Chapter 22.

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****NOT EDITED****

London's Bad Boy: Chapter 22: Stop Being A Bad Boy, Be A Man.

From Drew: 
I'm in the black Jaguar out front. 

I bought the pack of gum and a Starbucks ice coffee before leaving the store. Walking out of the convienent store and towards the parking lot. I searched threw the cars, finally spotting Drew. I pulled my hood down as I got inside.
"Hey," Drew smiled. I gave him a small smile back, not letting it reach my eyes.
"No one's at my house right now. My mom has a meeting and Jake is staying at Carlos'," I explained. He nodded his head, saying nothing more, and drove to my house.
I unlocked my door, throwing the keys on the counter and walking upstairs.
"Nicole what's wrong?" Drew asked. I ignored his question and threw my bag onto the floor. I pulled out the files, handing them to Drew. He took them slowly, staring at me as I pulled out the pictures and note. 
"They believe us. It says on this note that they thing what ever we had is over," I told him. I handed the note to him and grabbed out the pictures. "There were a pile of pictures on your father's desk. Most of them were of us talking, joking around, and kissing. I grabbed this pile," I explained. I held up the pile of close-ups, giving them to Drew. Drew took them from me and sat down on the floor next to me. One by one he layed them out on the ground in neat rows of four. There were a total of three rows. The first row was pictures of my eyes. The second was my nose and mouth and the third was my body.
"I took pictures of the other ones," I muttered. I pulled out my phone and showed them the pictures. Drew paused at the one of us kissing. There were only three of us kissing and for some reason he lingered on this one. It was the two of us at the haunted houses. We were standing outside just talking before we went in. I remeber Drew pulled me away for a second, complimenting my 'costume' before smashing his lips against mine. I smiled at the memory, but it dropped when I noticed Drew on my computer. 
"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning over his shoulder. 
"Printing it out," he muttered. He hit print and waited for the paper to come out. He took the paper in his hands and examened it closely. He set the paper down and moved back to the computer. He zoomed in 5X the regular size.
"Hey, what's that?" I ask pointing to the screen.
"More like who? That's what I'm trying to figure out," he printed out the zoomed copy and put it into his back pocket. "Let's take a look at those files, hmm?" He asked. I nodded my head and moved back to the floor.
Five hours later the two of us were surrounded with papers and a box of pizza.
"Drew I have a headache," I whinned.
"I know. You've told me seven times! We're almost done," he told me, obviously annoyed.
"Ugh," I groaned. I picked up anothe piece of paper with my name on top. "Hey Drew," I spoke moving closer to him. 
"Hmm?" He asked.  I shoved the piece of paper into his face, pointing at the words.
"This is my birth certificate. How the hell did he get my birth certificate?" I yelled. Drew furrowed his eyebrows.
"He has everything Nicole," he frowned. "Put everything back into the folder. I'll go through the rest tomorrow," Drew sighed. He rubbed his eyes as a yawn escaped his lips.
"Mmkay," I hummed. One by one I placed the unread files in the folders and the read ones in seperate one. When I was finished I put them in a drawer and turning to face Drew. A small smile appeared on my face when I spotted him curled up on the floor using one of my One Drection pillows. His chest rose and fell slowly with each breath he took. Walking over to my bed, I picked up my purple comforter and covered him up. I check the time, 2:19am. Surprisingly I wasn't at all tired, especially after all that has happened today. 

I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of sweatpants. Quickly changing, I slipped the sweatpants on, leaving on the sweatshirt and walking out of the room. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking through the pantry for some hot chocolate. I finally found some French Vinilla hot coco and heated up some water. I put my phone on the counter while I grabbed a glass, waiting for the water to boil. I sat down at the island, putting my head in my hands.

