Chapter 11.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 11: Gun's & Games.

After another ten minutes of driving in complete silence, we pulled into the car park. Drew unclicked his seatbelt, slammed the door, and walked inside the building before I could even say 'banana'. 
I unclicked my seatbelt, probably looking like a sloth at the speed I am going compared to Drew, and opened the door. I went to the back seat of the car and started to get out the groceries, knowing Drew either forgot or didn't care. I picked up the four bags, thankful that they were light, and started to walk towards the flat building. 

"Oh, let me get that for ya, love," I heard a familar voice. I turned my head to see Tye grabbing for the bags and holding the door open for me.
"Hey Tye! Oh thanks," I smiled, letting him take the back for me and following him towards the elevator.
"So, did you and Drew have your first fight, he didn't look to happy?" Tye asked, smirking at me as we stepped into the elevator.
"Ha ha," I said humorlessly. "No, we just got back from his parents house. His dad said something that pissed him off," I told him, walking out of the elevator and down the hall.
"About what?" Tye asked. I shrugged my shoulders and turned to look at him,
"Apparently something about a business, I was talking to Joshua at the time and that's all he could tell me before Drew came out and told me we were leaving. He looked even more pissed off than he is now, and his dad hit him," I added opening the door to Tye's flat.

"SHIT!" I heard Drew scream from his room. I looked over at Tye to see that he had an angry expression plastered on his face.
"Drew are you okay?" I called out, taking the groceries from Tye and placing them on the counter. 
"Yea!" Drew called back.
"I'm going to talk to him, can you put those away please?" Tye asked. I nodded my head and watched as he stomped over to Drew's room and slaming the door closed.

I started to put the groceries away. I took out the milk and alchohal, putting it in the fridge and then grabbing the cookies and chips to put into the cubbards below. I took out the cold-cuts next, putting them into the little drawer in the middle of the fridge. Lastly I grabbed the bag of chips and opened up the cubbord. 
"This is a mess," I muttered to myslef. There were boxes on boxes, bags on bags, and a freaken cereals, all crammed into the little cubbord. I started to take out the cereals and bags of chips, as they ocupied one side of the cubbord. I placed them back in, nicely, and putting the new chips in front. I moved over and moved the boxes around, so they were stacked ontop of each other with the labels showing. I grabbed the last box that I didn't see earlier and pulled it out. I placed it on the top of the stack and turned it to the side to show the label. As I did that, it slipped out of my hands and dropped onto the floor. I bent down to pick the box up, two black objects spilling onto the floor. 

"Uh, oh," I said quietly. I looked down to the floor to see not one, but two shiny black hand guns. 

"I'll get the box out of the pantry so you can check," I heard someone say, the bedroom door opening and closing. I heard foot steps come closer to me, making me look up.
"Hey, thanks for putting the stuff away," Drew said. I nodded my head and opened my mouth.
"Hey Drew?" I asked.
"Hmm? He responded. 
"Why do you have two guns in a Captin Crunch box?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips and raising an eye brow. His mouth dropped as he looked at my, and then the box in my hand.
"Well?" I asked after a minute of silence went by.
"There was a guns in my cereal box?!" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air in fake shock. "Wow! They really updated the toy inside!" He exclaimed.
"Drew, I'm not stupid," I rolled my eyes.
"The one time I want you to be," he whispered quietly.
"Why do you have two guns?" I asked again.
"Self defense?" He responded, sounding more like a question than an answer.
"From what all the Captins you're going to crunch?" I asked, not buying it one bit.
"You don't know how crazy they can get. A man needs back up, just in case," he told me. 
"Have you ever used them?" I asked.
"No.." he responded. I could tell by the way he clentched his jaw and how he looked at the ground, instead of me, that he was lying. 
"You're lying," I inform him. His eye snapped to mine as he groaned.
"Move," he ordered. He moved from behind the counter and closer to me. He raised his hand up and I absentmindedly flinched. I saw his eyes sadden, and then his eye brows scrunch together in confusion.
"You're not scared of me. Are you?" he whispered, dropping his hand to my cheek. 
"No," I puffed out, moving away from him and into the living room.

"Hey Drew, Nicole, I'm going to Malorie's for a bit. I'll back in about an hour or two," Tye said, coming out of his room. 
"Alright," I said, plastering a fake smile on my face.

I heard Tye and Drew exchanging whispers before I heard the door slam close.

"I'm hungry," I muttered, playing with the hem of my shirt. I heard Drew sigh as the freezer opened and closed.

