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Lights hug the highway,
Quickly passing over each other,
Line after line being put behind us.
Looking over I see your silhouette,
Your jaw set,
Your eyes sparkling in excitement.
You glance and see me stare,
Suddenly the car speeds up,
Driving further and further into the darkness,
Only headlights and moonlight guide our way.
With each passing mile we grow happier,
Putting everything in the past.
The moon,
The only thing able to travel with us,
As if blessing our journey,
A journey to nowhere,
To anywhere,
To everywhere.
Soon golden mounds are seen,
With dark liquid crashing against all of it.
We stop,
We look into each other's eyes,
A smile creeps to your lips,
A butterfly zooms around in my stomach,
He whispers,"Teach me to fly."
Everything holding me together gives up,
Only my soul stays in place,
Tethered to you,
Like a cable strung from your heart to mine,
Slowly the cable retracts,
Bringing me into your arms,
Into your eyes.
We become one,
Exchanging body heat,
Whispers are thrown,
Bouncing off the world and resonating within our hearts,
Within our soul.
Each movement fluid like the ocean,
Each second like the golden sand trickling into the abyss.
We lose who we are,
Who we were,
Who we will be.
All that matters is that moment,
Where the moon shines like a silver coin,
Where everything is lost,
Where nothing matters,
Only this.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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