Chapter 34.

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SHOUTOUT: Shout out to the lovely MissSwaggAttackKelli for pratically writing the last few paragraphs and picking the lovely song on the side that goes along witht this chapter(; She's writing a new story called Me, My Best Friend, and Her Brother. You guys should totally check it out!! Trailler was amazing! Check out her Profile. 
Enough rambling, on with the chapter!

London's Bad Boy: Chapter 34: Nobody Compares.

I paced up and down the long hospital hallways. My sneakers making squeeking noises as the scuffed the shinny white tiled floor. My fingers massaged my temples, as I tried to make the growing migrane disapear.

To say our plance back fired is a complete and utter understatement. Our plan pratically dug its own grave, 6 feet under the rock hard concrete. Of course, we knew it wasn't fool proof and we knew things could go wrong. The fact that we had Drew, Jacob and myself waiting outside of the garage made us believe that everything would be okay. We thought, if anything should happen, we would just bust in. Obviously, as anyone could see by the outcome, that wasn't exactly true. No. While Drew, Jacob and I were finding places to hide out, we were spotted. Mr. Taylor had walked out, searching for something or someone, on finding us instead.

"Alright, I'll hide out here. Jake, you go around to the side. Peek through that window up there," I explained. I pointed to the shattered window that was only a few feet from the ground. "Drew, you wait over by the door. If something happens, you're the first to run inside." The boys nodded their heads, moving towards their own hiding places. I crouched down, leaning against the wall as I listened to the voices inside.

 "He's alive?" I heard Nicole's paniced voice. 
 "Oh don't sound so down! He's in the hospital, it was a bloody good try love," he laughed. "Andrew let go of the dear and get the others will you?" Victor asked.  

I heard the door open, turning my head to the side I was faced with Mr. Taylor's hate filled eyes.
"Bruce! Ceaser!" Mr. Taylor screamed. The two men walked over, waiting for their directions. "Take care of this," he demanded before walking back inside.

"Sure thing An-" The man's voice was cut of by the sound of a gun fireing. 

Then, right there, that's when I knew our plan had backfired.
"Nicole!" I heard Drew screamed. Panic struck his eyes as he ran inside the building.
"Come on!" I screamed at Jake. I got up, sprinting towards our car, in hopes to head home and get the rest of the guys to come and help. We needed as much help as we could get. Everyone knew what Victor and Andrew were capable of, but know one knew what he was going to actually acomplish.  

"Get in!" I screamed at Jake. He obeyed, jumping inside the vehicle as I sped off.
"W-what are we going to do? We can't just leave! My sister's in there!" Jacob screamed at me. 
"We're going to get help. Hopefully the boy's will come."
"What if something happens when we're gone? I want to go back!" Jacob screamed at me.

I heard my window shatter, panic surging through Jake and I's veins as we realized we were being followed.
"Grab your gun and start shooting. This is how we can help. The more of Victor's guys we kill, the more helpless he becomes. He's nothing without back-up," I explained. Jacob nodded his head, unbuckling his seat belt as I took another root, leading the men away from our home. 

"Stop swerving! I keep missing!" Jake screamed at me. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. "Who the hell are you calling?" Jake yelled. 

"I'm telling Carlos to come to the garage. I don't trust Drew alone with Victor." 

 "Who is a family member of Andrew Taylor Jr?" A nurse in blue scrubs asked. Immidiatly I walked over to her. 
"I am," I stated.
"What are you in relevence to him?" She asked skeptically.
"I'm his brother," I said. I watched her eyes giving me a once over, obviously taking in my skin tone.
"I'm his half brother. We've got a messed up family," I lied. She  stayed skeptical as she motioned with her finger to follow. 
"Follow me," she ordered. I did as I was told, quickly walking down the hallway as I followed the nurse. "The doctor would like to speak with you in here." I nodded my head, walking inside the room. 

"Drew!" I smiled, running over to the bruised boy.
"Don't touch him!" Someone screamed. My head snapped around, facing the doctor. He read his clip board, nodding his head before he turned back towards me. "He's fine." He smiled at me.
I felt like a wait had been lifted off my shoulders as the words flew out of his mouth. I was so content, I forgot about the other problem we had.
"You're his brother right?" The doctor asked. I nodded my head as Drew stiffled his laughter. 
"Few things I'm going to need to tell you. He cannot, and I repeat cannot go swimming, fighting, be on his feet for more than 30 minutes, or any horsing around four three weeks, do you understand?" He asked me. 
"Yes sir," I nodded. 
"Good, change his bandages every four hours until the blood stops running. Then you can change them before he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. I trust you can take care of someone, or know someone who can?" He asked me. 
"I can do it sir," I nodded.
"Good, good. Let me just right his prescription out. I'm giving you these pain meds. He is to take them every three hours. The side effects may be drowsiness and hallucinations. If he starts hallucinating dramatically, call me and we'll change the medicine. You have three refiles."
"Thank you," I said. I took the paper from him as he walked out of the room. I turned around to face my bestfriend.

