Chapter 28

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 28: The Party Of The Year.

"I am so excited for tonight!" Alli gushed, starting to apply blush on her cheeks. 
"Ditto! I was on twitter earlier and it's the only thing on my timeline," I smiled. I curled the last piece of my hair, letting it fall down to the middle of my back. I sprayed some more hairspray around my hair before moving over to my make-up. 
"Really?" Bridget clapped happily. 
"Yeah! A lot of people were talking about; who they were going to hook up with, how drunk they were going to get, who they're going to crash with," I listed. I grabbed my masacara, staring into the mirror as I applied it to my top lashes. 
"Oh that reminds me!" Amber exclaimed. She walked away from us and over to the closet. I watched her through the mirror as she reached on her tip-toes to grab something on the top shelf. "Everyone needs to lock their bedroom door. People get really crazy here and I'm sure you don't want anyone stealing your things," Amber said seriously. 
"Here, I'll lock everyone's room up," I smiled. I applied the last touch of black eyeliner, before grabbing the keys and walking out of the room. I hopped down the stairs and walked into the living room. 

"Do you guy's need anything in your room? I'm locking them up now." The boys were all sat on the couch, playing another game that the got for Christmas. One by one, their heads snapped in my direction. 
"Is that how you're going to look for the party?" Louis asked. I looked down at my outfit. It consisted of a pair of yoga-shorts, one of Drew's white v-neck t-shirts, and a pair of fuzzy neon green socks. I furrowed my eyebrows before looking back towards the boys. 
"What are you saying?" I asked seriously. "I thought I looked smashing," I added in a posh English accent. 
"You do darling," I heard Amber say. Her arm wrapped around my shoulder as she stood behind me.  
"Do you guys need anything or what?" I asked, returning back to the actual reason why I came downstairs. 
"Oh, um no. We're good," Carlos answered. 
"Just don't lock our room yet. I still have to get changed," Drew told me. I nodded my head before turning around and skipping up the steps. 
I quickly pulled every bedroom door shut, locking each and everyone before making my way back towards Amber's room. 

"I'm back bitches!" I yelled, kicking the door open and throwing myself inside. 
"Come on! You still have to do my hair! We only have an hour before everyone comes!" Julia cried out. 
"Okay-okay," I frowned. I walked over to the girl, turning on the straightener before parting her hair into sections.
"Are you lot ready?" Malorie asked. 

Everyone nodded their heads as I applied the last touch, red lipstick. 

"I'm ready," I smirked.  
"Drew is going to love that," Amber winked. 
"I know." 

We made our way downstairs, each of us in our high heels and short dresses. We stepped off the last stair, making our way into the living room where the boys were still seated. 
"Is everything ready for the party?" Amber asked. 
"Yeah, everything is locked up and the kitchen is all set-Wow," Carlos said. I watched as his eyes raked over her body. I could only hope that Drew would look at me the same. 
I bit my bottom lip nervously, waiting for him to turn around and look at me. I stayed standing, my hands folded as I played with my fingers. I watched as his head slowly turned over towards me. His jaw clenched as his eyes hardened. 

"Hey babe," I purred as Drew made his way to stand in front of me. 
"Hello beautiful," he smirked. I watched as his eyes traveled down my body, my own doing the same to his. Drew was wearing a pair of dark jeans that hugged his body in the right places, but hung loose in others. He wore a pair of light gray and white Nikes, a white t-shirt and his famous leather jacket. His plump lips were parted slightly, his eyes glazed over with lust. My hand trailed up to his perfectly messy hair, running my fingers through it. 
I moved closer to him, the heals giving me extra height. I lightly bit down on his bottom lip, pulling it closer to me. 
"Kiss me," I whispered, my lips brushing against his. 
I smirked as his plump lips crashed against mine. The sweet taste of mint and chocolate filling my mouth. Drew and I pulled away when we heard voices around us. 

Turning my head, I saw a massive group of people, greeting everyone that was by the door and making their way inside. 
By the time is was 11pm, the place was completely crowded. When I say crouded, I don't mean 300 people inside a room. No, I mean 300 people inside of a closet, a small-small closet. 

"It's almost New Years!!" I heard  Louis shriek. 

I felt my arm being tugged on. Spinning around, I was met with Drew's smirking face. 
"Hey," I smiled. 
"Drew?" I asked quietly. 
"Can you do something for me?"
"Kiss me now and don't stop until 12:01." 
"Why?" He asked, his eyes darting towards my lips as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. 
"Then I'll have the perfect ending and definetly a perfect begining," I blushed. 

