Chapter 2.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 2: Who Said I Was A Good Girl?

"Wake up! Wake up-up-up!" I heard someone scream as my bed shook. I opened my eyes and saw none other than my very loving brother jumping on my bed. I groaned and attempted to roll over. I got my legs tangled with Jake's, making both of us tumble to the ground. 
"This was the worst wake up call, ever," I muttered, untangling myself from the blankets and getting up. 
"It's one, mom said to get ready," Jake told me, ignoring my comment. 

I walked into my bathroom, stripping down quickly, and stepping into the warm shower. I washed and shaved, before getting out and wrapping a towel around myself. I dried myself off and took a look in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes were slightly lighter now, and I noticed a few freckles scattered above my nose, probably from the sun. I'd gotten my hair cut the week before we left and it now rested in the middle of my back. 
I grabbed my toothbrush, squeezing some toothpaste onto it and brushing my teeth. I walked back into my room, happy to see that my brother had left, and closed the door.  I walked to my dresser grabbing a bra and a pair of underwear, letting my towel drop. Slipping on the undergarments, I picked up the towel, bringing it into my bathroom, and dropping it into the hamper. 
Grabbing my phone, I check the temperature outside. It was around 87 right now and sunny. I smiled, grabbing a pair of ripped Abercrombie shorts and a cute turquoise tank top. It was flowy and showed just about an inch of my skin between the top and my shorts, which I knew would bother my mother. 

My mother was the type to be, somewhat over protective at times. She hated when I wore low cut shirts or showed to much skin. See, most people would think that this was normal; no mother wants their daughter to act like a whore, but that's not the case for my mother. She honestly didn't care what I did; she just didn't want me to ruin her image. My mother always dreamed of two perfect children. A boy that played sports his whole life. A boy that was popular in school, going to parties and having fun, but still a gentlemen and someone my mother would be proud to call her son. She also wanted a girl, sweet and innocent. Perfect even, in her eyes.
Ha, perfect was the last word my mother would use to describe me.

"Nicole Rae! We're leaving, hurry up!" My mom hollered up the stairs. 

I quickly put on some mascara, the only make-up I couldn't leave the house without, put on some strappy turquoise sandals, and grabbed my phone before walking down the stairs.
My mother looked me up and down, scowling at the shorts and how much skin I was showing. 
Lord, kill me if she ever saw me in a bikini. 
Shaking her head she muttered; "Let's go". 

We walked out the door and got into my mom's car. My brother sat in front as I sat in back, not even wanting to be in the same car as that woman. 
"Nicole, please," my mother sighed, clearly annoyed with me. 
"What?" I asked, innocently. I heard my brother stifle a laugh as my mother scowled at me. 
"Put the damn bike back and act your age," my mother quietly spoke into my ear. 
"Fine," I huffed. 
"Jacob, go with your sister and pick out the things on the list while I get some food for dinner," my mother smiled at him like he was the golden child, which I guess he was in her point of view.
He nodded his head once and turned to me. He looked back to make sure that mom left before he opened his mouth. 
"Mom was going to murder you!" He bursted out laughing. 
"Yea, I know!" I laughed along with him. 
"Hey, why don't you start shopping for school stuff, I'll meet you there after I put this away," I motioned to the bike. 
"Yea okay, you know where the school isle is?" He asked me, I nodded my head. 
"Yep, it’s like four away from where I'm going," I told him. 
"Alright, I'll meet you there," he said, turning to walk away. 

I got onto the bike and started to pedal around the store. I finally reached the isle and turned into it. 
I pressed the brakes as hard as I could, but I hit him anyways.
"She does it again!" His English accented voice laughed. "Just can't stay away can ya?" He asked me. 
"Don't flatter yourself," I rolled my eyes, getting off the bike and putting it away.
"Hey, where are you from?" He asked me. 
"New York City," I responded, turning to walk away. 
"You going to Kingsley?" He asked me, grabbing my arm and walking in front of me. 
"Yep," I told him. He started to walk backwards in front of me, continuing to talk. "Then I'll see you tomorrow, new girl," he smirked, turning around so his back was now facing me.
"It's Nicole," I said, stepping in front of him and leaving to find my brother. 
"Jake, I said I wanted the green one. You can take the orange one!" I yelled. 
"No! Orange is ugly! Green's my favorite color!" Jake yelled. 
"I saw it first!" I yelled back.
"I'm older, I get it!" He yelled at me, ripping it out of my hands. 
"Oh by a minute," I rolled my eyes. 
"A minute and forty two seconds," he smirked.
"I hate you," I muttered, grabbing the orange notebook.
"I love you too," he smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek. I groaned, using the back of my hand to wipe it off.

"Is that everything then?" I asked. Jake looked down at the list, reading it over. He nodded his head.
"Yea, let's go find mom," He said. 

We walked down the isle and walked towards the food isles. Out of nowhere 'Starships' by Nicki Manaj started to play. 
"I love this song! Let's go to the beach-each, let's-"
"Nicole, Nicole!" My brother yelled, interrupting me. I stopped dancing and singing, turning to glare at him.
"What?" I asked. 
"It's your phone, moron," Jake laughed. 
"Ohh," I said.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and answered it. 
"Hellur?" I asked. 
"Hiya!" Amber laughed. 
"Oh, hey what's up?" I asked, starting to follow my brother as he walked away.
"So, my shift is almost over and a couple of my friends are here. Maybe you and your brother could come down and I'll introduce you. We're kinda having a 'last day of summer' hangout day," she told me. 
"Um sure, lemme ask Jake," I told her. I pulled the phone away from my ear. 

