Chapter 16.

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~Yes, this is a special Halloween chapter. Enjoy(:

London's Bad Boy: Chapter 16: October 31st, 'Nuff Said.

"Nicole, can you please come up here and do number 23 on the board?" Mrs. Michelle asked me. 
"Sure," I groaned. I grabbed my worksheet off of my desk and started walking towards the board. I saw Drew's leg stick out from the side of his desk, an attempt to trip me. I rolled my eyes, easily stepping over him. 
"Nice try," I smirked, making him wink at me. 

I walked up to the board and started to write with the fake markers. Math was always one of my best subjects, so I finished the lengthy question much faster than the teacher expected. 
"Does everyone agree?" She asked, turning to look at the problem and check my work. The half of the class that was still awake muttered a 'yes', not even bothering to check. 
I went back to my seat, drawing a ghost that just ended up looking like the thing that chases the Pac Man around the maze. 
"Alright class, homework for t-"
"Homework?! Ain't nobody got time for that!" Carlos stood up, interrupting the teacher and making the whole class laugh. 
"Carlos sit down," I managed to spit out in between my laughter. Carlos smirked at me and sat back down. 
"As I was going to say, before I was rudely interrupted. Homework for tomorrow night, sense it is Halloween tonight and I won't be here tomorrow, is pages 25-27 all problems. Now I expected you lot to write it down, no excuses on Friday if it's not done," she told us, pointing accusing fingers at Drew and Tye. I laughed silently, knowing these boys were just going to do it in homeroom anyways. 


"Alright, make sure you wrote it down! Happy Halloween! Be safe!" Mrs. Michelle called out as we made our way out of the classroom. 

"So what are you being for Halloween, hot stuff?" Drew spoke, smacking my butt and appearing next to me. 
"It's a surprise," I winked. I walked away from him and towards my locker. I turned the lock, entering the combination, and unlocking it. I opened my locker, putting my math things away, and taking out my English. I closed the door, a scream coming out of my mouth. 
"Drew, you're a loser!" I laughed. He was wearing a skeleton mask, his face inches from mine. I reached up and pulled it off his face, only to see him laughing hysterically at me. 
"Y-Your fa-ce!" He spurted out. I rolled my eyes, shoving the mask into his chest and storming off to class. 

"So, about this costume. Am I going to like it?" He winked. 
"You'll love it," I winked. 

I pushed open the classroom door to be greeted by Louis. 
"Lou! I haven’t seen you for like three days!" I yelled, dropping my things on my desk and hugging him. 
"Yea, I had the flu," he laughed, hugging me back. 
"But, you're fine now, right?" I asked. 
"Yes, fit as a horse!" He laughed. 
"So, you're coming with us right?" I asked. 
"Yea," he smiled. 

Tonight everyone, at least of my friends, was going to meet at Drew's house and go to a haunted house. It was supposedly, according to the boys, one of the scariest haunted houses around. Drew said that he went last year and everyone, except him of course, was screaming their heads off. I asked Drew to explain it to me, but he told me it changes every year. I for one am not the type of girl that hates scary movies or anything like that, so I was unbelievably pumped. 

"Sweet! Miss me high, hit me low!" I yelled. We hit hands and moved to our desks. 


"What're your guy's costumes?" I asked Amber, Alli and Bridget, walking into my room.
"I'm a cop and Carlos is my prison boy," Amber smirked. 
"I don't know if that is super cute, or super sexual," I laughed along with Bridget. 
"How about you?" I asked Bridget. 
"I'm going to be Super Woman and James is going to be Super Man,” Bridget blushed, looking towards the ground. 
"AWE! My baby sister has a lover!" Amber cued, pinching Bridget's cheeks. 
"Shut up!" She shrieked, flopping down on my bed. "What are you being Alli?" Bridget asked. 
"I'm being a witch," she smiled. 
"But my brother is being Harry Potter," I said. 
"Yea, we don't match, but oh well," she laughed. 

