Chapter 29.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 29: I'll Do It Whether You Like It Or Not. 
Part I. 

"Oh it burns! Oh it burns! Burns! Burns! Burns!" I yelled, prancing around the classroom like a panzy. 
"What happened?" Mr. Andrew's asked. 
"I hate art!" I screamed, trying to dry the handsanitizer that was currently seeping into the scratches Niall had polietly left on my hand. I jumped around the class, flailing my hands around."I hate it! I hate it!" I yelled. 
"Hey! You don't say that!" Amber yelled at me, swiping a paint brush across my cheek. 
"Amber!" I shrieked. I picked up another paint brush with red paint across the tips. In one swift movement, the paint brush traveled from the top of her forehead down to the tip of her chin. 
"Nicole!" Amber screamed. 
"Girls!" Mr. Andrew's yelled. 

Mr. Andrew's was a young man, mid-twenties I would say. He had dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes and a lovely smile. He was by far my favorite teacher, as this was my favorite class. He was the teacher for 2D Drawing and Painting AP, which is the only class I shared with everyone. Originally Jacob and Drew weren't in it, but in the middle of November they decided to stop going to their study hall and just come in here instead. I felt bad for Mr. Andrews actually. For sixty minutes straight, he had to deal with the twelve of us. I mean there were a few other kids scattered throughout the room, but they were the quiet "I'm-Strictly-Here-For-Art" type. 

"What?" We snapped. Our eyes sharp and our jaws clenched. Mr. Andrews took a suddle step forward, stealing the paint brushes out of our tight grasps. 
"Hey!" We whined in unison. 
"Go wash your faces," Mr. Andrews chuckled.

"Come on you wanger," Amber smirked.
"Okay, but we're not using handsanitizer," I stated firmly.
"I wasn't-what?"

I ignored her questioning, making my way into the bathroom. I walked over to the sink, grabbing a piece of paper towel. Turning on the faucet, cold water came streaming out. I wet the paper towel, dabbing a little soap onto it before scrubbing it across my forehead.

"So what do you think about Tye's plan?" Amber asked casually.
"What plan?" I asked. My eyebrows scrunching together as I scrubbed my forehead harder. "This stupid paint isn't coming off. Maybe we should've used handsanitizer." It was silent as I talked to myself. Remembering Amber's question from earlier.

"Hey, what plan?"
"Hmm?" She asked, scrubbing her face.
"Tye's plan..."
"What plan?" She asked me, staring instently at the mirror as I stared at her through the same piece of glass.
"Amber," I frowned. There was and awkward scilence as I stared at her, Amber avoiding my stare as much as she could. "Amber!" 
"Um, hold on," she smiled. She pulled a shiny Blackberry out of her back pocket. She typed a few things before turning back to the mirror.
"Hold on," she cut me off. I huffed quietly, attempting again to get the paint off of my face. As I scrubbed harder, picking at it with my nail, it started to come off.

"Tyler Styles up in the bitch!"
"Tye what the hell are you doing in here?" I laughed.
"Amber texted me. Surprisingly her big mouth has gotten her in trouble again," he rolled his eyes. He strolled over and jumped up onto the counter. Just as he did a chubby freshman walked into the bathroom, her eyes widening when she saw Tye on the counter.
"Hey, get out of here!" She shrieked at him.
"Danny de Vito! Oh my God, I love your work!" He yelled, hopping off of the counter and running towards her. With one swift movement she spun around and ran out of the bathroom. I watched as his tanned hand turned the lock, pulling at the door to test it. He spun around, hopping back onto the counter, Amber following his lead. 

"Well," he started while his eyes flickered towards Amber.
"Guys," I whinned. 
"Sit young poppet," Amber ordered.
"On the ground?"
"No on the toilet," Tye rolled his eyes.
"Fine." I walked into the stall, pulling the door open and sitting onto the toilet.
"Why d-"
"Drop it," Amber cut him off.

"Can you tell me now?"
"Fine," Tye smiled. "Did Drew tell you anything that happened on New Years?" He asked.
"Um, not that I know of?"
"Well, his dad called him earlier that day. He told-"
"Andrew called?" I yelled.
"Yes, now shut up," he ordered. "Andrew called and told Drew he had until this Sunday to give him the chip, or he's taking matters into his own hands," Tye paused. I kept my mouth shut, waiting for him to continue. "Drew's scared that Andrew is going to take you." With that said he paused to stare at me. 
"Okay," I said.
"Oh, I expected some shrieking and crying to begin," Tye laughed.
"I'm not Regina George, come on."
"Okay, well I told Drew the we should let hi-"
"What! You're going to let me be kidnapped?" I screamed.
"I see. I should have expected the screaming now," he mumbled to himself.
"Tyler!" I screamed. "What did Drew say about this idea?" I asked. I stood up, my arms crossed across my chest as I tapped my foot.
"He-he uh. Well, he screamed a little more than you did," he chuckled.
"Nicole listen though, it's not a bad idea," Amber spoke up.
"Fine, I'm all ears," I huffed. 
"Yay," Amber clapped.
"So here it is. Here's the 4-1-1. The dealio. The-"
"Tyler, I will murder you," I cut him off.
"Oh I know. So, my idea was-my idea is, that we let Andrew do everything he is planning to, but we'll be one step ahead of him each step of the way. My biggest concern is the kidnap. Everyone know's it's going to happen. I'm guessing on Saturday. That means we'll be ready on Friday. Andrew will take you and we'll be there," he ended. I looked at him like he was the dumbest person ever. "It's hard to explain but I get it. It's a good idea," he pouted. 

"It's not bad Nicole. Think about it. You've said it yourself you want Drew out of this mess. All we'd be doing is getting Drew out of this mess. We want to help him too. If we pretend we don't know what is going to happen, Drew's dad won't think we will. He'll take you to some abandoned place, but we'll already know where it is. We'll plant cameras and-"

"I'll do it."

