31. Beach Party

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When you got home you settled Yuffie and Tifa into your parents' guest room. You stayed up with them late into the night talking about the rebuild of Hollow Bastion and your college classes.

When you woke up the next morning you found your friends already awake and helping your mom cook breakfast. You smiled as you took in the smell of bacon and leaned back against the counter.

"You guys don't have to help. You're guests here." You smiled as Yuffie danced in front of the frypan with the bacon in it.

"We wanted to help," Tifa told you. "We don't want to be a burden."

"You could never be a burden!" your mother was quick to correct. "After all you've done for my [Name]; travelling around the worlds and battling all those heartless, keeping her safe."

You pursed your lips. You had kept your description of your journeys to your mother pretty vague in hopes she wouldn't get even more worried or scared for you. Hopefully Yuffie and Tifa had done the same.

"She might've needed us at first," Yuffie said, "but towards the end she took out a flock of these flying heartless by herself- probably saved all of us. They were these big ugly dinosaur-bird-looking things, too." She flapped her arms like wings and hunched her shoulders before making a hissing noise.

You glanced over at your mother, whose eyes were wide. "Okay, okay," you stepped toward Yuffie and pushed her arms back down to her sides. "That's enough."

"The point is," Tifa turned away from the toaster and toward your mother, "[Name] has gotten pretty good at taking care of herself and her friends."

Your mother blinked and then nodded slowly. "That's... good."

You sighed. "Alright, Mom." You took her arm and led her out of the kitchen. "Why don't we let them finish making breakfast and we'll wait in the living room?"

"You've never really told me what it was like," your mom told you, letting you lead her out of the room. "I mean, you talked about your time away, but you've never mentioned any kind of specifics."

"I didn't want to worry you. I'm fine now- that's what matters." You both sat down on the couch.

Your mother was quiet for a moment as she looked at you. You felt her looking through you, the way parents do when they see something you don't. And then she said, "You're going to leave with them, aren't you?"

"I, uh," you messed with your hair, caught off guard, and looked down at your lap.

"It's okay," your mother said, surprising you again. "I understand. What you and Sora are doing is important, what your new friends do is important, but I have one condition."

You looked up. "What is it?"

Your mother sighed. "I want to hear everything. I want to know all the details. I need to know exactly what you're going back into. Your father should hear it, too, although I'm sure it will make him a mess."

You smiled a little. Your mother had always been the stronger one in the family. "Yeah, he'll probably freak out a little. Um, are you sure? I mean it might not be fun to hear about."

"I'm sure it wasn't fun at the time, either." Your mother shrugged. "You made it through it. The least we can do is listen and support you."

You took a deep breath and let it out. A small smile formed on your face and tears filled your eyes but didn't run over. You felt like a pressure had lifted off your chest. I was holding so much from them, it'll be good to talk about it. "Okay, Mom. That's a good idea."

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