Alli and Jake have been talking ever sense the party, which was one week ago. My brother has been like a love obsessed puppy. He texted her 24/7 and would always be next to her at school. It was so cute!

"Hey, you guys can do whatever you need to get ready, we have about two hours. Umm, make up is over there, if you need to borrow something - go ahead, um just help yourselves, I'm going to take a shower," I told them. 
"WAIT!" Bridget yelled. 
"Huh?" I asked, turning around to face the three girls.
"What're you being?" Amber asked. 
"You half to guess. Let's just say, it'll be hilarious," I winked and walked into the bathroom. 

Getting into the hot shower, letting the water run over my body, I let the memories of the past week float into my mind. 
After I told Drew about the man that was in the woods, I was pretty freaked out. Drew told me that the man must've worked with his dad, which literally had me paranoid for hours. He assured me that everything was going to be okay, and of course the naïve part of me, believed him. 
When I came home after the party my mom was waiting up for us. She was beyond pissed too. As soon Jake and I walked through the door it was; 'Nicole Rae this and Nicole Rae that'. I have been completely ignoring her sense that night too. 
Other than those two things, literally nothing interesting has happened. That is why I was so unbelievably pumped for tonight! 

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy white towel around me. I stepped out of my bathroom to see my room completely trashed. 
"GUYS!" I complained. The three girls turned around, innocent looks all on their faces. 
"Yes," Alli dared to speak. I just sent her a harsh glare. 
"What the hell were you looking for, Narnia?" I asked. 
"Um, close," Bridget smiled. 
"We were looking for your costume," Amber said, showing me a big toothy grin. 
"It's not an actual costume guys!" I whined, realizing I was going to have to clean this tomorrow. 
"Oh," Allie frowned; dropping the shoe she was holding and walking over to her bag. 
"Well, let's get ready!" She beamed. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the laugh that bubbled through me. 

"READY!" Allie shrieked along with Bridget. 
"I need help with my hair!" Amber whined. 
"Okay," Bridget said, walking over to her. 

I applied the dark red lipstick on my full lips. I smacked them together and walked over to my bed. I slipped on my black biker boots, tucking in my acid wash jeans. I grabbed my leather jacket and threw it on over my white V-neck. I fixed the red bandanna in my hair, making my poof a little bigger. 
"Ready to go guys?" I asked the girls, finally putting on my red Raybans. 

"I KNOW WHO SHE IS!" Every girl screamed in unison, finally bursting out into a fit of laughter. 
"Let's hope the boys do too," I smirked. 

"THE PARTAY HAS ARRIVED!" I screamed, barging into Drew and Tye's house. 
"They're here!" I heard James scream. All the boys walked out towards the living room, Jake and Carlos staying in the kitchen, eating a sandwich. 

Each boy was something different; Jake was Harry Potter, Carlos a prison boy, James was Superman, Tye was dressed up as Lil Wayne, making all of us laugh at his weave. Louis was dressed as... Louis Tomlinson.
"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR COSTUME!!" Bridget and I screamed. 
"Thanks, I'm 1/5 of One Direction," he smirked. He gave each of us a hug and started singing 'What Makes You Beautiful'.  

Lastly there was Drew, who was wearing dark jeans, black boots, his leather jacket, and a dark purple shirt with neon writing that said 'This Is My F*cking Costume'. 
I rolled my eyes at this, making him smirk at me. He gave me a once over and burst out laughing. 
"No," he laughed. 
"You like?" I smiled. At this time everyone started laughing. 
"Y-you're su-" Tye tried to say. 
"YOU'RE DREW!" Jake screamed, sitting on the ground and tears coming out of his eyes. 
"True story," I winked, making Drew's lips form that perfect smirk. 


-DID YOU -whoa caps...- did you dress up or do anything?? Lemme know!!

-I had literally only an hour to write this, but I tried to make it longer! 
-Outfit in comment below, and Nicole’s... face... on side! <3 

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