16. Hot Competition

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Everyone arrived at the Coliseum to find Phil in the little front room, filling in a bracket system.

"Ah, good morning," he greeted everyone with a grin. "I hope you're all ready."

He turned and hung the thin slab that he had been writing on on the wall by the door. Yuffie rushed up first and everyone else followed behind.

"How did you decide who is fighting who?" Yuffie asked, pointing at her name and turning to Phil.

"That's how the names were drawn," Phil shrugged. "You don't like it, take it up with the Fates."

Yuffie made a little harumph noise and backed away. "You're going down," she told Cloud as she passed him.

He rolled his eyes. "This is just training, Yuffie," he told her.

"Okay, but I'm gonna win," she replied.

You found your name at the top. You were facing Sora, and it looked like you were the first fight. Then came Leon versus Tifa, and Cloud versus Yuffie. Donald and Goofy had removed themselves from the competition because, as they had said, "We prefer teamwork and would rather not hurt any of you." The winner of the tournament faced Hercules. You didn't know what you'd do against him if you made it that far.

"Rules!" Phil shouted as everyone walked into the bowl of the Coliseum. "No weapons," he looked at you specifically for the next part, "and no keyblades." He turned back to the group. "No magic, either, I don't want any of you hurting yourselves. The goal is to trap the other person on the mat for 10 seconds. Everyone warm up."

You did a lap around before taking your time and stretching. Everyone seemed to have the same idea. You noticed Meg and a big red-haired man sitting on a bench quietly talking to each other. He must be Hercules.

Soon enough you were in the ring with Sora. The two of you readied yourselves in athletic stances as you had been taught, facing off against each other. Sora smirked at you, excited.

"Okay," Phil stood at the edge of the platform with his arms crossed. "Go!"

Sora ran at you. His arms showed that he was attempting to grapple you to the ground. You slipped to the side and away from his grasp, then swung an elbow back after him, effectively hitting him in the back of the head.

"Ow," he grinned and spun around. You readied yourself again. This time Sora came up to you more slowly, then aimed a jab at the side of your head. You blocked, but his second hand flew at the other side of your head. Your ear rang for a moment as you stepped back defensively with a grunt. You wrinkled your nose at the brunette before stepping forward again. This time you jabbed, which he blocked, then threw a punch on the other side, which he also blocked, but you followed both with the strike you were working toward, a knee to his abdomen. Sora grunted and stumbled back as your knee connected. Now you were grinning. Yuffie cheered.

He came at you again, this time with more punches and a kick at your leg. You managed to block his fists but his shin slammed into your knee. You yelped as your leg was twisted and you were pushed to the side, but you quickly righted yourself and stepped forward. You shoved at Sora's shoulders and wrapped one of your legs around one of his, pulling back with your foot. Sora tripped and fell backwards. You hesitated, not sure how you were going to attack next, which gave Sora the time to wrap an arm around your ankles and yank them forward. You fell, slamming your back against the mat and knocking the wind out of you. Sora rolled so that he was on top of you. Donald and Goofy cheered. He attempted several punches but you managed to throw your arms up around your face. As he threw an arm at you, you moved your head out of the way and grabbed at his torso. Then you quickly wrapped a leg around his and threw yourself in the same direction, rolling so that you were on top of him. You attempted some punches of your own, but Sora threw his hands up in defense. After a few blocks, he grabbed your arm and pulled while twisting his body to the same side. You rolled and landed on your back, again. This time your head had slammed into the mat. You threw a slow block up as he made to punch you again, but didn't get your second arm up in time. Now both arms were up, but you were breathing hard and Sora had your legs pinned beneath his. You attempted to roll, but his heavier frame held you down. Phil shouted, "Sora wins!"

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