My mind drifted back to school today, back to the kiss. I felt tears well up in my eyes. 
Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel used and betrayed. I know it was fake, I know he didn't mean it, but I-I-I don't even know. 
I wiped my eyes and walked towards the stove. Taking the kettle off of the stove and pouring the water into a big mug. I poured the packet of chocolate powder into the mug and stirred it with a spoon. I reached up and grabbed a bag of big marshmellows. Grabbing four, I dropped them in the mug and moved over to the island again. I pulled my knees up, resting my chin on top of them as I drank my coco. 
I felt a shiver run through my body, not from coldness but from lonliness. 
What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about him? Him. His messy hair, caramel eyes, his laugh, his charm. That smirk and his sarcastic comments. Why can't I get him out of my head? He obviously doesn't care about me. He was making out with that thing, that bitch. How could he do that to me and act like everything was okay.
I wiped the few tears that slipped down my face. 
"Why are you still up?" My head snapped around to see a groggy, shirtless Drew, rubbing his eyes and looking like a little boy. I smiled, turning my head to make sure the tears were gone.
"Just thinking. Why are you up?" I asked. He walked closer to me, making that lonley coldness disappear.
"I don't know. I guess I just knew something was missing," he smiled. He smile dropped as he looked at me closer. "Are you crying?" He asked.
"N-no," I said. I turned my head in the other direction. I felt his fingers grip my chin as he softly brought my eyes back to his. 
"What's wrong?" He whispered. I was silent as response making him groan in annoyance. "You've been moody all day, just tell me!" He yelled.
"Why did you kiss Lacey! Out of everyone, why her!" I yelled back. I got up from my seat, placing my mug in the sink and planting my arms on the counter. "Do you really not care about me that much, you kissed her?" I asked, my head down low as the tears came once again. I'm such a cry baby.
"W-what?" Drew stuttered. I slammed my hand down on the sink, spinning around to face him.
"You f*cking heard me Drew! Why did you kiss her!?" I screamed. His eyes narrowed as he stood up from the stool at the island.
"She figured out our plan, I needed some way to make her believe us. I know she's working with my dad," Drew explained. I laughed humorussly. 
"So you kissed her," I  clarified. He nodded his head. 
"What's so bad about that?" He whispered, looking up from the ground and into my eyes.
"Nothing," I whispered. I pulled away from the sink and headed upstairs. I got the the second step before I was pulled backwards by my arm.
"Nicole please," he whispered. He spun me around to face him, my back pressed against the wall. I looked up into his eyes, searching for something. He leaned down, almost touching his lips to mine. I turned my head to the left, regecting him for once. 
"I-I can't," I whispered. "Not anymore," I added.
"Because I kissed Lacey? You're letting all we have disappear because I was helping our plan?" He whispered. He actually sounded hurt, but I couldn't be sure. 
"No Drew. I just-I can't keep doing this! Not with you! It's too hard," I cried out.
"Do what? You're not doing anything with me!" He yelled back at me.
"You don't get it!" I sobbed. I slid my back down the wall and rested my head against my hands. "You don't get anything," I added.
"Nicole, I don't get it. Talk to me please," Drew pleaded. I felt his hand rest on my knee, making me look up at him. He was sitting on the floor with me, right in front of me, his eyes filled with confusion and guilt? "I hate seeing you cry, just please tell me," he said. 
"You don't realize how bad I need you," I whispered. "All I want is someone who will stay, no matter how hard it is to be with me. Why can't that be you?" I asked. "Honestly, do you even like me?" I added when he didn't answer.
"More than I should," I heard him whisper.
 "Then why-"
"Because I'm no good for you!" He interupted, standing up and walkng back into the kitchen. "I'm no good for you," he repeated. 
"NO! You don't know how badly I want to call you mine. To be able to say, 'that's my girl'. To be able to wrap you up in my arms and fall asleep with you. I can't though. Want to know why? Because if I even try to get close to you, you'll get hurt. Emotionally, physically, every God damn way you can think of Nicole. Don't you understand! Every single thing leads back to this buisness. I'm not a 'bad boy' because I like it, I'm a bad boy because I have to be. How you wiggled yourself in, I have no idea, but you need to stop," he told me.
"I'm already in it! I have been since I was born!" I yelled.
"I don't want you to be!" He screamed. "You're mean to much to me!" He added. The tears continued  to fall as I shook my head.
"Please," was the only thing I could muster up. His eyes softened when they landed on mine. He walked over to me, pressing his hands on either side of my face.
"It won't work," he whispered.
"You won't try," I whispered. "Stop being a bad boy, be a man," I added. His eyes lowered to my lips and back to my eyes. "For me," I whispered so quiet that I barely even heard. 

He lowered down, placing his lips softly on top of mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. My body pressed against his as I kissed back. The kiss was passionate and needed. It was filled with lust and want that I didn't want to pull away. I bit his bottom lips, pulling it towards me as he opened his mouth. Our tongues explored each others mouths for a while, taking in every taste we could. I pulled away resting my forehead on his.
"Okay," he whispered. He pressed his lips to my forehead, my nose, my lips, and then wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll try," he smiled.
I don't know if this is a good chapter or not, so I'm sorry if it's short and aweful.


-Picture of Drew on side

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