"You'll what?" Amber asked.
"Excuse me?" Tye gasped, his eyes widening as he did. 
"I said I'll do it. I'll help him," I repeated.

The two teenagers that we currently sitting on the sink counter in the girls bathroom, stared at each other. Their jaws dropped and their eyes popped. I patiently waited, continuing to tap my foot and check my nails. My eyes flickered back to the two idiots, who were still staring at each other. 
"Guys," I laughed. "You proposed an idea and I agreed, tell me what I need to do now."

"Right, right," Tye composed himself. "I was thinking that Drew can take you to work with him today."
"Drew works?" I asked. He never said anything about working.
"Um, we share a flat?" Tye stated.
"This is true."

"Mr. Andrews sent me in here to see if you three fell in the toilets," Alli stomped in.
"Alli! Join the party!" Amber yelled.
"What-No! We're leaving," I laughed.

Making our way back into the class room, we were greeted with Mr. Andrews staring at us and waiting for an explanation.
"Do you understand how hard this demon paint is to get off of my face?" I asked seriously.
"I was scrubbing like my life depended on it," Amber added.
"Me too," Tye smiled.  Amber and I turned our eyes in his direction, waiting for his next bold move. "Er, yeah. I was trying to turn white like Michael Jackson..."
"It didn't work," I shrugged.  I walked past Mr. Andrews, walking over to my painting and then placing it back down. "When is this class over?" I asked, walking over to our table. 
"Bout five minutes," Malorie confermed.

I smiled at the thought. I really hate Monday's. They're boring and full of tired, grumpy, people. I'm so glad I get to go home, take a nice long nap, maybe text Drew- Oh. Drew.
"Oh no," I groaned out.
"What's up?" Carlos asked.

The bell rang and I stomped out og the class room.
"I was so set on that nap! I had no homework, it was perfect," I muttered angerly as I made my way to my ugly teal locker.
"So, did you want a ride home?" Drew asked, a smirk playing on his lips in amusment.
"Don't show me your stupid smirk. I have to go to work with you," I complained. "I don't want to, but I have to." 
"Because I'm helping. Tye told me everything you failed to-"
"I didn't want you to worried. I didn't even want you involved Nicole," Drew sighed in annoyance. I looked around the hallway, noticing the nosey freshman and gossiping seinors just waiting for Drew and I to yell. 
"Come on," I slammed my locker. I put my phone into my back pocket, tugging my jacket on and swinging my bag over my shoulder. I started to walk towards the exit of the hell-hole. We made our way out of the glass doors and over to Drew's car. 

"Can you please unlock it love?" I asked, biting my tounge as I pulled at the doorhandle once more.
"Stop pulling on the handle babe," Drew smirked.
"Unlock the damn thing sweetheart."
"I just did princess."
"Thanks peanut," I spat while getting into the car.
"No problem butternut," he smiled.

"Butternut?" I asked.
"I couldn't think of any other pet names." I rolled my eyes, pulling my seatbelt on and throwing my back into the back seat. "Drive." 
"You're so bossy," Drew complained. He pulled the car into reverse before pressing on the gas.

"Alright, yell at me."
"Thanks for the permission," I scuffed.
"Nicole," Drew groaned.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked quietly, picking at my phone case in a way to avoid his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me? Why did I have to find out that your father called from my friends?"
"No Drew. I want to know the real truth. I don't want to hear the it's because you don't want me involved. You and Tye both told me that I was in it since the begining. I want the truth," I demanded.

Drew pulled into a parking space, getting out of the car and slamming the door close. He stomped away from me, into a large building.
"Andrew Michael!" I yelled after him. I stomped into the building, following the angry boy as he turned multiple corners. I walked into a room that I could have swarn he walked into . "Drew?" I spoke quietly.

I was quickly spun around, my back slamming against the cold tiled wall. My eyes widened in fear, my arms agressivley pushing and hitting against the toned skin in front of me. My eyes were quickly clamped shut, fear taking over my body as I screamed and kicked. A hand clamped over my mouth, stopping a scream as I felt a pair of lips next to my ear. 
"This is why."
My eyes snapped open, only to see Drew standing in front of me. His eyes hardened and his jaw clenched.
"This is exactly why Nicole," he sighed as he pulled away from me. He stood close enought that his body was still touching mine, but not as close as he currently was. 
"Drew?" I asked.
"No. You're to delicate. You're to-to."
"To what Drew, spit it out!" I spoke, my voice raising in anger.
"I love you. I can't loose you Nicole," he frowned. His eyes boaring into mine, brown swirls dancing as he stared into my own.
"I love you too, but-"
"No! No but's Nicole! I have to protect you!"
"Why do you need to protect me?"
"If I don't who will?" He asked me, his arms tightening on my waist, pulling me closer to himself.
"Drew, I'm protecting you by doing this. Do you not understand what we're doing. We're getting you out! For good!" I explained. "I'm doing this whether you like or not Drew," I stated stubbornly.

Drew pulled away, walking out of the room and into another.
"Where are you going?" I complained, following him.
"You want to help, you're going to help."
"W-what?" I stuttered. Drew tossed a pair of red basketball shorts in my direction that read The Real Fight Club in white letters on the bottom left leg.
"What are you wearing under this?" Drew asked. He walked closer to me, unzipping my hoodie only to reveal a black Nike sports bra. "Perfect, take this off. Change into those and then take off your shoes and meet me out in the ring." With that said, Drew walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. 

"Wait, ring?"
It's short, it's boring but it's been a week and I feel bad. I had to give you something. Part 2 hopefully tomorrow(: 



Song on side.
Nicole on side. 

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