30. Welcome to Destiny Islands

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Your professor approached you and he looked flustered. "Good, you recognize these people, [Name]. They had claimed to know you, but I know better than to give just anyone a student's information."

"It's okay, I know them. This is the Cid I was talking about," you told him.

"The Cid," the gummi mechanic smirked. "I'll take it."

"Yes, I have discovered that," your professor nodded excitedly. "His knowledge of this technology is fascinating. With his help we could jump ahead to meet what they have created. We could skip years of trial and error!"

You glanced worriedly at Cid. "Sure, but I don't know if--"

"Of course," Cid stepped forward. "I'd be happy to help!"

You sighed. Cid seemed to be taking the attention well. You heard Cloud snort and looked over at him. He was shaking his head at the mechanic who was now in deep discussion with the professor about the engines in his ship.

"So this is Destiny Islands?" Yuffie walked up from behind you and looked around. "It's so warm and beachy here, I love it."

"Yeah, that's pretty much Destiny Islands," you laughed at her enthusiasm, happy to have her energy near you again. "If you guys like I can show you around."

"That would be great," Tifa walked up with a smile. "I think Cid is going to be preoccupied for a while. We planned on staying in town for about a week so that Sora could be with his family and friends before we leave again."

"We can talk about leaving later," Yuffie waved her hand in the air, swatting the idea away. "We just got here!"

Tifa laughed lightly. "Alright."

You turned to Leon and Cloud. "Hey, do you guys want a walking tour? I'm going to show Tifa and Yuffie around."

"Sure," Leon moved to follow you.

Cloud glanced at Cid. The gummi pilot was talking passionately with your professors, and at this point a small group of them had formed. He gestured to the ship and they all turned to look at it. Cloud shrugged his shoulders and walked over, saying, "I think he's got this handled."

"Kairi! Selphie! I'm going to show these guys around," you called out to your friends.

"Okay!" Kairi paused her conversation with Sora to respond.

"So," you started, "this is my university. We're at the center of campus right now..."

"Ooo, what were you studying?" Yuffie asked.

You played with your hair nervously. "Well, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to study before the whole Kingdom Hearts thing, but we don't have any gummi ships here so I went into mechanical engineering. I was, uh, trying to help my professors construct a gummi ship and then the goal was to use it to find Sora and you guys."

"Wow, that's a lot of work," Cloud thought aloud.

"Yep. We had a whole team working on it. We almost had an engine, actually."

"Do you like it?" Tifa asked. "Mechanical engineering, I mean."

"Uh, yeah, I think so." You hadn't thought too hard about whether you were enjoying your work, but you must've been enjoying it at least a little for you to commit so much time to it.

Students and professors stared as you approached the ring of people around the courtyard. You thought you might have to fight to find a way through again, but they moved back as yo ur group moved forward. You took your friends around the courtyard and towards the front gate of the school.

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