My Muse

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Music flows through the air,
Combing emotions out of tangled minds,
Each song,
A new story told.
Music isn't just sound,
It's emotion,
It's people,
It's life,
It's words,
Spoken and unspoken.
You are my muse,
My inspiration put in music.
Your melodies swim through me,
Like a boat on a smooth canal,
Gliding across foreign oceans while keeping me close to you.
You are the music in me,
I move and sway to the tune of your voice,
To the rise and fall of your breath,
To the drums of your heartbeat.
You are music in form,
Embodying every song ever told.
You give motivation to the motionless,
Hope to the hopeless,
Dreams to the dreamless.
Every sound pure and true,
All from my muse.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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