to stare out of the glass window as we drove onto the highway. 
"You're not mad at Drew, right?" Tye asked. I shook my head against the seat, resting it onto the window. 
"No, I understand why he lied. I just wish he didn't," I spoked. 
"He really loves you ya know," Tye said. I picked up my head from the window, turning my eyes to look at Tye. 
"How do you know?" There was no sarcasm held in my voice as I asked.
"How do you not know?" He laughed. 
"Tye," I whinned. "I don't know anything," I laughed. 
"Trust me okay," he smirked. I rolled my eyes, continuing to stare out of the window. 
"Hey Tye, how long have we been driving?" I asked. 
"Bout 15 minutes."
"Where are we going?"
"McDonalds," he smiled. 
"Yay!" I clapped. "Bada ba ba ba!" 
"I'm loving it!" We sang together. I laughed, reaching forward to turn the radio on. 
"SOUND THE ALARM!" I screamed, dancing around in my seat when I heard Nicki's voice through the speakers. 
"Hey Tye?" I asked, turning down the radio. 
"Hey Nicole?" 
"How long have we been driving?"
"It's only been five minutes since the last time you asked me," Tye chuckled. 
"Yeah, um do you think that white car behind us is going to Mc-y D's too?" I asked. 
"What white car?" Tye ask slowly. 
"The one behind the black car. I swear it's been following us since we left," I explained. Tye furrowed his eyebrows, looking up into the rearveiw mirror. 
"Well, we'll see in a second," he muttered. Tye turned the stearing wheel over towards the right, turning onto an abandoned street. There were zero stop signs, or any signs actually. It was dark and creepy, but that wasn't the problem. 

"Tye," I whispered when I saw the white car turn down the same road. 
"Shit!" He cursed. "Look in the glove box, there should be two guns." 
"Guns?" I shrieked. 
"Nicole focus!" Tye yelled at me. 
"Right, right. I'm looking for guns!" I yelled. I opened the glove box, moving around the multiple papers, finannly finding the two shiny weapons. 
"Give me one," Tye ordered. 
"What about this one?" I asked, holding up the gun inbetween my two fingers. I screamed when it fell from my grasp, resulting in Tye swearing again. 
"Nicole! Hold onto it," Tye ordered. 
"I've only learned how to box! I don't know how to kill people yet!" I yelled at him. 
"Shut up!" He screamed at me. I've never seen Tye this serious, I don't like it. "Listen, I'm going to pull this car over and you're going to run into that house right there, you see?" He instructed. I nodded my head, staring into the darkness only to see a completely abandoned house. Is was made out of wood, or brick, or some weird stuff and it was falling apart. 
"Is that safe?" I asked, turning away to stare at Tye. 
"You're holding a gun and being followed, are you really asking that question?" He asked like I was stupid. 
"Don't give me sass Tyler," I spat. He rolled his eyes, pulling the car over to the side of the road. 
"Run!" He screamed at me. 
"Wait, what about you!" 
"Just go! Don't leave the house until I come get you got it!" 
"Be safe please?" I asked. Tye nodded his head, I gave him a peck on the cheek before throwing the car door open and sprinting towards the house. 

