6. Wondering in Wonderland

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You were surrounded by darkness. There was nothing else. Just you and darkness. And then there was a voice. It seemed to echo in your mind.

"So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Do not be afraid."

"I don't know if I can do this. There's so much to be afraid of!" you were panicked as you thought of all the responsibility on your shoulders. Everything depended on you and your newfound keyblade.

"You are not alone," the voice said gently, and you could almost hear a small smile in its tone. Was it amused at how worried and anxious you were? "You have new friends that will support you, and old ones that will continue to help."

You were quiet a moment as you thought about his words. Then said, "And Sora and I, we're a team. We'll get through this together."

"The two of you will separate physically soon. But you know that that cannot separate your hearts."

His words scared you. Sora is going to be separated from me!? You weren't sure you could handle all of this without him next to you.

"You can," the voice replied to your thoughts. "You will. Prepare yourself, now. It is time.

Knock. Knock, Knock.

"Time for what?" you called into the darkness.

Knock, knock, knock. "[Name]!"

You sat up in your bed, your pillow was on the floor next to the bed and your sheets were tangled around you. The mysterious voice from your dreams echoed in your head, still. It is time... It is time... It is time...

"[Name]!" Tifa called from the other side of your closed door.

"I'm up!" you called back quickly. You halfway fixed your sheets and threw your pillow back onto the bed before getting ready for the day. It didn't take long and soon you were downstairs enjoying breakfast with the others, your plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast.

"As soon as everyone's done eating we'll leave the ship," Tifa announced.

You noticed Leon glancing at you and Sora as he ate his breakfast, a frown on his face. You assumed it had something to do with the two of you going on your first mission. Does he still not think we're ready? You decided to ignore that and eat quickly. Everyone else ate even more quickly and you were the last person to take care of your dishes. Everyone convened in the control room again. You learned that Cid always stayed with his ship, and that the rest of you would split up to enter Wonderland, just in case. You would go with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. The four of you would enter from the main port and the others would enter from a more private location, in case the element of surprise was necessary.

You and Sora left the ship, which resulted in the two of you falling down a long passage full of clocks. You had screamed at first, but you realized you weren't falling very quickly and stopped. Donald and Goofy were at the bottom already. Sora and yourself landed softly on the ground and greeted them.

"Oh, my fur and whiskers!" you heard from behind you. You turned and saw a rabbit running for the only exit out of the room. "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

He hurried away, and all four pairs of eyes followed him.

"The queen! She'll have my head for sure!" he shouted before rounding a corner and disappearing.

"The only way to go is to follow him," you pointed out.

"Alright, let's go!" Donald led the group down the hallway and you all came upon a large door. After a short moment it opened by itself, followed by a smaller door behind it, and a smaller door behind that. You carefully followed the others through; wary of whatever was going on in this strange place.

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