"How ya doing mate?" I smiled, sitting down on the chair that was next to the hospital bed.  
"It hurts Tye-Tye," he frowned. His brown eyes made the puppy dog look as he pouted up at me.
"I know bud. What did they do to you?" I asked. Drew pulled down his blanket, revealing a large bloodied square of gauze that was taped over the right side of his torso. 
"They had to carve the bullet out or something, I don't know I wasn't listening," he shrugged. I rolled my eyes. Classic Drew.

"Hey Tye," Drew whispered quietly. I knew this was coming, Drew couldn't hide his feelings with me, I knew hew was going to ask.
"Yeah mate?" I cocked an eyebrow.
"How is she?" He whispered. I hung my head, shaking it slightly before bringing my eyes back up to meet his. 
"Not good. We don't know what's really going on, she's in surgury right now," I whispered. I watched as tears pricked at his eyes, his face became red with anger. This is usually how he handled things, he got angry. 
"This is all my fault," he growled. "This is all my f*cking fault!"
"Drew calm-" 
"Don't tell me to f*cking calm down mate! If Malorie was in that f*cking surgury room would you be f*cking calm?" Drew screamed at me. 
"I know you're mad, but you're in a public hospital Drew. You need to relax. She's going to make it, she's a strong girl," I told Drew. He shook his head ignoring my words. 
"How's Jake?" He asked. 
"He's a mess. Poor kid, his sister's in the hospital and he doesn't even know what's going on."
"This is all my f*cking fault! What if she doesn't make it Tye? I can't-" 

"Stop Drew." Both of our heads snapped towards the door. Jacob Andersini's tear stained face. Over the few hours that I have been locked up in a waiting room with him, I've cam to learn that he's Mr. Positive. He kept telling us that everyone is going to be okay. Nicole is going to be fine, along with Drew. So far, only Drew was fine. 

"Excuse me?" Drew asked confused. 
"Just stop. This isn't your fault. Nicole is strong, she'll make it through this. She's been in two car accidents, drowned, cut her finger open cutting an apple, fell up the stairs and broke her leg," Jake laughed. "The point is, she's an idiot and completely accident prone. She's going to be fine, I promise." I smiled along with Jake when he finished his little speech. 

"Don't make a promise you can't keep." Drew frowned.
"Drew!" Carlos came running in. Hope filled our eyes as we waited for his next sentence. "She needs to see you. Now." 

Nicole's POV: 

My eyes fluttered open, the brightness in the room making me squint. An obnouxious beeping was heard on my right, making my hands automattically fly out to try and shut it off. I felt a warm hand grab mine, pushing it back onto the heard mattress. It was now that I actaully started to take in my surroundings. 
White walls. White ceilings. Two blue chairs were on the side of me. My eyes widened as I noticed I was hooked up to multiple tubes. It was hard to breath, making panic rise in my veins. I felt tears start to prick my eyes. I quiet sob escaped my lips as I looked down. There were bandages covering my torso and back, blood seeping through them. I couldn't feel my legs and my stomach felt like it was being eaten by sharks. My head was hurting and there were multiple bruises covering my arms. 
I looked to my left, noticing a tall doctor staring down at me, a frown etched on his face.
"Hello Nicole," he smiled weakly. I returned the same weak smile, hoping for an explanation. 
"Wh-what's going on?" I cried.
"You're in a hospital. You were shot last night and taken into surgury. We removed two bullets from your body, one from your leg and one from your stomach. The one bullet that was in your left calf, was taken out easily. The second," the doctor paused shaking his head. "The second was not so sucessful." He frowned.
"What do you mean? I'm alive, I'm fine right?" I asked pleadingly. 
"Nicole, we're still running tests but, but we're assuming by the looks of things you only have a few hours left." A loud sob echoed through the room. This cannot be happening, I'm still a young girl. I haven't even graduated high school and I'm going to die! 
"Why?" I whispered. 
"You were shot in the kidney," he stated softly. I furrowed my eye brows in confusion.
Can't I live with only one kidney?" I asked confused. The doctor shook his head. 
"You only have one kidney. We read your files and it turns out when you were little, you gave you're left kidney to your brother. The only kidney you had left was your right one, and that has been shot." 
"So you're saying I cannot live without my kidenys, there is no one who can help me?" I asked confused. The doctor shook his head.
"Believe me, we're trying the hardest we can. It's just, in the time span that we have with you, there is no possible way we can find someone who has the same blood type and a working kidney that they can volenteer for you," he sympthized. "We're still taking tests. There is a small chance that you can make it," he smiled. I shook my head, wiping the tears. 
"But I won't," I cried.
"Is there anyone you'd like to talk to right now?" The doctor asked me. My eyes widened as a name flashed across my mind. A name that ment everything to me.
"Drew Taylor."

