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Only one word can describe this feeling,

Only one word can describe the gentle kisses,

The moments we look into each other's eyes and the whole world slips away and it's just us.

Only one word can explain why my heart skips whenever I see you,

Whenever I'm near you.

Only one word explains why we are here, together at this very moment.


Although it can be said in different ways and languages,

This is the only varient of the untangable emotion.

It defies logic,

Yet it feels so natural and magical.

As illogical as it is

I know that when I look into your eyes it doesn't matter,

Because it's right in front of me and I can't deny it.

You are the physical manifestation of love,

Of pure happiness,

Of everything good in the world.

When things are rough,

Or I'm feeling down,

You're my safe haven.

In truth,

I'm nothing without you.

You're the other half of my heart;

you comlpete me.

To some this love we have between us,

May seem like the darkside of the american dream,

But to me you are my dream,

And that's all that matters.

I used to think the saying that "love conqures all",

Was just a cheesy gimick.

But it's one hundred percent true.

This seemingly forbidden love between us trumps everything in this society we are subjected to.

In the end,

Our love shows that you and me are the lucky ones,

And I wouldn't trade our love for anything in the world.

Because I already have everything I could ever want,


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