The Night Scene

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The windy night,
The rustling leaves swept against the ground,
The clouds move across the dark sky,
Stars are put away.
Pale moonlight seeps through,
The room is warm,
All is silent except for
a slight breeze,
Just you and I.
The rise and fall of your chest,
The thump of your heart,
A symphony of relaxation.
In your arms is comfort,
A connection.
A sudden breath skips out from the rest,
Almost like a sigh,
Paired with the jerk of your head,
Your arm pulls me in closer,
Taking me in. 
Then it's back to normal,
Just a simple interruption.
He needs someone to be there for him,
Even if it's just sleeping next to someone,
He needs someone to appreciate him,
To make him feel like he's on top of the world,
He craves it.
The morning peaks into the room from the window,
Making a new day,
Another day of normality,
Until the night visits again.
Only in the night is he truly himself,
With the darkness to hide him away,
Keeping him from being found out.
As long as he is hidden he thinks nothing can hurt him,
And he's right,
But that's because someone else takes the hurt at his expense.
Is it right?
Is it right for him to hide and indirectly hurt?
Is it right for me to let him hurt me and take his burden?
It doesn't matter,
Because there's a worse alternative,
One that would hurt me more,
So I continue,
Because I cherish those nights,
And that's enough,
Though one day it may be too much.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2016

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