45. Hot Cocoa In the Snow

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Everyone rushed outside to try to catch a glimpse of where they were going. Fortunately the snow made for easy tracking. Their walking bathtub left large footprints as it made its way back to the door to Halloween Town. They were almost to the hill. You could hear them giggling in the distance.

"Let's catch up," Yuffie said, "That stupid tub doesn't move very fast!"

Everyone hurried forward. You had them surrounded before they reached the top of the hill and the tub stopped. The kids didn't seem bothered as they laughed together.

"What are you up to?" Tifa asked.

"We're going 'up to' the door back to Halloween Town." Shock giggled as she answered.

"Yeah," Lock agreed with a little laugh, "We were just leaving."

"You should be asking Oogie!" Barrel said and then they all burst into laughter.

"Oogie!?" you countered. "We beat Oogie last time, he's gone."

"Yeah," Jack crossed his arms. "Oogie's been defeated."

"I'd ask Sandy Claws, too, if I were you," Shock giggled.

They all laughed again.

You exchanged a look with Cid, who stood across from you. His eyes widened and he turned back to the woodshop. "We have to go back and check on Santa."

"What about these little jerks?" Yuffie asked, then scowled at them.

Leon was frowning as he answered, "Seems like their part in this is done. Besides, we'll find them again if we have to."

"That's right," Jack arched an eyebrow at them warily. "You can't hide from us!"

The kids giggled at his threat and the tub started moving. Cloud and Tifa stepped out of the way.

You watched them go for a moment- the tub swaying awkwardly side to side as it stepped forward- and then rushed back to Santa's workshop.

As you stepped inside you heard whirring, crashes, and tearing from deeper in the building. Everyone hurried back into the room with the conveyor belts.

The first thing you saw was Santa. He was tied up and laying on one of the conveyor belts. Next, you noticed that the equipment had been roughly outfitted with new parts. What was once red and green was now purple and yellow. Lights flickered and the machines behind the conveyors whirred haphazardly. Finally, your eyes found Oogie Boogie. He was a normal size. He walked up to Santa, scratching his canvas head with a rough canvas hand. He looked up when he heard your group enter the room.

"Jack Skellington!" Oogie's blank brows pushed together in anger.

"Oogie!" the Pumpkin King frowned and crouched, ready to attack.

"You and I have a score to settle, Jack!" the bag of bugs called out. "Same goes for your little sidekicks!"

"Who's he calling a sidekick?" Yuffie huffed.

"What are you planning to do with Sandy Claws?" Jack asked him.

"Who?" Oogie scratched his head again. "Sandy Claws? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"The guy you have tied up!" Cid shouted, getting frustrated.

Oogie looked down at Santa. "Why is this roly-poly red guy here? Time to go, grandpa!" Oogie tried to push Santa to his feet.

"What's going on?" you wondered aloud.

"Maleficent must have brought him back," Tifa said quietly, "but..."

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