8. Oh, There You Are

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"Okay," Tifa stood with her empty plate. "Let's get ready to go. I suggest cooler clothes; the weather on Olympus Coliseum is hot."

You looked down at your long fitness pants and decided you should put some shorts on instead. Yuffie apparently had the same idea as she got up to change when you did. When the two of you came back down you saw rolling hills with small farmhouses dotting the land outside of the windows.

"We landed!?" you thought aloud as you stared outside.

"I'm pretty good at landing," Cid smirked.

"You're pretty good at everything that involves a gummi ship," Tifa said with a grin.

"Don't make me blush, darlin'," Cid smirked and crossed his arms.

"Are we ready?" Leon said much more seriously.

"Yes, sir," Yuffie saluted the brunette sarcastically who, in turn, rolled his eyes.

"Lead the way, Cloud," Leon gestured for the blond to lead everyone off of the ship.

You were at the end of the group walking off of the ramp and you saw the handful of farmhouses to your right, but to your left was what looked like a small city made from large marble structures. In the center was a large stadium surrounded by smaller shops and living spaces and courtyards. Your group made your way to the stadium, which you found out was the coliseum the world was named after. On the way you had found yourself chatting casually with Yuffie about the new architecture and people you were seeing. When you reached the entrance to the stadium you couldn't help but stare up at the doors. They must've been at least two stories tall. Leon pushed one open enough to allow for one person to pass through at a time and you found yourself in another courtyard looking at two giant warrior statues standing guard over another entrance. There were huge torches lit around the perimeter with large banners on either side of the gargantuan doors you had come through. You walked up to one and found that it was the order of a tournament.

"[Name]! Come on!"

You turned and saw that Yuffie was the only other one still in the courtyard, and she was standing at the second set of doors waving you forward.

You apologized before jogging over and catching up. The two of you walked through the next set of doors together.

"-me a hand, will ya? Move that pedestal over there for me?"

You looked to find the source of the gruffer, older male voice and found a satyr standing up on a pedestal messing with a poster titled "RULES."

I suppose that shouldn't surprise me. At least he has a human... um...upper half. Mostly.

"Hey, Phil. It's us," Leon greeted the creature.

"Leon!" Phil turned with a smile and greeted the brunette. "You brought the crew! Good!"

"There's a new member, actually," Leon smiled and gestured at you.

"Hi," you greeted Phil with a small smile and wave. "I'm [Name]."

Phil looked you over before saying skeptically, "You look a little... little to be a hero."

I didn't think I was that small. I might be shorter than the guys her, but weren't most people? Your brows came together in thought. "Hero?"

"Isn't that why you're all here?" Phil asked in confusion.

"Yes," Leon looked like he was holding in laughter from Phil's remark about your size. "Yes, that's why we're here."

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