Drew's POV:
Tye wheeled me into the small white room. In the center of the machines and wires, there was a frail looking Nicole. I felt tears start to prick at my eyes as I bit my lips, holding them back the best I could. Tye wheeled me next to her bed, giving me a small pat before leaving to room. I stared down at her small hand, taking it carefully into my large one.
"Hi Drew," a raspy voice cracked. My eyes snapped up to her tear stained face, anger and sadness surging through me.
"Nicole, I'm so-so sorry-"
"Drew." Her soft whisper stopped me. My eyes searched hers, sadness and fatige clouding them. She had dark bags under her eyes and bruises covered her face. There were small beads of sweat covering her forhead and she was awfully pale. There were three IV's taped to her, and an oxygen tube taped to her nose. "Don't blame yourself, please."
"No Nicole," I said sternly. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in here. This is all my fault! I'm such a f*cking screw up!" I screamed. Nicole's eyes widened as she looked at me.
"Don't yell at me," she whispered.
"No baby, I didn't mean-I'm not. I'm sorry," I sighed in defeat. She took a shakey breath before bringing her eyes back to mine. Small tears fell down her bruised cheeks as I whiped them away.
"How are you?" She asked me. I shook my head, staring into her brown orbs.
"I don't want to talk about me, how are you?" It was silent for a while, for what felt like hours actually, before she spoke.
"They don't think I'm going to make it."
"Stop!" She yelled. It was the loudest she had spoken in the past ten minutes I've been sitting here, the saddest part was that it was her regualr speaking volume. "Wait," she coughed. I nodded my head telling her to continue. "The doctor said that they are still running a few tests but, by the looks of it I only have a few hours left. They did all they could, but they can't find a donnor and-"
"I'll donate! If I can't Tye will or Jake-"
"Jake can't," she frowned. "I need someone with two kidney's that have the exact same blood type as I do." I shook my head.
"There are about twelve people out there that are a crying mess. They care for you and will do anything they can to keep you alive. You're a bitch half of the time but we love you, you're going to live Nicole. I promise."
"Drew, just please. Don't talk. Listen," she glared at me. A small smirk appeared on my lips as a small sign of the sassy Nicole was back, but my hope was all lost when she frowned and stared down at our hands. Her thumb rubbed over mine softly as she began to speak.
"I want you to know, even if I can't find a donor or the tests fail, I want you to know that if I die-"
"You won't," I inturuppted.
"Andrew," she growled. I shut my mouth and waited for her to continue. "If I die, I want you to promise me you'll move on with your life." Her eyes flickered up to my horror struck ones.
"You're not going to die," I growled. "If you even were," I paused. The tears were back and there was no chance in stoping them this time. I'm usually a closed box but when it came to Nicole, I couldn't help my self. This topic was to much to keep in. "If you were to die, I would never-ever move on." She shook her head vigorously before pausing from the pain.
"No. If I die I want you to promise me that you will find a new girl. I want you to find one that makes you laugh until you pee, pisses you off until you want to hit her, but you know you won't and end up punching a wall," She smirked. "A girl who is beautiful and generous. Someone who always watches those stupid movies you always like. Someone who can make the best sandwiches in the world. Someone who will treat you like a man and let you take control when you need too. A perfect girl, someone who fills every need you have, everything you want and never-ever takes advatange of you," she paused.
"Someone like you," I finished for her.
"Someone better than me."
"Nicole, it took me 18 years to find someone like you. Someone as perfect as you are. Do you really think I can find someone better?" I laughed. "I love that you hate my favorite movies, but sit through them anyways. I love that you're completely sarcastic and comfortable around me. I adore your obsession with that silly boy band," I chuckled as she glared at me.
"It's called dedication," she corrected. "Continue," she smiled. I squeezed her hand before doing just that.
"You stand up for yourself like nobody other than Tye has. You don't care how mad I'll get at you, as long as you get your point across you don't care. That's why you're perfect. Nobody can kiss me like you can, nobody compares to how you make me feel. I don't think I can- I don't even want to feel this way with some other girl. I want you and only you." Tears fell out of both of your eyes now, quiet sobs echoing around the room. "If I were to lose you I would never-ever move on," I whispered. I lent down, placing a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away. "I'm going to help you. I'm not going to give up on us. I would never give up on you. You understand?" I asked her. She nodded her head weakly before closing her eyes.

"I love you," I whispered before leaving the room.



-Song on side. 


She's Not Afraid: 10
They Don't Know About Us: 10 

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