43. Complicated Curses

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You could see Jack's and Will's silhouettes ahead, ringed in soft firelight.

"We wait for the opportune moment," you heard Jack tell Will quietly.

"When its of greatest profit to you?" Will asked angrily.

"May I ask you something?" Jack said. "Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Stay here... and try not to do anything stupid." He turned to walk away.

Will stood up and you heard a crack. Jack slumped to the ground. You gasped.

Will turned and found the four of you in the shadows. "You were supposed to stay with the ship," he said.

"I don't think knocking him out was part of the plan, either," Leon told him, walking over. The rest of you followed suit.

"I don't mind the improvisation, though," Tifa shrugged. When Leon looked at her with an eyebrow raised she said, "What? He's fine, he just can't say or do anything stupid now."

Leon sighed.

"Begun by blood... by blood undone," you heard Barbossa's voice echo in the distance. Through the stalactites and stalagmites you could see him on top of a pile of gold, holding Elizabeth's hand over a chest. They stood there, waiting for something to happen. When nothing did the pirate turned to Elizabeth angrily. "You! Maid! Your father- was your father William Turner!?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No."

Barbossa shouted angrily and tossed her to the side. She rolled down the mountain of gold. The pirates erupted into anger and confusion.

"Now!" Will hissed and ran out. He pulled Elizabeth up and towards the exit. You noticed something glinting in his hand.

"The medallion!" Barbossa shouted. "After them!"

Cloud glanced at Will and Elizabeth as they ran by, then looked up at the pirates approaching. "Let's slow them down!"

"Got it!" Tifa nodded, getting into an athletic stance with her fists at the ready.

"Alright," Leon pulled out his gunblade.

You called your keyblade and stood ready. A moment later a wave of pirates crashed into the four of you.

You parried a sword, then jumped from someone's dagger. Next you shoved the man in front of you away. From the corner of your eye you watched Tifa kick out and knock two men down. Leon's gunblade knocked a sword away and Cloud's sword cut through both men in front of him. Still, the four of you were being pushed back. You noticed Jack laying on the ground.

"Someone grab Jack!" you called out.

Leon shot into the crowd around him, giving himself space to turn. He pulled Jack up and swung him over one shoulder with a grunt.

"I think we've slowed them enough," Tifa said. "Let's get back to the ship!"

The four of you turned and ran. The pirates were right at your heels so you were lucky the ship wasn't far. You shouted out to Yuffie and Cid as you approached. You heard a cheer from Yuffie and then a loud boom.

"Duck!" Leon shouted.

A cannonball soared just overhead before colliding into the group of pirates behind you.

"It's a hit!" you could hear Cid yell.

"Are they trying to kill us!?" Cloud shouted.

The cannonball had scattered the pirates enough that they couldn't keep up. The four of you ran up the gang plank and then pulled it in. The ship slipped away as the pirates turned to run to their own ship.

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