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Cruising down the highway,
Every star in the sky flickers,
Like your eyelashes.
Dozing off in the passenger seat,
Staying up for me,
To watch me ride the open road.
Not a soul in sight,
Except for the glowing street lights.
You mumble sweet words,
While I stare ahead,
Looking forwards,
You looking at the back of your eyelids.
Soft music plays in the background,
A memory of the earlier hours,
Of the past when it felt like the present.
It plays the melody of your kiss on my neck,
Of your breath down my spine,
Of your words in my ear.
I ride the wave of emotions,
Like a surfer on hurricane waves.
You hear the music,
But not the words,
You remember the passion and the love,
But not the meaning of it.
That's the difference.
While I ride and look ahead,
You see the drive and see the present,
The interstate only has so many mile markers,
Each mile a new song,
A new memory.
I ride,
You drive,
I control,
You patrol the streets,
Like a dark knight.
A dark knight that remember my lips and my touch.
My knight who is in dull armor,
The horse you rode kicked you off,
So you drive.
The night fades away and the morning peeks through,
All of the night riding falling away,
Going ninety down the coast,
The sea breeze in your hair,
The sparkle of the ocean in your eyes,
That's why I ride.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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