"Jake, wanna go to Starbucks and meet some people with Amber?" I asked him. 
"Yea!" Jake said excitedly. I laughed, putting the phone back to my ear. 
"Jake said sure. Um, we're at a store called Tesco, I think, but we're checking out so we'll come after?" I asked. 
"Alright, sounds good," she said. We said our 'goodbyes' and I hung up the phone, slipping it into my back pocket once again.
"Mom, Jake and I are going to Starbucks. I don't know if we will be home by dinner," I told her.
"Why?" My mom asked me. 
"Well, we met a girl named Amber and she said that a bunch of people from school are hanging out down there and she wants to introduce us," I told her. 
"Will your brother be there the whole time?" She asked me, placing her hands on her hips.
"Um, I don't know. Probably, why?" I asked her. 
"I wanted to know, please act appropriately around these people. Make sure you make friends with the right group Nicole," she told me. I rolled my eyes walking upstairs. 

"Mom said we could go. I'll meet you downstairs," I told him, he nodded his head. 

I walked into my room, changing into a pair of Hollister skinny jeans. I kept my shirt on and put my shoes back on before leaving my room. 
"Oh!" I said. I smirked, walking back into my room. I grabbed the orange notebook out of the plastic bag sitting on the floor, running over to my brother’s room. I switched the notebooks and walked back to my room. I hid the green notebook in my closet and walked downstairs. 

"Ready?" I asked. Jake nodded his head and we left. 
We walked into the Starbucks, the little bell going off again. 
"Nicole! Jake!" I heard a girl shriek. I laughed. 
"Hey Amber!" We both said, walking over to her. 
"Hey! This is my sister Bridget. She's a year younger than us," she said, motioning to the girl next to her. Both sisters had beautiful brown eyes and a gorgeous smile. Bridget was slightly taller than Amber; she also had dark brown hair while Amber's hair was a dark ruby color. 
"Hello, my name is Nicole and this is Jake, my brother. It's nice to meet you." I smiled, shaking her hand. 
"Nice to meet you too! Are you from New York?" She asked me, my smile instantly grew three sizes.
"Yes!" I laughed. 
"Oh, I love it there. I went their once with my cheerleading team for the finals, it was amazing. City that never sleeps is an understatement!" She laughed. 

"Babe, Drew brought the pizza, come on!" I heard a male voice say. Amber turned her head and smiled.
"In a sec, make room!" Amber called back. She turned back to the three of us and smiled. 

"That was Carlos, my boyfriend. Come on," Amber said, leading us over to a booth. There were three other guys sitting there already. 
"Guys, this is Jake and Nicole. Jake and Nicole this is; Carlos, James, and Tye," She said pointing to each of them. 
"Hi," I said shyly. I sat in the booth next to Amber and my brother. 
"Sup," My brother said. He did that little head nod thing, the boys returning it. Does that mean they're best friends now?

They boys quickly fell into a conversation with Jacob about hockey. Apparently they all played as well and were all planning on trying out after school. 
"I'll drive you there tomorrow if ya want; I'm taking the rest of the boys." Tye said. 
"That'd be sick, thanks!" Jake said. 
"Guys, I got the pizza." I heard someone say. 
"Finally, hurry up!" James yelled. 
"Here." The guy said. I looked up at the person and my eyes turned to slits. 

"Oh, hey new girl!" He smirked. 
"Nicole," I corrected. 
"I'm Drew," he said, ignoring my statement and sitting down across from me. 
"Oh, what's that short for, Andrew?" I smirked. His eyes narrowed and his smirk dropped, I felt Amber elbow me from the side, but I ignored it. 
"Don't call me that," he growled. 
"Why not?" I asked. 
"I said so," he told me, his eyes hardening as his jaw clenched. 
"Drop it," Jake said in my ear. I rolled my eyes, dropping the topic and grabbing a slice of pizza. 

"So um, where you guys from?" Carlos asked. 
"New York!" Bridget smiled. I laughed at her nodding my head. 
"Oh, that's cool. Why'd you move all the way over here though?" He asked us. 
"My mom's job location moved," Jacob said. Carlos nodded his head dropping the subject. 
"It was nice to meet you guys!" Jake called over his shoulder as we started to split ways. 
"You too!" Someone yelled back. 

I felt someone pull on my arm, pulling me to a stop. I turned around and saw Drew smirking at me. Jake turned around giving me a questionable look.
"I'll catch up with you," I told him. He paused, giving me an 'I'm-not-sure' look. I gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded, turning around walking towards home. 

"What?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. 
"What's your problem?" He asked. 
"Excuse me?" I asked back. 
"I know Amber told you about me, I know she said not to call me Andrew," he said the name like it was poison. 
"I didn't know a simple name would bother you that much," I shrugged it off. 
"Well it does, so tell me what your problem is," he ordered. 
"I don't have a problem," I told him. 
"Yea, okay. The little princess is definitely pissed at something," he smirked. 
"Little princess?" I scoffed. 
"Yup," he said, folding his arms over his chest. 
"I'm sorry, it's not my fault I didn't just fall for your bad boy charm, and you kinda irritate me," I shrugged. His smirk dropped.
"Every girl falls for me," he told me, stepping closer. I had to strain my neck just to look him in the eyes. 
"Not me. You're just a bad boy, nothing impressive there," I smiled. 
"So, what's your opinion on the bad boy?" He asked me, arching his eyebrow.
"Bad boys are stupid, uncaring, unresponsible, immature jerks," I stated. "Who have absolutlely no care for girl's feelings and only care about them selves."
"Well, good girls are selfish, snotty, spoiled bitches that only talk about their grades and boy problems," he told me. I rolled my eyes at his very accurate definition. Hence the sarcasm.
"Who said I was a good girl?" I asked, turning around and walking away.
-Give me an HONEST opinion. Pleaaase.

-Picture of Bridget and Amber on side. (Bridget on left, Amber on right)
-Starships on side as well.

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