Chapter 9.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 9: Learning The Words

"Whoa, what happened last night?"
"I'm not sure, don't the hate each other?"
"That's what I thought," 
"Well, I guess we were wr-"

"Shut up," I groaned, rolling over and resting my head on my pillow. I felt arms wrap tighter around my stomach, making the images from last night float back into my brain. 
My eyes fluttered open, landing on Drew's closed ones. I looked over his face, every single inch of it. His skin was flawless, except for a few freckles scattered above his nose, but I wouldn't call that a flaw. The freckles actually made him look more like a little boy than a horny 18 year old. My eyes moved over to his nose. It was long and slender and I watched as his nostrils flared with every breath. My eyes floated up and I stared at his long, black, lashes that rested softly on his cheeks. 

"I know you're staring at me," he whispered. The husky morning voice absolutely mouthwatering, as it came out of him perfect pink lips. I watched as they turned up into his signature smirk, his eyes finally opening. 
"Mornin'," he smirked, rolling over and bringing me with him. I looked away from Drew and over to where I heard the voices from earlier. 

Standing in the doorway was Amber, Carlos, and Tye. They stood there staring at the two of us with dropped jaws and widened eyes. 
"Morning!" I smiled, unwrapping Drew's arms and getting out of bed. 

I walked past the three of them and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. It was 7:05am, meaning that we had to be at school in a half hour. I groaned at the realization and turned around to tell Drew. As I turned around Amber stood in by way, blocking me from moving. 

"Good morning Amber," I sighed, realizing she will not be letting me leave. 
"Good morning," she said. I sighed with annoyance and crossed my arms, remembering I wasn't wearing a bra and felt suddenly self-conscious. 

"Out with it!" I yelled after a solid minute went by. 
"Oh!" She said, looking back up at me. I raised my eyebrow, telling her to talk.
"So, um, what happened?" Amber asked, beating around the bush. 
"Well would you like the short story or the long one?" I asked her, jumping onto the counter and swinging my legs with my glass in between my hands. 
"Short, we have to leave for school soon," she told me. I nodded my head and looked at her. 
"Well, my family and Drew's family had to have dinner together for my mom's work. Drew's father is my mother's boss and he was a complete asshole to me. He called me fat and a looser, making me really pissed. I stood up for myself, stormed out of the restaurant, Drew followed, I told him I wasn't going home, he offered to let me stay, we fell asleep," I told her. She nodded her head and looked down, then back at my eyes. 
"That's all that happened?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.
"Um, yea?" I asked, confusion in my voice. 
"What's that from then?" She asked me, pointing a finger to my neck. I traced a finger over the bump, remembering the hicky Drew gave me last night. 
"It's from my curling iron. I used it for the dinner and ended up burning my neck," I lied smoothly. 
"Oh," she frowned, buying it. I smiled to myself and nodded my head. 
"Yep," I nodded. 

"Amber we've got to go now," Carlos said, walking out of Drew's room, along with Tye. 
"Okay, are you coming in late?" Amber asked, turning to me. At that moment a yawn decided to explode out of my body making the boys laugh. 
"Nah, it's Friday anyways. I'll see you later though," I smiled at her. 
"Oh, at the party?" She smiled. I nodded my head. 
"Yea, Louis Grant invited me yesterday and I said yes," I smiled back. 
"Woo! My first party with a NYC girl!" She squeled. 
"Yes, we're crazy, so be prepared," I winked, hopping off the counter. 
"Bye!" The chorused as they walked out of the door. I smiled and said 'goodbye' as well. I was about to close the door when a hand stopped me. I looked up to see Tye stopping me. 
"Jake told me to give you these," he told me, handing me my PINK bag full of clothes. I looked inside to see my favorite jeans, my favorite tank top, and my leather jacket. There was also the dress I was planning to wear to the party. My make up, toothbrush, and phone charger was inside a pocket making me smile. 
He knew me better than I knew myself, twin power. 

"Thanks," I smiled. 
"No problem. Jake said that you wouldn't come to school today so text him whenever you can. He's really worried about you," Tye said. 
"Where is he?" I asked. 
"We dropped him off at school early, he had to finish some homework," Tye smiled. 
"Oh, alright. Thanks Tye," I smiled, leaning in to hug him. When my chin was rested on his shoulder he whispered something in my ear; "Be careful,"  
"What?" I asked pulling away. He pointed behind me and repeated it; "Be careful," 
"Why?" I asked confused. 
"Drew. He's dangerous. He might have been all sweet with you yesterday, but don't fall for it," Tye said, kissing my cheek and walking away. 
"Yes Confucius," I muttered closing the door. I feel like I just got a fortune cookie with some wise riddle.

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