21. The Mistress of All Evil

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You followed the pilot down dark tunnels and passageways with your wooden sword in hand. The few straggling heartless you came across were easily knocked down by a spell from you and an attack from Cid's spear.

"Maybe you don't need that keyblade after all," Cid grinned as he looked back at you.

"Let's hope not," you answered sincerely.

The two of you made your way through the tunnel system and you noticed the water getting more and more shallow. Eventually you walked up onto dry block and into a large room that must have marked the beginning of the castle.

"Is this the spot Leon was talking about?" you asked.

"No, it's further in," Cid told you. "We're out of the water, but not out of the woods."

You paused for a moment before asking, "Cid?"


"How did you learn how to fight?"

"Before all of this I was in the military. Fighter pilot."

"So you helped fight when Maleficent took over?"

"No," Cid sighed. "I filled my ship with anyone I could and we escaped. The world was lost."

"Oh, I'm sorry," you quickly apologized.

"That's alright," Cid grinned back at you. "I get my piece of Maleficent now, so it's even."

He kept pushing forward and you followed. Finally, the two of you came to a room with a large machine. Cid stopped to inspect it.

"What is it?" you asked.

"I think... this controls all of the gates."

"It might help if we open them all up."

"Exactly my thoughts, darlin'."

Cid walked up to it and found what looked like a control panel. Instead of buttons covering its face there were crystals. Several of them were missing.

"These crystals are like a switch," he told you. "Without the crystal, the current can't pass through and the gates stay closed."

"Does the power flow have to be constant?"

Cid shook his head. "It just needs to register the flow of power."

"Okay, I can do that," you stepped up and put your hand on the control panel. Electricity flowed through your fingers and into the machine. You focused on each little outlet that was missing a crystal, but nothing happened.

"Needs more juice!" Cid called out over the sound of crackling static.

You pushed harder, and arcs of energy flashed around your hand. There was a loud crash and then you heard the sound of gates lifting with heavy chains echoing in the distance. When you pulled your hand back you noticed the control panel was split in half.

"Oops," you said quietly.

"I don't think those gates are goin' to shut again," Cid chuckled. "Let's move. We just broadcasted our position. I think the room Leon was talkin' about is up ahead."

You both hurried down the hallway and rounded the corner. A doorway there led you outside and onto a balcony. You found Leon, Cloud, and Tifa leaning against the castle wall.

"[Name], are you okay?" Leon stood and walked over to you.

"Happy to see you, too, kid," Cid rolled his eyes and walked over to the others.

Kingdom Hearts {Reader Insert}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang