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She gets your arm in the daylight,
I have to steal your kiss in the midnight.
I have to have secret moments with you,
She can hold you in the open.
When you have a single hair out of place,
I have to fight the urge to push it back in place.
Out in the open we're restrained,
But in captivity we are free like birds.
It isn't right to anyone involved,
But it feels so right between us.
Does it feel right between you and her as well?
Does she make you feel the same way I do?
Does she give you everything I can't,
Or do I give you everything she can't?
You'll choose her in the end,
If not exactly her then some other girl.
You'll do anything not to be hated,
You want everyone to love you,
And the ones that love the real you are held out at sea,
On some island like calypso's.
You'll leave the island eventually,
Go back to the "real world",
Slip out of my bed and our fantasy,
Into some girl's arms,
Wishing it could be simple.
You'll have that hunger stay inside of you,
And you'll satisfy it somehow.
I simply just introduced you into a world that's a vacation,
One where you're king,
Where they get on their knees for you.
Fairness is gone at this point,
It's all about satisfying your most basic needs.
No matter whose heart you break,
Or how many lines you etch into your bedpost,
You'll do it all to feel that fantasy again.
The worst part is that every night when you lay down next to her,
Your head will look up at those etchings and only you will know the truth.
Your heart will ache and it will turn to anger.
Anger mostly at yourself but you'll send it to others,
You'll insert into those men you hide behind iron doors,
You'll take your anger and place it inside them,
Then when the day is over you'll do the same to her.
Always trying to give that anger away.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©️2018

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