19. Down Time

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After leaving Neverland it was time for a supply run. Sora, Donald, and Goofy planned to meet you all in Traverse Town and you were going to stay in the house you remembered waking up in what felt like so long ago. Neverland was a fair distance from Traverse Town, but with warp drive it only took a day and half to get there. Cid landed at his shop in the late afternoon and everyone made straight for the house.

You couldn't wait to relax for a couple of days. Thoughts of Riku and Kairi tried to push to the front of your mind, but you shoved them back. I can't do anything to help them right now. We needed supplies, even if we decide that facing Maleficent is our next move. I hope it is. Riku seems completely brainwashed and Kairi is in serious trouble.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy had already landed, and you were sure Sora had reclaimed the room he had been in before by now. Donald and Goofy had rooms in the hotel downtown courtesy of King Mickey, but Sora had insisted on staying with the rest of the group.

"What took you guys so long?" Sora came into your room just as you were setting your duffle bag down.

"Our ship's bigger," you shrugged. "Probably takes it longer to move around space."

Sora hummed thoughtfully and sat on your bed.

You sighed and fell forward so that you were lying next to him.

"What?" Sora asked, wondering what had you upset.

"There's so much I want to do, but I also want to just relax," you said into your sheets.

"We have two full days. You can chill for one night," he told you.

You sat up and rested your back against the wall. "How should I chill?"

"We can tell stories," Sora laid back with his hands behind his head.

"Hm. What kind of stories?"

"What about if we planned what we'll do when we have Riku and Kairi back?"

"Oh," you grinned, "Like how I'm never going to let Riku's ego get out of control again?"

Sora snorted. "Me, either. I just want to go out for ice cream with everyone again, ya know?"

That thought was so sweet your smile grew wide. You glanced down at Sora and found him with his eyes closed and a grin spread across his face. "Yeah, that sounds nice. Or spend a day on the beach back home."


"I'd go shopping with Kairi," you offered.

"I thought you didn't like shopping," Sora peeked open an eye and pointed it at you.

It was true. Kairi took forever in any store she walked into, and going shopping with her always meant more money spent from your wallet. She had picked out some of your favorite outfits, though, and always made you feel more confident about the way you looked in whatever you were trying on. "Kairi does, though," you told him.

Now it was Sora's turn to sigh. He sat up and scooted back so that he could sit next to you. "I'd like to challenge Riku to another race," he said as he leaned his shoulder against yours. "Maybe I would even let him win this time."

You laughed and rested your head against his shoulder. "Riku has always been fastest."

"Not always," Sora insisted.

"Always. Like how you two have always had a crush on Kairi," you teased, shutting your eyes as you grinned.

Sora looked down at you. "Not always."

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