Chapter 24.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 24: McFlurries, Hockey, and That Goodnight Kiss.

"Does anyone want to hang out after school?" I asked hopefully, popping another french fry into my mouth. I was flickering my eyes around the plastic lunch table seated in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Can't, I have work."


"We have hockey practice."

I groaned in misery, pushing my teal plastic tray away from me and slamming my head on the table. I took my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket, as I was currently sporting the well known 'bummy' look. My outfit consisted of a pink 'One Direction' hoodie, dark blue Holister skinny jeans and my gray uggs. Looking down at my phone, I unwrapped my headphones. I placed one into my left ear, clicking shuffle on my 'Best Songs' playlist. The first song that came on was 'I Would' by One Direction, a smile automatically appearing on my face as I had fallen in love with the song last week. That little 'He's got 27 tattoos' part kills me, I scream it out every time. I closed out of my music, clicking the button on top of the white iPhone and picking me head off of the table.

"Face it, you're going to need to head home," Jake laughed.

"But I don't wanna," I whined. I reached my arms out in front of me in a stretching motion, stealing one of Tye's fries in the process.

"Hey!" He whined. A little giggle left my lips as I saw his small pout.

"Hey, is for horses," I smirked.

"Has anyone been to mathematics yet? This homework is complete bullocks and I have it next," Amber complained.

"I have!" I yelled out. I grabbed the paper out of her hands, reading it over.

"Nicole, you suck at math," Jake laughed.

"No I'm not!" I cried out. "You need to multiply X with 3 and then use your equation to find X," I explained.

"That actually makes sense!" Amber squealed, giving me a little side hug and writing it down.

"Suck it," I smirked at Jake. He rolled his eyes at me, turning towards Alli to continue his conversation. I was quite pleased with my brother. I was glad that he found someone he like out her, I remember when we were told we were moving he was extremely mad. He wouldn't show it to my mother though, I don't know why. He told me he was just starting to talk to this girl named Marry, he had a crush on her for a year and he started to talk to her the week before we left. I was extremely mad at my mother for taking that chance away from him, but I guess it didn't matter anymore because he was sure hitting it up with Alli. My eyes flickered around the table and I noticed everyone with their 'other half'. There was Amber and Carlos, Jake and Alli, Tye and Malorie.

"I'm going to go to my locker guys, I feel kind of awkward with this love fest going on," I joked. I stood up from the table, grabbing my tray as well.

"Well where is your lover?" Malorie winked.

"He's taking a science test," I smiled.

"Damn, she keeps tabs on him," Carlos said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"He told me," I laughed. I walked away from the table, throwing away the half eaten food and placing my tray in a bin. I walked out of the lunch room and towards my locker. I turned the lock to the magical code, opening it up along with my locker.

"Hey New York?" I heard someone scream down the hallway. I closed my locker, realizing that I only had study hall next as it was a day 2. I looked around the hallway in search for the voice, my eyes landing on none other than Louis.

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