41. Dream Talking

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Everyone decided to regroup in Hollow Bastion. After you all settled back into the house you met at the large table in the dining room. Immediately, all eyes were on you.

"Okay," Leon took a breath, "Tell us what happened when you followed that guy from the Organization."

"It was dark," you started, thinking back to that moment. "Everything was dark and cold. He called it a corridor of darkness."

"That fits," Yuffie said.

"Did he say anything about how it works?" Tifa asked.

"No, he didn't. He said that they know all about us, though."

"And we know nothing about them," Leon sighed.

"Maybe he was lying," Sora said. "They like to twist their words and try to confuse you."

You shook your head. "I don't think he was. He seemed pretty honest."

"How do you know?" Cloud asked, getting frustrated. "We don't know him. We don't know any of them."

"I just-" you tried to answer, "I just could tell. He was being sincere."

"We can figure out if he was telling the truth later," Leon said, refocusing the conversation. "What did he say?"

"He said they know a lot about us... He said his name is Demyx." They'll tear you apart. "He wouldn't tell me who Roxas is, he just said he's an old friend. He said he doesn't really understand the Organization's plan, and that the others wouldn't be as... friendly."

"You really had a whole conversation with this guy," Cid said, amazed.

You nodded. "And then he gave me the Olympus Stone."

"Why? I thought their plans always involved making things harder for us," Tifa asked.

"He was manipulating you," Cloud said.

You looked over at him. "No way. He stopped talking in riddles. It seemed like he was giving me as much information as he thought he could."

Cloud shook his head. "There's no way for you to know that."

"Exactly," Leon sighed. "And therefore no point arguing about it. That's a piece of this puzzle we still have to solve."

Cloud huffed and crossed his arms.

You frowned and looked down at your hands.

"Well," Tifa stood up, "maybe it would be good to take some time to look over what we know again. Maybe [Name] and Sora's encounters have revealed something we're not seeing yet."

Leon nodded, then slowly stood. "I'm going to start looking."

Tifa nodded and Leon walked toward the stairs to the second floor.

Cloud stood and left the room, following after Leon.

"We believe you, [Name]," Cid told you. "We just know these guys are dangerous. We want to be careful."

You nodded, letting him know you understood.

Cid sighed, but stood up. "I'm going to go take stock on the gummi ship, see what we need to buy."

"Thanks, Cid," Tifa told him as he left.

"I'll start laundry," Yuffie said, standing.

"Really?" you asked, amused at her choice of activity.

"Sure," she shrugged. "This got kinda heavy. Sometimes when that happens it's best to do something you don't have to think about."

"Makes sense," you told her.

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