Maybe This Time

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Inspired by "Maybe This Time" by Liza Minnelli" (I like the Kristin Chenoweth version better though)

Maybe this time I'll have him,
Or rather,
He will have me.
Held in his arms,
Held in his heart.
Maybe this time,
Everything will fall into place,
Like a finishing puzzle piece,
Making the picture whole,
Connecting over a series of other pieces.
Maybe this time,
For the first time,
I won't have to claw at tattering shreds of nothing,
There would be a rope,
One which will guide me to him,
Like a lighthouse,
Beckoning me to a place I can be stable,
Not rocky with emotions.
Maybe this time,
I'll win,
I'll get what I deserve.
Maybe this time,
I'll run out of time,
Like a clock at it's midnight ring,
Sounding across distances,
Reminding that sometimes magic runs out.
Maybe this time,
I'll know for sure,
Who he truly is.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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