Chapter 10.

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London's Bad Boy: Chapter 10: Important Words.

"Alright so, we need to make a few stops before we go home," Drew explained to me, shoving the last bit of his chocolate muffin into his mouth as we walked out of Starbucks. I was slowly picking at my blueberry one. 
"Okay," I nodded my head, getting inside his car. I turned to look at Drew, watching him as he put his keys in the ignition. I looked up at his lips and laughed. 
"What?" He asked me, his eyebrows furrowing in the process. 
"You have a little something...” I trailed off, stifling a laugh.

"Where?" He asked, wiping his face everywhere but his bottom lips.
"Get it off," he whined making me laugh.
"You could just look in the mirror," I reasoned, feeling blush rise on my cheeks as I realized what 'get it off' implied.
"I don't want to look in the mirror," he whispered huskily, leaning closer to me. 
"Why's that?" I whispered back.
"Cause I want you to get it off," he said. It was so quiet, I could barely hear it. 

He leaned closer to me, placing his soft lips on top of mine. I kissed him back, licking his bottom lip and tasting the delicious chocolate. He smirked into the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth. His tongue started fighting against mine, his winning almost instantly. I felt him lean over me slightly, his left hand moving to rest on my hip. His fingers started digging softly into my bare skin. 
His lips leave mine; trailing soft kisses along my jaw line and down to my neck, no doubt refreshing the hickey from last night. 

Drew suddenly pulled away, getting comfortably back into his seat and starting the car like nothing happened. I on the other hand was very flustered, trying to pull my seatbelt on but I kept getting caught.
"Stupid London seat belts," I mutter, making Drew laugh at me. He reached over and smoothly placed the belt around me. He gave me a 'You're-So-Dumb' look. I rolled my eyes and stared out the window as we drove along the road. 

"Where are we going first?" I asked Drew, breaking the silence as it was starting to annoy me.
"The store, I told Tye I would buy some stuff for the house," Drew told me, pulling into a tiny parking space and stopping the car.
"Okay," I smiled, getting out of the car and walking next to him into the store. 

Drew immediately grabbed a cart and started walking down the aisles.
"Well don't wait for me, it's not like I'm new and could easily get lost or anything," I mutter sarcastically at Drew. A smirk appeared on his face as he rolled his eyes.
"Then keep up," he replied. It was my turn to roll my eyes at his comeback.
"Give me two of those," Drew ordered, pointing to a box of cookies next to me.
"Please and thank you, would be a nice thing to say," I told him. I grabbed the two boxes and threw them into the cart.
"Yes mom," he rolled his eyes.
"Keep doing that and your eyes are going to fall out," I tell him.
"I'm not worried," Drew smirks.
"Why's that?" I asked him.
"Yours are still there," he laughs.
"You are just so funny," I said with a humorless tone.
"Aren't I?" Drew laughs.
"Mhmm," I hum.

We turned down another aisle and Drew grabs a bag of chips, a bag of chocolate, some cold cuts and bread, and then a box of alcohol.
"Hey you’re only eighteen," I inform Drew.
"I am well aware," Drew tells me, looking at the toilet paper options and throws one into the cart.
"You can't buy alcohol," I whisper.
"I can't?" He asked, walking towards the cashier.
"No," I said, crossing my arms.

"ID sir," an older man, early fifty's, with gray hair and piercing blue eyes asks Drew.
"Oh, here," drew says. He takes the ID out of his wallet and hands it to the man.
"Total is £54.3," the man nods, handing Drew back his ID.

We walk out of the store and put the bags into Drew's car.

"Let me see!" I yell at Drew once we are inside the car.
"See what?" He asks dumbly.
"The fake ID! Lemme see!" I yell.
"I don't have on," he smirks. I roll my eyes and reach over, sticking my hands in his pocket to grab it.
"Kinky," he smirks as I take it out and look at it.
"Andrew Taylor, 18 years of age," I read aloud.
"How come you only need to be eighteen here," I pout.
"Cause we're cooler than your stupid country," he rolls his eyes.
"No need to be mean," I reply.

We come to a stop, pulling into a long driveway. I looked up to see a mansion in my view. It was big and white, with a garden and fountain out front. There were four windows in the front of the mansion, two on each side of the large red door, that were bigger than my house. My jaw was dropped and my eyes bulged.
"Come on" Drew mutters, getting out of the car and actually waiting for me. 
"You waited," I say in shock. Drew rolls his eyes and grabs my hands.

Why did he just grab my hand?
Forget your hand, what about him kissing you earlier?! What is going on? Do I like Drew? No. Impossible. Is it? Yes. 
Well he is sweet and funny, gorgeous and sexy. He is also and asshole and we do not like him. We? We. 

I'm arguing with my self concious, that'll get me sent into an institution.
Nah, you're safe in here.

I snap out of my inner rant when I feel Drew's hand squeeze mine lightly.
"Where are we?" I asked, only to be ignored.

Drew knocks on the front door and it lightly swings open. 
"Hey bud!" Drew smiles, looking down to a little boy. I recognized him, from where though?
"You remember Nicole from dinner?" Drew says. I tense up in my spot as realization kicks in. 

We are at his house, why?!

"Nice to see you again," Joshua smiled.
"You too," I plaster a fake smile on my face. Drew sees right through it as I see him give me a sympathetic smile back.

"Why are we here?" I whisper into his ear as we walk inside. 
"My father called me," Drew told me. I gave him a strange look and furrowed my eyebrows.
"When? I was with you all day?" I ask him, as a man dressed in a butler uniform walked us into the family room, I think.
"Your father will be with you very soon," I plastered a fake smile on my face as Drew said 'thank you' to him. 

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