What Happened.

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What happened here?

What happened to the raging sunlight that use to beam out?

What happened to the glimmer in your eye,

That mischievous playful spark?

What happened to the feeling of air filling not only your lungs,

But your whole body,

Lifting you to heights unknown.

What happened to all of your happiness?

What happened to the little confidence you had?

Was it stolen,

Or did you become suffocated by the snuffer?

Was it drained from you like a leech attached upon your skin,

Draining the energy, the will, the hope,

Leaving nothing but an invisible scar on a hollow shell.

What happened to you?

Was it who happened to you?

Was it the fact you got a taste of something that you crave for,

And it destroyed you?

Did you throw not only everything away for it,

But also threw yourself away in the process?

What happened was  that you became your own firefighter,

You brought out your own extinguisher,

 And used all of its might on your own small flame.

You snuffed yourself out,

Even after the flame is gone you still push down on the lever,

Until nothing is left of you.

Exhausted from snuffing yourself out.

You've become nothing but an essence,

A floating form of who you were,

Who you want to be,

And everything you're not.

It is not what happened,

Or who happened,

You happened.

You are your own enemy, 

Forever fighting a mirror instead of the world.

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