28. The End of the Beginning

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"No way," Cloud shook his head frustratedly.

"We're not letting the two of you go in there alone," Leon agreed.

"What choice do we have?" you asked.

Cid stepped up and inspected the invisible wall. "There's always a choice, darlin'," he told you. He stuck his hand out and it pressed solidly against the air in front of it. He turned back to the group, "My guess is this is force magic." He rubbed his hands together. "What do we got that can break through that?"

Donald tapped his foot and thought for a moment. Then, he said, "We just have to hit it with everything we've got!"

"I'm ready, huyuck!" Goofy cheered with a laugh as he stood in a wide stance and prepared to throw his shield.

You felt skeptical, but you were willing to give it a try. Everyone readied themselves to attack the invisible wall. Cid shouted and then there was a blast as the attacks landed. The smoke cleared, revealing a what looked to you like a scar. The image coming through was distorted compared to the area around it.

"It's working!" Donald shouted cheerily.

"Barely," Yuffie sighed.

You looked around the scar and you found Ansem on the other side chuckling at all of you. You shook your head. "We can't sit here. He could be healing, or getting his strength back."

"You're not going in there without us," Tifa told you.

"Then keep trying. Sora and I should go in there and keep him busy."

Sora nodded. "We'll keep him distracted while you guys get through."

You looked to Leon, the unofficial leader of the group. He frowned over at you and Sora, but eventually nodded. "Alright."

"Don't worry," Cloud lifted his buster sword to swing again. "This shouldn't take too long. We'll be right there beside you before you know it."

You smiled at Cloud's confidence before turning to Sora. "Ready?"

"Yep." He took an athletic stance and held his keyblade up.

"Remember, we just have to keep him busy,"

"Yeah, yeah," Sora said dismissively.

You rolled your eyes, but turned to face the enemy. "Okay, let's go."

The two of you walked forward. Noise outside of the force wall was almost completely silenced. Your friends' attacks sounded like dull thuds as they made contact.

Ansem's smirk grew as he appraised both of you. "So glad you could join me. It is time for you to accept the darkness!" His hands raised and the heartless that had been protecting him grew in size. It roared and the air around you shook.

You felt that maybe this had been the wrong decision, but you held your keyblade tight and continued forward.

The heartless monster disappeared and Sora rushed forward. You worried for a brief moment, but you noticed he was being more careful than last time. He had listened to you.

Suddenly, darkness appeared between you and your view of Sora. The heartless swung at you and you managed to block it with your keyblade. Another swing and another block. He was too close for comfort. You charged an aeroga attack before releasing the energy. A blast of wind circled you and then shot out, pushing the creature away. You took a deep breath and went on the offensive while you had the chance. As the creature's arms were raised to block the blast of wind, you ran forward and attempted to cut through its middle. It roared as you connected and flung its arm out. It slapped your arm away and threw the keyblade from your hand, but you called it back.

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