Wrong But Wright

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Is it wrong to be wright?

Everyone has their specific area;

No matter how small or great.

Maybe it's wrong to stay in the area,

But is it equally wrong to betray those talents?

It doesn't matter,

Wright, right, rite;

Same pronunciation,

Yet different meanings.

Is it right to have a rite of passage to be wright?

Right and wrong doesn't matter,

Logic should matter,

But rarely does it.

Feelings have authority in the righteousness of actions.

A feeling is a wright of the heart;

Yet a logic is a wright of the mind.

Yet feeling will always be right,

And logic will be left.

Left to the mind to regret,

Left to history to be looked over.

Emotions will always be right.

Right in front of everyone,

Right behind of unsuspecting backs,

Right before a decision,

Right after caution.

For right and wrong doesn't matter,

Unless it's a rite spoken or a wrong word,

Unless one id their own wright.

One cannot exist without the other,

Yin and Yang,

Good and evil,

Love and heartbreak,

War and peace.

Within all of them are gray areas,

One can never be truly good or truly evil,

Therefore no one can be truly right or wrong.

There is truth and lies in every word.

Each word spoken for the right cause,

But wrong intention.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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