Chapter 33.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 33: Game On (Part ||)

"Where am I?" I groaned. I tried to move my arm, only to find out that I couldn't. Furrowing my eyebrows, I tried again. No such luck.

"She's waking up boss!" I heard someone shout.

Suddenly everything that had happened today fluttered back into my mind. Nick, the lake, the bet, and currently, the plan.

My eyes snapped open, speedily searching the room in hopes for a clue as to what was going on.

I saw black. Black, black and more black. I looked down. I was seated on a creaky wooden chair, my legs duct taped to the legs as my arms were tied behind my back. I was more than uncomfortable and being this contained made me panic.

"Hello?" I called out. Silence greeted me as I tried again. "Hello!" I screamed louder.

A loud smack was heard and seconds linger I felt a stinging feeling on my cheek.

"Shut up!" Someone screamed in my ear.

"Who are you?" I whimpered, turning my head frantically, trying to catch a glimpse of the man.

"Oh you already know who we are sweetheart," he chuckled. I felt rough fingers stroke my swelling cheek. I yanked away from his grimy hands.

"Don't touch me," I spat. My chin was roughly grasped, pulling my head towards the unknown man.

"Don't tell me what to do," he laughed. "Do you really think I'll be listing to you?" I pulled my face away once again, a humorous laugh escaping the mans mouth.

"Hit the lights!"

My eyes squinted at the sudden brightness. Adjusting quickly, I glanced around. I was seated in the middle of the garage. Nothing was around me. There was one window and one door. There were two pieces of rope in the corner and a roll of duct tape next to my chair. I faced forward, staring at the man in front of me.

"Victor?" I gasped.

"Hello love," he laughed.

"What ar-"

"Sh, sh," he smiled. He reached down towards the duct tape, ripping a strip and placing it over my mouth. "I would like to explain." I pulled at my arms, trying to loosen the rope that was scratching my wrists.

"Name is Victor Parmero and I am in charge." My eyes widened as he said this. "Oh I know what you're thinking. You though Andrew was going to be here, you thought all you had to deal with was that wanker. Surprise!" Victor laughed.

"Andrew!" Victor shouted.

Less than a second later, Andrew Taylor walked into the garage. He looked tired and worn out, like he didn't even want to be in this mess.

"Let the the girl go but hold on to her," Victor ordered. Andrew did as he was told, unwrapping the duct tape and removing the rope.

"Keep that on," Victor demanded. Andrew nodded, leaving the duct tape to cover my mouth. "Hold her arms."

"Now lets see what you're hiding," Victor chuckled. He moved forward, kneeing down In front of me. I watched with curious eyes as his hands started to pat me down. His eyes flickered up to mine, an evil smirk playing on his lips as his grimy fingers reached under my sweatshirt.

"Ah-ah-ah! What is this?" He chuckled. He ripped the duct tape off of my lips, a murderous scream escaped my lips. I hunched over, my knees bending and the pain continued. Andrew holding my arms not helping as I hung uncomfortably.

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