Throwing the wooden door open, I walked inside. The fact that it was about 11 at night didn't help, as I couldn't even see my feet. I continued to walk forward, curse words spilling out of my mouth as I hit unknown objects. My arms shaking as I grasped the gun with all my power. I pulled out my phone, shining the light in front of me. I walked along the hard wood floor, quietly stepping and trying to avoid all creeks. 
"Where do you think she is?"
"I don't know the kid just told her to run." 
My eyes widened as a little sqeak escaped my lips. I quickly ran up the steps that were on my right. When I reached the top, I ran towards the first door I saw. 
"Shit," I swore. I tried the door knob again, only to find it was still locked. 
"Check up stairs," I heard a mans voice. 
Tears pricked my eyes as I ran to another door. 
"No, no, please," I whispered. I pushed at the door with all my might. "Please," I wimpered. I heard the footsteps getting louder. I quickly turned off my phone, putting it into my back pocket before running to the last door. With all my might, I threw the door open. I ran inside, closing the door quietly behind me. I felt out in front of me, trying to find somewhere to hide. I felt a metal poll and then another, and another. I reached further up, feeling the springs of a matress, bending down I felt the floor. I slid my body under the bed. Tears fell from my eyes as the foot steps quickened. 
"I don't thinks she's up here mate!" The voice called from behind the door. I heard the knob turn, my body instantly moving backwards, sliding completely under the bed. I held the gun tightly in front of me. My shaking hands and water filled eyes making everything harder. 
The door flew open, foot steps getting louder as they came closer. I took one of my shaking hands, covering my mouth as I tried to hold back my whimpers. 
"She's not f*cking here!" The voice screamed. 
"Fine! Come on we'll check down here again."
I let out a shaky sigh as the door closed. 
Do I move? Do I stay? I don't know what to do!
I heard the front door slam shut. I crawled out from under the bed, making my way over towards the bedroom door. Slowly, I made my way into the hallway and over towards the stairs. 
"There she is," I heard. My head snapped behind me. 
"I told you she was here mate," I heard a sickening laugh. A small scream escaped my lips as I ran down the stairs. I ran over to the front door, throwing it open and running out side. I ran into the back yard, which lucky for me only happened to be woods. 
"Get back here you little bitch!"
I shook my head, continuing to run in the forrest. I tripped over a tree roots, falling onto my stomach. A cry of pain escaped my lips as I turned onto my side. I cried out louder as a sharp sting traveled from my ribs. 
"Come on baby," I heard. 
"No, please," I whimpered when I felt rough hands grab my legs. 
"Hey can I have some fun with her first Luke?" I heard laughter in response. 
"We both can!" 
"Come on love, let's see why Drew is so interested in you," he spat. His rough hands reaching up, lifting my shirt up. They moved down to my pants, unbottoning the first botton, sending slopping kisses down my stomach. I tride as hard as I could, trying to push him away from me. My fighting was only laughed at. The man stood up, his hands moving to his own botton. 
I paniced. I quickly looked around, feeling for the gun that I knew was here. My hand rested on the cold metal. Gripping it in my shaking hands, I pulled on the trigger. A shot echoed throught the forrest as the man fell to the ground. I quickly stood up, my hand wrapping around my ribs as I tried my hardest to run out of the forest. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, pulling me away. 
"No! No! Please!" I screamed. I thrashed around, trying my hardest to get out of the strong grasp. 
"Sh sh Nicole! Nicole! You're okay, you're okay!" I heard Tye's voice. I instantly fell limp in his hold. Turning around and grasping his shirt. 
"Tye!" I cried out. 
"Sh, sh, you're okay," he whispered. I felt him take the gun out of my hand, leading me over to the car. 
"I want Drew," I cried. "I-I want Drew."
"I know baby. I know."
"You son of a bitch!" Drew screamed. He rose from the chair he was sitting in, storming over towards Tye and I. 
"Drew, mate please," Tye reasoned as he gestured towards me. 

To say I was a reck was a compliment. My hair was a mess, halfway in a bun and half out. I was still wearing my vest, my shirt all muddy along with my jeans. I had mascara running down my face from the tears and my hands were still shaking along with my body. 

"Nicole?" Drew whispered, his head snapping up to Tye. "I'll f*cking kill you!" Drew screamed, he launched at Tye. His fist flying out and hitting him square in the jaw. "You were supposed to take her here! Keep her safe!" Drew screamed, sending a punch at Tye's stomach. 
"Stop!" I screamed, my body sinking down to the floor. "Please," I whispered. 
Both boys turned to me, shock in their eyes as they saw the state I was in. 
"Please?" I asked again, holding my head as my body shook. I felt warm arms wrap around my body, lifting me up and carrying me into another room. I was set down onto the bed. I instantly currled up into a little ball, suddenly scared of the world around me. I felt my shoes being taken off. My pants then slid to the ground and my shirt lifted above my head. There was then  a soft t-shirt placed over my body before I was left alone. I quickly crawled under the covers, taking in as much warmth as I could. The door creeked open, Drew's shadow walking into the room. 

"C'mere love," he whispered. I sat up, feeling wetness touch my face as Drew wiped a washcloth against it, taking off all the make up that was dripping down my face. He threw the cloth onto the bedside table, taking off his shirt as he crawled into bed next to me. His warm ams wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him as he kiss my forehead. 
"I wanted you. I wanted only you and you weren't there," I cried. 
"I'm sorry," he whispered. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me. 
"Please don't leave me," I whispered. 

I'm thinking about 5 more chapters??


Hopefully this one is longer and better.
Song on side. 
Picture on side. 
Outfit in comment.

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