I watched as his tongue flicked out, wetting his soft pink lips. My arms traveled up his chest, wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer. 
"Right now?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly, pulling his lips to mine. 
At first the kiss was slow, passionate, as our soft lips were pressed up against eachothers. They moved in perfect rhthym with each other. His teeth softly grazed my bottom lip, asking for entrance. 
The crowd erupted in cheers and screams as we greeted the new year. Drew arms pulled me closer to his body, my fingers running through his hair as our tongues fought for dominance. 
I heard people screaming "Happy New Year!" at their friends as the music came back on. The only thing that was running through my head though, was how happy I was. 
I'm 17 years old, I've celebrated 17 new years, but nothing compares to this moment right now. Drew's lips on mine, our arms wrapped around each other as we kissed in perfect bliss. 
In all my years, no man has ever treated me this right. No man has ever made me this happy, made me feel this loved
"Drew," I pulled away. We were both breathing heavily as our foreheads rested against each others. 
"Yes love?"
"I love you," I smiled. I watched his lips turn north as the words left my mouth. 
"I love you too Nicole," he smiled. He placed his lips back onto mine, before I was quickly pulled away. 

"Ready to get this thing started?" Amber asked me. I smiled, nodding my head as we stepped onto the table. 

"What's up my lovely hormonal teenagers!" Amber called. "We're your girls Amber and Nicole, your hosts for the evening! Today's New Years!" She added, looking to me as we waited for the crowd to die down. 

"AND THIS IS PROJECT X YO!" We screamed.  With that said, the crowd in front of us errupted into screams, the music came back on and the alchohol was pulled out. 
"LET'S F*CK SHIT UP!" I yelled, hopping off of the table with Amber and making our way into the kitchen for drinks. 
"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Everybody!" 

Jumping up and down, swinging my hair around with my red solo cup held high in the air, I screamed along with everyone else. Amber and I jumped up in down in the middle of a crowd that we didn't belong in. Dancing with guys we've never met, sharing drinks with girls we've started to talk to minutes ago, we laughed. To say I was having the best time of my life was an understatement. I laughed as Amber almost fell, the alchohol clearly serging through our veins. 
It was 4am and the party has finally started. 
In the kitchen there are our boyfriends doing hand stands on the kegs while people around them screamed "Chug!" at the top of their lungs. 
We watched as multiple people made their way upstairs, stripping as they pasted each step. 
Groups of people were scattered outside, spilling their drinks and swaying their bodies like nobody was watching. 

"Nicole! Amber!" I heard Drew and Tye shout. We turned around, facing the two clearly intoxicated boys. "Come on! Were going swimming!" Tye shouted. 

We made our way out of the mass of people, slowly making our way to the boys as our bodies swayed. The four of us walked outside, only to be greated with multiple half naked bodies or completely clothed ones, inside of the large in-ground pool.
Kicking my heals off, I watched as more and more people began to fill the pool, watter spashing everywhere as they did. 

"TO THE BREAK OF DAWN YO!" And with that said, my body flew into the pool, fully clothed and without a care in the world. 
"If someone doesn't close those blinds, I'll f*cking kill you all," I moaned. I rolled over, trying to cover my face and block out the sun. I quickly rolled to my left, my arms flailing around as a scream errupted from my body.  Quicker than you can buttcrack, I was engulfed in water. "Who the hell let me sleep next to the pool?" I screamed, stomping up the few steps and across the deck, into the house. 

"Morning love!" Louis called out, eating a donut in the kitchen as he tried to stiffle his laughter. 
"I'll kill you," I muttered. I stomped past him and up the stairs. 
"Shut up!" I heard Alli scream. 
"Why is there a thunder storm?" I heard Bridget yell. 

I walked into my room, Drew sprawled out on top of the covers. I walked over to our clothes, stripping out of my soaking wet dress and slipping into a pair of cozy sweat pants and a fitted sweatshirt. 

"Move over hoe," I ordered. I pushed the fat lump to the side, wrapping myself up with the warm blankets. 
"Let's watch a movie!" Louis yelled. We were all seated on the living room couch, pondering what we could possibly do for the rest of the day. All of us, excluding Louis, having hangovers didn't leave us with a lot of options. 
"Louis, pipe the f*ck down," Amber growled. 
"Yeah, we all have hangovers. None of us want to hear your annoying voice," James frowned. 
"I'm not hungover," Louis smiled. 
"Yeah because you're a pussy and didn't drink," Drew spoke. His arms tightened around my waist, my face nuzzling into the crook of his neck. 
"Your language is offensive," Louis pouted. 
"F*ck you," Drew spat. I kissed the soft skin on his neck, my fingers traveling under his t-shirt to draw silly shaped on his chest. 
"Any-who," Louis laughed. Not fased at all by Drew's cranky mood. "How about we just watch-uh," he trailed off to look around the room. "This! This looks great," he smiled. 

I started to block out the noises around me, snuggling closer to Drew as I closed my eyes. We were sitting in a Lazy Boy recliner, Drew's legs propped up as mine were lazzily thrown over him. One of his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as the other held onto my legs. My left hand under his top while my right hands was laid in my lap. My face was hidded in the crook of his neck, Drew kissing my forehead before resting his cheek on it. 
Slowly, even in my hangover state, I fell into a peaceful sleep. 

Hi! Boring and short, I know! Wattpad is being stupid right now though, it deleted my chapter two times, so I gave up and just settled with this. Hope you don't mind. 


-Nicole's outfit in comment below
-Shots on side by LMFAO
-Picture for chapter on side as well. 

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