18. I Can Fly!

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"The area of Neverland that we'll be visiting consists of an island surrounded by miles of ocean. Mickey said that the reports were of heartless working with a 'Captain Hook'. Apparently he's a pirate that has been low-level frustrating for a few years. We aren't sure how he gained control of heartless or why, so those are important questions we want to try to answer. Peter Pan, Mickey's friend on the island, said that Captain Hook kidnapped a girl named Wendy and is holding her hostage. He mentioned there could be others," Tifa explained the situation of the recent distress call.

"Okay, what's the plan?" you asked her.

"We're going to drop in on the ship at night. There might be one or two deckhands awake, but they should be easy enough to handle. From there we find whatever prisoners they have, free them, and then handle the heartless. That way nobody else gets hurt."

You nodded. That was a good idea. This would probably be the most secret agent-y mission you had ever been on. "How long until we're there? Is there anything you need me to do until then?"

"It's going to take a few hours even with warp drive, and we won't enter the atmosphere until after dark." Tifa thought for a moment before shrugging. "There's nothing I can think of. Wear dark clothes. You know how to swim, right?"

"Yes," you told her, "Learned when I was little. Kind of comes with the living-on-an-island thing."

"Just checking," she smiled, standing up. "I'm going to go check on Cloud."

"Alright." You watched Tifa turn and walk away.

You spent your time before the mission quietly bugging the people that you ran into. First it was Cid. He was still upset about Cloud being hurt, so you did your best to cheer him up. Your attempts were somewhat useless except to get his mind off of things until you asked him about his mac'n'cheese, remembering your conversation with Cloud. You wondered aloud if he would make it for Cloud while the rest of you were off on your mission. Cid had been dumbfounded for a moment, probably wondering where you heard about his mac'n'cheese, before telling you that you should forget whatever you had heard.

"It was that bad?" you asked, laughing.

"It's just noodles and cheese!" Cid said before grumbling quietly, "It was pretty bad, though."

"Did Leon eat it?" you asked curiously.

"Who told you?" Cid turned to you seriously, eyes narrowed. "How do you know any of this? Was it Cloud?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny that-"

"It was Cloud," Cid rolled his eyes. "When that weasel gets better I'm going to make him clean the whole engine room."

You laughed, glad to see that he was feeling better, or at least completely distracted.

Cid eventually sent you away. You weren't sure what else to do so you went upstairs to take a nap. This is a night-time mission, maybe I should get some sleep beforehand. Before you could get to your room, however, Yuffie caught you in the hallway.

"[Name]! Want to help me clean weapons?"

"Uh, sure," you thought for a moment before shrugging. "It probably takes a lot of time to clean your Shuriken."

"It's not so bad, but I volunteered to clean Cloud's sword, too."

You chuckled. "Alright, I'll help."

Yuffie led you to her bedroom, where you saw the supplies and weapons laid out on the floor. You sat cross legged across from each other and she picked up one of her shuriken and asked you to grab Cloud's sword. You knew it would be heavy but you grunted as you lifted it. It made you appreciate that your weapon was a keyblade.

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