40. A Conversation In Darkness

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A/N: Hello, readers! First, thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and voting! ❤  It helps other people find my story, and motivates me to keep writing.  Next, a HUGE shoutout to -


- for sharing with me her drawing of how she pictures the main character of this story.  She's so talented! Check it out below 🔽 and let her know what you think.  (So good, right!?  I love it!)  She's working on another drawing for me, and I've written a CloudxReader Oneshot for her, so look out for that!

How do you visualize [Name]?  Let me know! 😊

How do you visualize [Name]?  Let me know! 😊

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"Come on, this way." Cloud started walking forward and you all followed.

"Woah," Sora looked around the giant room, taking in the large doors and the damp green mist. "This is the Underworld?"

Cloud led you past the blue doors, and right up to a pair of green doors.

"We're going in there?" you asked, getting a little nervous. This place gave you the creeps, but you also now knew that it was making the whole group extremely weaker.

"You think he's in there?" Cid asked. "Why?"

Cloud nodded, turning to look at everyone. "These halls- they're like a maze. This is where Hades sends souls if he wants them to lose their minds."

"Oh," Yuffie squeaked. "That sounds fun."

Donald grumbled.

"Not just that. He's got some powerful things down here. Stay close. Be careful." Cloud looked over the group, nodded to you reassuringly, and then pushed the doors open.

There was a deep groan as the doors moved, just enough for one person to file in at a time. You could hear the sound of wind whistling through openings, but all you could see were a few evenly spaced torches with flickering blue flames and a thick layer of fog that sat still across the space, covering the ground. Cloud had called them halls, but it looked like a giant cave to you.

"This way," Cloud said and turned immediately to the left. "This is the first trap."

You all exchanged a glance and followed Cloud as he made careful steps to the left. Quickly, you found yourself on uneven stone steps, and had to watch your feet through the fog. Everyone descended, circling back towards the room. When you were below the fog you found a completely different space than what the entry suggested. If you had continued walking forward when you entered you would've walked right off the landing and fallen twelve feet.

"I'm glad we've got Cloud," Sora smiled sheepishly, looking back at the ledge.

"Me too!" Goofy agreed.

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