32. A Favor

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You looked up as a struggle sword was thrown in your direction. You caught it at the last moment, juggling it between your hands before you grabbed hold of it awkwardly. You looked up and saw Tidus walking over.

"I challenge you!" he shouted.

"Wha-what?" you asked, confused at the large group of people behind Tidus that were watching now.

"Come on," he encouraged with a smile. "You beat me the other day but I'm not going to let you beat me again. And I've got witnesses."

Your face reddened as he got closer, embarrassed to have been called out. "Tidus, I don't think this is the best time." You looked around for Wakka, sure that he had put Tidus up to this.

"What's going on?" Tifa asked you.

"Now is the best time!" Tidus argued. "Your friends get to watch me beat you."

That does it. You stood and held the struggle sword firmly in your hand. You ignored all of the eyes and raised an eyebrow at Tidus. "You dummy. These are the guys that trained me. You think I'm gonna let them see me fail? No way."

"No kidding," Sora added. "If you don't win this Leon's probably going to start a training regiment as soon as the match is over."

As you walked forward you heard Leon say, "I still don't know what's going on."

Sora filled the group in on what was happening- a couple of mostly-grown adults were now going to engage in combat with foam swords.

"Wakka!" you called out, knowing he was somewhere close by. "Boundaries."

Wakka walked up and drew a circle in the sand around you and Tidus with his foot, all while making sure everyone backed up unless they wanted to be swatted with a foam sword. Tidus rolled his shoulders. You crossed your arms and waited for him to stop. You were pretty sure he was just doing it to show off his topless upper body.

"Okay." He stepped back and into an athletic stance. "Ready?"

"Yeah," you took a similar stance. "Always ready to knock you down a peg, Tidus."

"And..." Wakka shouted from just outside the circle, "...go!"

Tidus charged first. You blocked his swing and spun so that he moved past you. He stopped before he left the circle and turned around. You waited across from him. This time you stepped toward him when he came toward you. This caught him off guard and his heavy attack missed. You took advantage of the moment to swing the sword at his ribs. The foam weapon made contact and bounced off with a thud.

Sora and Kairi cheered.

"One point to [Name]!" Wakka cheered. "Really showing her what you've got, Tidus," he teased.

"Shut up," Tidus told his friend as he got back into his ready stance.

This time he didn't immediately charge. You made the first move, attempting to get close before striking. Before you could make an attack his sword flew at you, forcing you to block. He pulled back quickly and swung again, aiming for your back. You managed just barely to roll out of the way, staying within the circle. You got back onto your feet just in time to block another attack. He pushed, attempting to force you out of bounds. You shoved back, successfully making him lose balance and catch himself by stepping backward. This gave you a little room. You stepped forward, gaining a stronger balance, and swung upward, hoping to catch Tidus in the chest as he leaned forward again. He figured out your move, but the only way for him to avoid it was to fall onto his back. He landed in the sand and you moved forward again, hoping to strike while he was down. It would be worth 2 points and the match would be over. In your focus to get past any block he might create, you forgot to pay attention to his free hand. He grabbed your ankle and then you were on your stomach next to him. You landed awkwardly and the foam sword broke under you.

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