47. Sword Stunts

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"Oh! Sora!" A guy wearing a red jersey, thick skater shoes, and a sweatband came running up to the group and stopped in front of Sora.

"Um... Pence, right?" Sora tried to remember his name.

Pence nodded. "Do you know a girl named Kairi?"

You sucked in a breath.

"Kairi!?" Sora said, surprised. "I sure do!"

"You'd better follow me, then," Pence told him.

"She's here?" you asked him, stepping up next to Sora.

Pence nodded as he looked at you, glanced around the rest of the group, and then waved an arm forward as he led you all out of the sandlot. You followed him down several alleys until you saw a small door at a dead end.

"Um, I don't think we'll all fit," Pence turned and said.

You looked back at the group.

"Go ahead," Tifa told you. "We'll wait right here."

"Us, too," Donald pointed a thumb at his chest.

You smiled, "Thanks."

You and Sora stepped inside behind Pence and you saw what seemed to be an old storage room. Crates and boxes filled one corner. There was an old, worn couch under a poster of Twilight Town. A large pipe came out of the opposite wall and turned down to go into some kind of machine, but any mechanism was blocked from view by a shield around it.

"Hey, guys, look who I found!" Pence announced his presence.

There was a blond guy sitting on the machine next to the pipe wearing camo pants and a worn denim vest over a black tank top. Pluto sat on the floor next to the couch and on the couch sat a brunette with bright green eyes wearing an orange tank top and–

"Kairi!" you and Sora shouted and rushed over to her.

She stood and met both of you in a hug. "Hi! I knew you'd find me!"

"I'm so glad you're okay," you said into her shoulder before stepping back out of the hug to look at Pluto. "Thank you!"

The dog barked enthusiastically.

Sora turned to his other friends, saying, "Pluto knew to bring her here so you guys could take care of her. Thank you!"

"No problem," the blond nodded with a smile. He looked over at you, his smile shifting as he awkwardly said, "I'm Hayner, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, right!" Sora jumped and then pointed around the room. "[Name], Kairi, this is Pence, Hayner, and Olette!"

"I know," Kairi laughed as you said, "Nice to meet all of you."

"We should probably get you back to Destiny Islands, huh?" Sora suggested.

"Probably," Kairi shrugged, "but I was kind of hoping I could stick around for a little while."

"That might be smart, considering you're being watched by the Organization now," you said.

"That's true," Sora crossed an arm to hold his elbow and put the other hand at his chin thoughtfully. "The first place they'll look again is back home."

"Great!" Kairi cheered.

"Somehow," a disembodied voice spoke into the room, "I just knew you'd be here." They sounded familiar.

A black portal grew out of the ground in the corner of the room. You and Sora both stepped in front of Kairi protectively and Sora's friends stood behind you as a figure in a black cloak stepped out of the darkness with a smirk on his face. He had long red hair and bright green eyes. Underneath each lower eyelid was a small purple mark that lifted when his smirk grew as he took you all in.

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