Under the Gown

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Everyday the same,
Sadness pokes out in my eyes,
Only to shove it down for show.
I can't be sad,
Or they win.
All of my vulnerability,
Exposed for only me to see,
Yet an invitation arrived,
Of course,
I would want nothing else than to go,
But I don't belong there,
I don't belong here.
In my bed I sleep,
A wish that the heart makes,
Unfolding into impossible happiness.
A knock,
A knock,
Another knock.
Open my eyes to see,
A beautiful light blue suit,
With blue swede shoes,
On a chair with a message:
"Wishes can come true,
Because dreams can come true."
Abound to the dance,
Toward the light music,
Toward the laughter,
Toward happiness.
I see his eyes in the crowd,
Piercing gray,
Eyes locked.
He beckons me.
We sway,
We dance,
We laugh,
We whisper,
We know each other.
I know him,
I've seen him,
Once upon a dream,
Once upon a different love.
Our time only lasts so long,
My vulnerability shows.
I run.
I run from what I once was,
What I truly am,
I run from life,
All its tragedies.
Leaving behind only a piece of me.
A piece of my disguise,
A piece of who I want to be,
Will be.
Sadness pokes back at my eyes,
At my heart.
This time,
My emotions flow,
Boundless and defeated.
A voice peaks above it,
His voice.
Asking with no answer,
He holds me.
He kisses my tears away,
Pouring in light,
Siphoning the dark out.
He whispers his love for me.
He understands me,
He doesn't care about who I think I am.
My prince knows who I am,
Under the gown.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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