Why did Drew have a gun? 
It wasn't the fact that he had it stored in the freezer that bothered me most, it was the fact that he has actually used it before. 
Was it something to do with his father, the business?

"Do you want to order some pizza before the party?" Drew asked.
"What time is it?" I asked him. 
"3:40," Drew answered. I looked up at him, as he currently was standing next to me, and nodded my head.
"Alright, I'll call," Drew nodded.  
"Fancy playing a game?" Drew asked me, after making the phone call, and sitting on the floor in front of me with a bottle of vodka in his hands.
"We're going to get drunk before the party even starts?" I asked.
"The party starts at 10, we are going at 11. Plus, you won't get drunk we'll stop when the pizza get's here. That gives us 45 minutes tops," Drew tells me. I for one know how to handle my liquor, being from NYC, so I nodded my head. 
"Fine, what's the game?" I asked.
"Never have I ever, heard of it?" Drew smirked.
"Heard of it, I own it. Let's go," I smirked.

Drew motioned with his finger for me to move down to the floor with him. I slid down to the floor, my back resting against the recliner of the chair, my legs spread out infront of me. Drew was in the exact same position, oppisite of me, his legs were next to mine and the bottle was on the other side of him, top opened. 

"Ladies first," he smiled.
"Oh, now you have manners?" I rolled my eyes, earning a smirk from Drew. "Alright, never have I ever kissed the same sex," I smirked. Drew groaned and grabbed the bottle, bringing it to his lips.
"NO WAY! Badass Drew Taylor kissed a boy!!" I shrieked.
"I was drunk off my ass, and it was Tye. Apparently I called him pretty and told him I loved him," he explained, trying to make a reasonable excuse.
"You know a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts," I quoted. "You love Tyler!! You're gay!! That's why your such a player, it's your cover," I smirked.
"My turn," Drew rolled his eyes. 
"Never have I ever streaked," Drew smirked. I motioned with my hand for the bottle, taking a drink and scrunching my face. Drew raised an eyebrow, a new 'I-Am-A-Perv' smirk on his face. 
"Calm your boner, you're never going to see it. I was at a party and I was drunk myself," I told him.
"You know we are going to a party tonight," Drew winked making me roll my eyes. I swear they are going to fall out soon, I do it ever time Drew moves.
"Hmm, never have I ever been arrested," I said. Drew grabbed the bottle from my hands and took a gulp.
"Shocking," I muttered, making Drew chuckle.
"So what'd ya do?" I asked him.
"I just beat a few people up, a few times, no biggie," he smiled.
"Yea, I do that all the time too, completely reasonable," I shrugged.
"Never have I ever-" Drew stopped mid-sentence as the there was a knock on the door. 
"PIZZA!!" I yelled, thankful that Drew didn't ask me anything else. I had a feeling that this game was going to get sexual soon and I wasn't ready for that, expecially with Drew. 

I got up and ran over to the door, I grabbed the money off of the counter and opened the door up.
"Tell him to keep the change!" Drew yelled.
"Keep the change," I smiled, grabbing the pizza and placing it on the table that Drew placed infront of us.

I opened up the box and was about to grab a piece when I felt Drew's fingers on my bare hips. He pulled me down to him, so I was sitting on his lap, as his lips brushed the sensitive skin on my neck. His fingers were tracing circles on my hip bones, making goosebumps rise on my skin. I let out a small, barely noticeable, moan from the back of my throat, moving my head to the side to kiss him. He smiled against my lips and gently opened them with his tongue. He deepened the kiss, taking over and moving us to the floor. He laid me down as he hovered over me, his lips never breaking away from mine. Drew's hands slid up my shirt as he pressed his lips to my neck. He started to grind his lower half against mine as I let out a soft moan. I ran my hands through his hair and then down his back. His hands moved up, resting on the underwire of my bra. He smirked against my lips as I arched my back, bringing me closer to him and bringing his lips to mine. He continued grinding into the lower half of me, making light moans escape my mouth every so often. He started to grind harder, making my moans grow louder as the door swung open. 

"HONEY I'M HOME!" Some one screamed, I pulled away, pushing Drew away from me to see Tye standing there with wide eyes. Drew groaned getting off of me as my eyes landed on the buldge in his jeans. I stood up and walked closer to him, whispering in his ear. 
"I think you should go take a cold shower, calm you down a little bit," I smirked, biting his ear lobe as I pulled away and walked to Tye. 

"Did you two just have sex?" Tye asked.


-Picture of 'Tye' on side (Roshon Fegan) 
-My very first trailer on side too!! (I also put it in the first chapter on Sept. 29-12).

No edit.

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