The Swan Song

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Our bodies moved like soft lighting,
Our hearts dance the tango,
Our lips did the waltz,
The music slows,
Signaling the end.
I grasp to that moment and dangle from it like a ten-story building,
With a foot off the ledge.
The air is cool and crisp with the spring twilight,
Your breathe gazes my neck,
Telling me sweet songs,
Luring me back to the edge,
He wants me to stay there,
Where he can be happy with the gargoyle I've become,
Always guarding his heart with my stone fist.
Every night he pulls me close, bringing the flesh to my barren bones,
Giving life to the myth.
Trumpets sound signaling our swan song,
He pushes me back to the edge and corners me,
It became a choice,
To fall back and spiral into the unknown and know that my body will hit the ground and shatter,
Or to stand my ground and play his loyal statue,
Or I go through him, ripping him apart,
Leaving nothing but the heart of stone he has.
That was our connection,
His rocky heart and my rocky soul,
To save myself I have to go through him,
To save him I have to stay standing guard,
To save everything I must fall.
A moment of eye contact,
A small smile,
With his voice stringing the last notes,
Unaware of the end,
I step off.
Soaring down as our song plays,
My heart becomes heavy,
My skin burns up,
And my eyes open wide with tears.
The impact destroyed everything around,
Even myself,
Except for two things,
My cracked heart and my fractured soul.
He turns away as he belts the last note,
His last words to me,
His last words to us,
And this becomes our swan song.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2016

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